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Others will take years. You can appreciate some things about a Dual turntable right in your dealer's showroom: its clean functional appearance, the precision of its tonearm adjustments and its smooth, quiet operation. The exceptional engineering and manufacturing care that go into every Dual turntable may take years to appreciate. Only then will you actually experience, play after play, Dual's precision and reliability. And how year after year, Dual protects your precious records; probably your biggest investment in musical enjoyment. It takes more than features. If you know someone who has owned a Dual for several years, you've probably heard all this from him. But you may also wish to know what makes a Dual so different from other automatic turntables which seem to offer many of the same features. For example, such Dual innovations as: gimbal tonearm suspensions, separate anti-skating scales for conical and elliptical styli, and rotating single play spindles. It's one thing to copy a Dual feature; it's quite another thing to match the precision with which Duals are built. The gimbal, for example. A case in point is the tonearm suspension. Dual was the first manufacturer of automatics to offer a true twin-ring gimbal suspension. More importantly, every Dual gimbal is hand assembled and individually tested with precision instruments especially developed by Dual. The vertical bearing friction of this gimbal is specified at 0.007 gram, and quality control procedures assure that every unit will meet this Dual specification. Only by maintaining this kind of tolerance can tonearm calibrations for stylus pressure and anti-skating be set with perfect accuracy. Other Dual features are built with similar precision. The rotor of every Dual motor is dynamically balanced in all planes of motion. Additionally, each motor pulley and drive wheel is individually examined with special instruments to assure perfect concentricity. The Dual guarantee. Despite all this precision and refinement, Dual turntables are ruggedly built, and need not be babied. Which accounts for Dual's unparalleled record of reliability, an achievement no other manufacturer can copy. Your Dual includes a full year parts and labor guarantee; up to four times the guarantee that other automatic turntables offer. If you'd like to read what several independent testing laboratories have said about Dual turntables, we'll be pleased to send you reprints of their impartial reports. To appreciate Dual performance first hand, we suggest you visit your franchised United Audio dealer. But your full appreciation of Dual precision won't really begin until a Dual is in your system and you hear the difference it will make on your own records. Play after play. Year after year. Dual 1216, $154.95; Dual 1214, $119.95; Dual 1229, $259.95 United Audio Products, Inc., 120 So. Columbus Ave., Mt. Vernon, N.Y. 10553, USA. Agency for Dual. ![]() (Source: Audio magazine, May. 1974 ) Also see: Dual turntables (April 1974) = = = = |
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