Author: Wayne Saylor [Audio Engineer, Memorex Corp., Santa Clara, Calif.]
High performance tapes being introduced in today's audiophile market are
characterized by such features as low distortion, high undistorted output,
more output at high frequencies before saturation, more dynamic range, and
more headroom.
This discussion deals with how to take advantage of those benefits; to present
an understanding of how to recognize and control distortion inherent in the
tape recording process so that tape recordings truly have higher fidelity.
Understanding Distortion
Strictly speaking, distortion is the degree to which reproduced sound differs
from original sound, and this definition, lack of fidelity, holds true regardless
of whether the distortion is caused by equipment or by recording medium.
Distortion includes amplifier overload and hum as well as tape "hiss" and
any change in frequency response between input and output of the tape recorder.
The scope of this discussion will, however, focus on distortion as related
to magnetic tape and how to optimize the record and playback levels to obtain
minimum distortion. The particular types of distortion to be discussed are
odd harmonics, compression and saturation, and inter modulation distortion.
These types of distortion are all forms of nonlinear distortion and occur
when the output and input of a recorder depart from an ideal straight line
relationship. The function of a tape machine's bias circuitry is to linearize
the output -input relationship which otherwise would be highly non-linear
(owing to magnetic hysteresis). Beyond having a unit's bias correctly set
(usually done in the factory or service department), there are other things
which must be done to record with minimum distortion, and these aspects of
recording will be discussed here.
Odd Harmonics of the Input Signal
Harmonics can be described, generally, as an addition to the fundamental
tone of spurious tones having frequencies that are whole number multiples
of the fundamental. Thus, third harmonic distortion is a combination of the
fundamental frequency and a second frequency which is three times the fundamental.
The percentage level of a harmonic almost always decreases with each higher
harmonic order; the fifth is much lower than the third, etc. Consequently,
only the third harmonic is generally measured in the case of odd harmonics
distortion, because it usually has a substantially higher percentage level.
Since all musical instruments have rather significant amounts of their sound
energy in harmonics, harmonic distortion is not, in itself, unpleasant to
listen to. Third harmonic distortion is very convenient to measure, however,
and is used to quantify distortion more because of its convenience and correlation
with other types of distortion. Of course, third harmonic distortion, inherent
in tape recording is only perceptible or measurable using fundamentals up
to 1/3 of upper frequency limit of the recorder. The laboratory method of
measuring third harmonic distortion involves simply recording a pure tone
(single frequency) and measuring the relative level of the third harmonic
of that tone.
Even harmonics are not generally characteristic of magnetic tape systems
because the hysteresis curve is symmetrical, even though it is nonlinear,
and asymmetry is required to generate even harmonics. However, even harmonics
can occur in the recording system and are caused by any nonsymmetrical polarizing
magnetization. Such even harmonics are, however, equipment related, rather
than tape related, and are usually caused by either magnetized heads, a d.c.
current component in the heads, one-sided amplifier overload, or asymmetrical
distortion of the bias signal.
Compression and Saturation
Compression of the recorded signal occurs when a given amount of increase
in input level does not result in as much increase in output level.
Compression occurs at all frequencies, but is much more prevalent at high
frequencies. Obviously, this alters frequency response. This happens principally
at high input levels due to the inability of the oxide coating to be magnetized
further and a phenomenon known as self -erasure occurring predominately at
higher frequencies.
At the level compression begins, that is where no increase in output level
results from increasing the input level, saturation has been reached.
Beyond saturation, further increases in input record level result in decreases
in output. Use of recording input levels beyond saturation alters frequency
response much more adversely than compression prior to saturation. Compression
and saturation result in non -true level, rather than the introduction of
new or different frequencies.
Intermodulation Distortion
Intermodulation or IM distortion occurs throughout the spectrum of frequencies
which the recorder is capable of reproducing and is the generation of new
frequencies not harmonically related to the input frequency. This form of
distortion results from the combination of two or more input frequencies
at the same time; the output contains not only the original two frequencies,
but also the sum and the difference of the original two frequencies. These
are usually referred to as beats of the original frequencies. IM Distortion
has no musical relationship to the original frequencies from which the distortion
is derived, so IM Distortion causes the greatest subjective impairment to
the music. The words harsh, dissonant, and "fuzzy" are used to
describe the unpleasant subjective effects of IM distortion.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
The main idea in making superb quality recordings is to use the highest
record level possible without objectionable distortion. The higher the Record
level, the more distortion, but a lower Record level results in less difference
between the inherent tape noise and the level of music during Playback. Tape
hiss gets louder as Playback level is increased, but does not get louder
as Record level is increased. As Record level is increased, the recorded
signal is increased, so better signal-to-noise ratio is achieved by recording
at the highest level possible.
Since today's superior performance tapes achieve their performance through
high record level and output capability, it is necessary to know how to record
at high levels and still control distortion in order to utilize the full
performance capability of the tape.
Tape noise or tape "hiss" is present in all recording tape and
stems from such factors as the size of the oxide particles, irregular distribution
or dispersion within the coating, surface roughness, and poor orientation
of the particles. Within basic categories of tape (such as high performance
audiophile tape), the noise is usually quite similar. The predominant factor
in determining the relative signal-to-noise ratio of competitive tapes is
maximum output signal level rather than how low is the noise.

Fig. 1-- Compression and saturation.

Fig. 2 -- 333 Hz maximum output level.
Optimum Recording Procedure
Optimum record level settings can be determined by the recorder user by
utilizing some of the tape recorder's features to conduct an A-B comparison
test as commonly used by audio engineers and other recording professionals.
The easiest way to conduct an A-B test is to use a three -head tape machine
with a Source-Tape switch. Most open -reel recorders sold today have separate
erase, record and playback heads. Using the operating instructions for the
tape deck, connect the recorder to a sound source such as a phonograph record
While in Record mode you can then switch repeatedly from source to tape,
back to source, etc. In this way, you can compare the source and the tape
playback. This comparison should include not only careful listening, but
observing and making note of the level indicator reading on the loudest passages.
There will be a slight delay in music between the Source and Tape, but this
fraction of a second does not detract significantly from the A -B comparison.
The delay is dependent upon tape speed and the distance between the record
and play heads. Note that in the Record mode on a three -head machine, the
level indicator shows Record level in Source and Playback level in Tape.
For each A-B test, the playback level should be adjusted to match the loudness
when listening to Tape to the loudness in Source. This is important because
a difference in loudness may mask a difference in distortion.
If your machine has only two heads (erase and record/play), you can still
conduct an A -B test, but it is more difficult and time consuming. The difficulty
stems from the fact that you can't listen to tape playback during the same
pass as record, necessitating rewinding and playing later. Such a machine
doesn't need a Source-Tape switch since the level indicator reads Source
during the record pass and Tape during the playback pass. To A-B compare
the source and tape in this case, the phonograph record source and tape recorder
playback should be connected to their respective inputs of the stereo system
preamplifier. The A-B comparison is then made by switching the system pre
-amp between Phono and Tape. It is, however, necessary to closely synchronize
the phonograph and the tape during playback.

Fig. 3-Relative distortion.

Fig. 4-Sensitivity.
Once your tape machine is set up in the A -B mode previously described,
you are ready to experiment. Initially adjust your recording level so that
the level indicator consistently reads far into the red zone so that the
recording is purposely very distorted. Match playback levels and switch between
the original source and the now distorted recording. Listen to the distorted
recording and compare it with the original source. Now that you know how
distortion sounds, start reducing the recording level (compensating for any
drop in volume by increasing the playback level) until you reach a point
where you no longer notice any distortion in the recorded program relative
to the original program. By observing the level indicators at this point,
you have identified the point on your meters where distortion becomes unnoticeable.
Signals swinging further into the red zone on your meter will give noticeable
Ideally, you should adjust your record level to as high a level as possible
without inducing distortion. And you should recognize that recordings from
different program sources made at the same recording level setting may differ
in distortion because they differ in dynamic range and average level. Thus,
we should repeat the above experiment for various types of music. Remember
that with some tape machines, you may be able to operate well in the red
with no noticeable distortion. With others, you may have to keep the indication
below the red even for sudden peaks.
The single most valuable tool you have in controlling distortion is the
level indicator. The recordist must learn from the equipment manufacturer
and from his own experience how to use his particular indicator to control
There are great differences among level indicators of which there are several
types. The most well known is the VU meter which averages the signal, ignoring
sudden peaks. There are also bar -graph indicators, LEDs, and peak reading
meters. One type of peak reading meter measures "average" loudness
much the same as VU meters except that it has a fast-attack, slow-decay ballistic
response so it responds to shorter transient bursts of sound. It measures
the flat response input signal when metering source.
The other type of peak metering has the same peak response but meters the
record signal in Source AFTER record equalization so that the actual level
applied to tape is indicated.
(High frequencies are recorded higher relative to low and mid -frequencies
in what is known as Record equalization or Record pre -emphasis.) With some
tapes you can record at very high levels, but with some you can't. Thus,
you should determine what sounds best to you, and then operate on that basis.
This test will also allow you to explore different brands of open -reel tape,
giving you the opportunity to determine if one brand offers better performance
on your machines than another. One brand of tape may have more "headroom" than
another, and this might allow the level indicator to read further into the
red zone. On the other hand, if the tape also had greater sensitivity, it
would give a higher undistorted output for the same reading on the level
indicator. Remember that high undistorted output is the key requirement in
obtaining a stronger, more dynamic recording with less hiss.
While you can, of course, play it safe and always avoid distortion by recording
signals at a low level, you would be recording too close to the noise floor,
so you would notice more "hiss" than the recording would have if
the Record level were set to its highest "distortion -free" position.
Compression is most noticeable in the high frequency end of the spectrum.
Therefore, certain percussion instruments are best for observing where compression
takes place. Cymbals and some tambourine sounds are good examples of this.
An example of records very good for experiencing what compression really
is and how to control it is I've Got The Music In Me on Sheffield records,
Rough Trade-Live on Umbrella (through Audio-Technica cartridge dealers),
or Direct Disco by Crystal Clear Records.
These records are particularly clear, free of distortion, and have great
high level high frequencies. A record that has great dynamic range from very
soft passages to very loud ones is Saint Saens Organ Symphony in C Minor,
Phila. Orchestra, Columbia MS 6469.
For A -B comparison, however, the most useful type of record music is one
with lots of high frequencies at high level on a sustained or repetitive
basis. Other than that, you should choose music of the kind you like most
and listen to most frequently.
Ways to Control Distortion
Although wise use of your level meter and experimentation is a primary way
of controlling distortion, there are other techniques to be considered. They
fall into two general categories, machine adjustments and tape selection.
As mentioned earlier, the sole purpose of bias in audio tape recording is
to promote a linear relationship between reproduced output and recording
input. Ideally, this should be done for each different type of tape to minimize
distortion. Too little bias causes non-linear distortion and increases high
frequency output. (This is due to bias field strength gradient throughout
the oxide coating thickness, the strength being higher nearer the surface
where high frequencies are recorded.) Too much bias effects the frequency
response, decreasing the high frequencies more than the lows.
Very few tapes decks provide a convenient means of bias adjustment by the
user. Unless your deck provides such a means, it is unwise to tamper with
bias if you are not equipped with proper external test equipment to measure
the degree of adjustment. If you purchase a new machine or change brands
of tape, you might find a worthwhile improvement by having a service agent
re-bias your machine.
Many new machines are not properly biased for the brand of tape being used.
Some machines have a switch with more than one fixed bias setting, labeled
Standard/High, Normal /LN, etc. You should use the position recommended by
the recorder manufacturer or tape manufacturer.
The higher the tape speed, the easier it is to get good signal output versus
noise, without getting into distortion.
The slower speeds place the most demands upon the tape performance, and
it is at these speeds where the differences among tapes are the most apparent.
Dirt on the record head separates the tape from intimate contact with the
head and causes distortion because the separation effectively lowers the
bias as well as the record signal. A dirty playback head can cause distortion
mainly through recordist confusion if you erroneously increase record drive
to make up for lower playback level caused by head to tape separation.
Magnetized heads cause even harmonic distortion and increased noise level,
so periodic degaussing is recommended.
Tape Selection
For best results you must select the ape which will provide the greatest
performance parameters with minimal distortion. Even among premium tapes,
it is important to try out various brands and experiment with record levels
in order to find out which offers the best performance on your tape deck.
Generally speaking the important characteristics to consider include: Distortion.
If your tape has relatively low distortion, you will be able to record higher
levels while still maintaining high quality reproduction.
Signal-to-noise ratio. The higher you can record above the tape noise, the
less "hiss" you will hear even on soft, quiet music since the output
level setting can be lower relative to the record level setting.
Saturation. A high output before onset of saturation results in a greater
dynamic range and, most important, provides assurance against over recording
high frequencies to the point where higher input results in lowered output.
Sensitivity. A tape with higher sensitivity is one which has higher output
than another tape for the same record level. While the M.O.L. (Maximum Output
Level, usually quoted relative to a certain percentage distortion) is the
more important parameter, sensitivity is ordinarily a reliable indicator
of relative M.O.L. among tapes of similar bias requirement. A more sensitive
tape usually has higher M.O.L., especially at low or mid -frequencies.
To check this out yourself, record some music which has a sustained level
from a phonograph record at about -5 to -10 on your level meter. With the
same record level settings, check which brand of tape plays back at the highest
level. You may find 2 or 3 dB difference between major premium brands. More
sensitive tape usually has lower relative distortion as well.
This lets you capture all signals at a higher level relative to the noise.
In conclusion, it should be evident from this discussion that any recording
enthusiast can control distortion if, first, he has a good basic understanding
of the mechanics and limitations of his tape recorder and its meters; and
secondly, if he understands the performance characteristics of the tape and
how it interacts with the recorder. Both conditions necessitate a certain
amount of recording experience and experimentation, but once this is acquired
you have the tools you need to control distortion.
(Source: Audio magazine, Apr. 1977)
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