FM Tuner Section
Usable Sensitivity: 1.7 µV (10.0 dBf).
Capture Ratio: 1.5 dB.
70 dB. S/N Ratio: 72 dB (Mono).
Image Rejection: 90 dB.
I.f. Rejection:
100 dB.
Spurious Rejection: 90 dB.
AM Suppression: 55 dB. THD: Mono at 1 kHz, 0.2 percent; Stereo at 1 kHz,
0.5 percent.
Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 16 kHz, +0.2 dB,-3 dB.
Stereo Separation @ 1 kHz: 45 dB.
AM Tuner Section
Sensitivity: 20 µV (external antenna).
Selectivity: 30 dB. S/N: 50 dB.
Image Rejection: 45 dB.
I.f. Rejection: 45 dB.
Amplifier Section
Power Output: 75 watts per channel continuous, 8-ohm loads, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
(95 watts with 4-ohm loads). Rated THD: 0.1 percent.
Rated IM: 0.1 percent.
Damping Factor: Greater than 35.
Residual Noise:1 mV.
Input Sensitivity: Phono 1 & 2, 2.5 mV; AUX & Tape, 120 mV; Mike,
3 mV.
Phono Overload: 130 mV.
Hum and Noise (A Weighted): Phono, 70 dB; Mike, 70 dB; High Level, 90 dB.
Frequency Response: Phono, RIAA ±1 dB, High Level, 10 Hz to 35 kHz, ±0.5
Tone Control Range: Bass, ±10 dB @ 100 Hz; Midrange, ±5 dB @ 1 kHz, Treble,
±10 dB @ 10 kHz.
Filter Cut-Off Frequency: High, 8 or 12 kHz (12 dB/octave), Low, 15 or 30
Hz (12 dB/octave).
General Specifications
Power Consumption: 350 watts.
Dimensions: 20 7/8 in. (53 cm) W x 6 11/16 in. (17 cm) H x 13 11/16 in.
(35 cm) D.
Price: $549.95.
In earlier days, I used to regard stereo receivers as being in two distinct
classes: Those manufactured by major, well-known companies and those manufactured
by lesser known makers under contract to retail chain stores. These days,
it is almost impossible to distinguish between these two receiver categories,
as some of the retail chains of audio dealerships have grown to the point
where they can hire the engineering and production facilities of highly qualified
high-fidelity component manufacturers. In fact, it is rumored that many of
the "name brand" manufacturers also produce "private label" sets
for such retail outlets. The Project/One brand is one that was developed for
the Playback, Inc., retail outlets based in and around the Chicago area.
The front panel of the Project/One Mark IVB stereo AM/FM receiver suggests
that Playback, Inc., was not quite ready to tread new design grounds but rather "borrowed" the
best features and layout from several of the better known receivers around.
The face plate is all gold-anodized in color, while the dial area features
the gently rear-sloping configuration for easier visibility and a light-colored
background upon which are inscribed the frequency calibrations for AM and
FM. Calibration markings for the FM are at 0.5 MHz intervals, with AM markings
less well defined. Above the dial scales are four separate meters, two for
signal-strength and center-of channel tuning, the other two calibrated in
watts for left- and right-channel power-output indications. To the right of
the meters are a series of six illuminated strip-lights which indicate stereo
FM reception, power-on, and program source selection. The flywheel-coupled
tuning knob is just to the right of the dial opening, as are an FM muting
switch (for silent interstation tuning) and a microphone input jack. Controls
and switches along the lower section of the panel include a power On/Off button,
speaker selector (with provisions for choosing any two out of three sets of
connected speakers), two position low- and high-cut filter levers, bass, midrange,
and treble tone controls, balance, master volume (step-detented) and program
selector switch, and five additional lever switches. These last handle loudness,
audio muting, mono/stereo switching, tape monitoring (of up to two connected
decks), and tape dubbing. Tape-1 input and output circuits are duplicated
in the form of stereo phone jacks on the front panel (in parallel with those
at the rear), while a stereo headphone jack is located at the extreme lower
left of the panel, just below the power switch.
The rear panel is equipped with three sets of spring-loaded speaker terminals
(color coded and requiring only simple insertion of stripped ends of wire),
a line fuseholder, and switched and unswitched a.c. receptacles at the right.
At the upper left are the usual 300and 75-ohm antenna terminals, AM antenna
terminals, a pivotable ferrite-bar AM antenna, and a chassis ground terminal.
Two sets of phono-input jacks, the aforementioned tape-out and tape-in jack
sets (including a DIN connector for the Tape-2 circuits) and preamp out/ main
amp-in jacks which are supplied with interconnecting wire jumpers.
Internal Construction
No schematic diagram was supplied with the Project/One Mark IVB receiver,
but we did examine its layout and construction, after quick and easy removal
of the chassis from its four-sided wood cabinet. In addition to the self-contained
front end, which utilizes a four-section tuning capacitor for FM and a two-gang
arrangement for AM, there are nine other circuit board modules. Front-panel
switches and controls are all directly mounted to a long voltage-amplifier,
tone-control circuit board which makes for a minimum amount of inter module
direct wiring. What little interconnection wiring exists is carefully harnessed
and neatly dressed in as clean a layout as we have seen for any receiver.
Identical power output modules are vertically mounted with output transistors
mounted separately nearby on a single heavy heat sink structure. The power
transformer seemed a bit on the small side for a receiver in this power category
but was later proven to be adequate for its task. Short circuit protection
is afforded by a relay-type protection circuit which also delays turn-on of
the unit for a few seconds after the power switch is depressed to prevent
pops and thumps from reaching speakers. Six internal fuses (in addition to
the externally accessible line fuse) are associated with the d.c. voltage
supplies but are not regarded as customer replaceable. All circuit-board copper
foil patterns are reproduced by silk screening on the component side which
makes for easy circuit tracing in the event that servicing becomes necessary.
All in all, the Project Mark IVB is neatly laid out and appears to be as competently
designed as receivers from most any of the "name brand" manufacturers.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2
FM Tuner Section Measurements
Usable sensitivity measured 1.7 µV (10 dBf) in mono, exactly as claimed,
but since stereo switching did not take place until an input signal strength
of 18 µV (30.3 dBf) was applied to the antenna terminals, we would have to
call that the "usable sensitivity" in stereo. The 50-dB quieting
point was reached with an input signal strength of as little as 2.1 µV (11.6
dBf) in mono, but required a rather high input level of 47 µV (36.6 dBf) for
the same degree of quieting in stereo.
Ultimate S/N in mono was an impressive 79 dB; 71 dB in stereo. Figure 1 shows
the mono and stereo quieting characteristics of the FM section as well
as the harmonic distortion values for a 1-kHz modulating signal with increasing
signal strength. For 65-dBf inputs, THD was a low 0.13 percent in mono;
0.15 percent in stereo. We did note that THD increases rather rapidly as
one approaches full modulation and, by backing off on the modulation just
a few kHz, both mono and stereo THD dipped below 0.1 percent for mid frequencies.
A plot of distortion versus frequency of modulation is shown in Fig. 2, and
the rising distortion characteristic in stereo for higher frequencies was
largely due to the presence of visible and audible "beats" at those
high frequencies between the pilot-carrier and the test frequency. Muting
level was set by the manufacturer at a low 1.5 µV (8.7 dBf). For the three
required test frequencies used to check separation, we measured 45 dB at
1 kHz, 42 dB at 100 Hz, and 30 dB at 10 kHz. A complete graphic plot of
separation versus frequency was made using our spectrum analyzer's own signal
(sweeping from 20 Hz to 20 kHz) to modulate the signal generator and is reproduced
in the 'scope photo of Fig. 3. This plot (which includes the 75 microsecond
roll-off characteristic) also shows that the 19-kHz notch filter, used
to suppress sub carrier products at the output, begins to act too early within
the audio band, resulting in a 10-kHz output which is nearly 5 dB more attenuated
than it should be. From the appearance of the plot, we suspect that the values
chosen for the 75 microsecond network are probably a bit off, since roll-off
begins at too low a frequency. Of course, one could easily boost the treble
control somewhat in actual listening to compensate for this frequency response
discrepancy in FM. Capture ratio measured 1.7 dB, a little bit poorer than
the 1.5 dB claimed, but image, i.f., and spurious response rejections were
all exactly as claimed, and AM suppression measured 57 dB as opposed to 55
dB claimed. Sub-carrier rejection measured 64 dB, high enough so as to preclude
any problems when recording FM programs onto cassette tape decks not equipped
with appropriate MPX filtering circuits.
The AM tuner section was found to be typical of its breed, with sensitivity
measured as 25 µV (external antenna), signal-to-noise ratio readings of 48
dB (for a 1 mV signal input), and image and i.f. rejection both measuring
close to the 45 dB claimed. Selectivity measured 28 dB instead of 30 dB.

Fig. 3-Stereo FM separation.

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Fig. 6
Amplifier Measurements
Using 8-ohm resistive loads, the amplifier section of the Mark IVB delivered
80.7 watts of continuous power per channel before rated THD of 0.1 percent
was reached. At rated output (75 watts per channel), THD was only 0.025 percent for a 1-kHz input signal, while IM measured 0.055 at that output level.
Since the Project/One receiver does offer a published specification for 4-ohm
load operation, we measured performance under that load condition as well.
Power output for rated THD (0.1 percent) measured a gigantic 150 watts, with
THD readings for the rated 95 watts per channel level a mere 0.064 percent.
Under these load conditions, however, IM distortion reached its rated value
of 0.1 percent with only 75 watts of output per channel and increased to
0.19 percent for the rated 95 watts per channel output. Of mild concern to
us was the fact that only the left channel met spec at 20 kHz, measuring 0.09
percent THD versus 1.6 percent THD for the right. Power output for a 1-kHz
signal and for an IM test signal versus distortion is shown for the 8-ohm
load conditions in Fig. 4, and the same results are plotted for 4-ohm operation
in Fig. 5. Damping factor measured 55 at mid frequencies, decreasing to 35
at 20 Hz. A graph of distortion versus frequency for full rated output (75
watts into 8 ohm loads) is plotted in Fig. 6.
As for the phono preamplifier section, we measured an input sensitivity of
2.3 mV via either the Phono-1 or Phono-2 inputs and overload capability was
150 mV, better than the 130 mV claimed. RIAA response from 30 Hz to 15 kHz
was off by no more than ±0.5 dB as compared with the 1.0 dB tolerance claimed.
Beginning with this test report, we are able to show RIAA response graphically
on our spectrum analyzer, thanks to an accurately calibrated inverse RIAA
network built into the new Sound Technology stereo test panel Model 1200A
which now serves as an interface for our other ST test instruments and our
viewing oscilloscope. These results are shown in the 'scope photo of Fig.
A-weighted signal-to-noise ratio in phono measured 70 dB (referenced to actual
input sensitivity), while for the high level inputs (AUX or tape), SAN
referred to the rated output of 75 watts was -89dB. Residual noise was 98
dB below rated output (with master volume control at minimum). Range of control
of the bass, midrange, and treble tone controls is plotted in the 'scope photo
of Fig. 8, where each vertical box represents an amplitude of 10 dB. The high-
and low-cut filters behaved pretty much as claimed, and we do consider the
availability of two cut-off points for both of these filters to be a useful
feature. In the case of the low-cut circuits, the action of the 15-Hz cut-off
setting is barely visible in Fig. 9 since our sweep extends only from 20 Hz
upwards to 20 kHz.
We were somewhat puzzled by the response curves obtained using the loudness
control feature of the Mark IVB with various settings of the master volume
control. As can be seen from the plots of Fig. 10, treble compensation of
this loudness circuit actually is greater than the boost afforded in the bass
region. This is disturbing since many audio experts maintain that no treble
boost at all is required at the treble end or very little at most. We suspect
that the designers of this circuit provided such extreme emphasis so that
the listener would definitely "detect a big difference" when the
loudness switch is activated.

(left) Fig. 7-Overall frequency response. (right) Fig. 8-The bass, midrange,
and treble control range with the Project! One Mark IVB receiver.

Fig. 9; Fig. 10
Listening and Use Tests
The aforementioned Sound Technology stereo test panel has the unusual capability
of permitting a tester to switch directly from load resistors to our lab monitoring
speakers at the push of a button. This now gives us the opportunity to audibly
evaluate what is going on during static bench testing of audio equipment in
addition to listening tests which are conducted at our leisure after bench
testing has been completed (often, for several days afterwards). In any event,
the FM section exhibited good sensitivity and quieting in both forms of listening
tests and pulled in just about all of the stations by which we audibly judge
such things as sensitivity and quieting ability. The stereo switching threshold
is, in our opinion, set at too high a level which prevented us from receiving
some weak-signal stereo transmissions which are normally heard in stereo on
other receivers. FM calibration was off by-150 kHz at 98 MHz and by +100 kHz
at the high end of the dial and, as we might have guessed, FM lacked a certain
amount of high-end brilliance which had to be compensated for by means of
the treble control to equalize for the premature roll-off discussed earlier.
The limitations imposed by the increased distortion with increasing modulation
only became apparent for stations which habitually over-modulate (and served
to disclose which stations in our area are at fault in this regard!). Phono
performance was quite good, with no evidence of overload distortion, even
on heavily recorded passages, and what seemed to be a good interface between
the cartridge and input stages. The amplifier section seems to strain a bit
as very loud volume levels are approached, but is quickly tamed by backing
off a bit on the master volume control. The use of medium- to high-efficiency
speakers should enable the owner of this receiver to attain quite satisfactory
listening levels even in large listening rooms, however.
Obviously, one of the chief purposes of a retail chain in creating its own
line products is to be able to offer such products at highly competitive prices.
(After all, one degree of price mark-up is eliminated in such arrangements
between a retailer and a prime manufacturer.) On that basis, the people at
Playback have met with success. The Mark IVB compares very favorably with
receivers costing more than its suggested retail price.
--Leonard Feldman
(Source: Audio magazine, Apr. 1978 )
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