According to TRUTONE RECORDS. "The Stanton calibrated 681 series is our
total point of reference in our Disc Mastering Operation"
 ---"Carl Rowatti, Chief Engineer, adjusting the Program limiters prior
to cutting a master lacquer".
Trutone can be described as a family enterprise ... but what a family! Father
Lou Rowatti is the President; Son Carl is Vice President and Chief Engineer;
and daughter-in-law Adrianne handles the business end of the operation. They
have great pride in their family, in their family's enterprise and in their
products. That's why they insist on using the best -- always.
Trutone Records in Northvale, New Jersey always uses the Calibrated Stanton
Triple -E for A -B comparisons between tape and disc. They also use the Triple
-E to check the frequency response of the cutter head (they'll record a 1,000
Hz tone and a 10 kHz tone twice a day to check the condition of the cutting
stylus and the high end frequency response of the °utter head). They make test
cuts and play them back, using the Triple -E for reference, as high as 15 kHz
all the way down to 30 Hz. Carl Rowatti says "We use the Stanton Calibrated
681 series as our total point of reference in our disc mastering operation.
Everything in the studio is judged -- and we think perfectly judged for quality-with
this great cartridge". Professionals can't afford to take chances with
That's why they depend on Stanton in their operations.
Each Stanton 681 Triple -E is guaranteed to meet its specifications within
exacting limits, and each one boasts the most meaningful warranty possible.
An individually calibrated test result is packed with each unit.
Whether your usage involves recording, broadcasting, disco or home entertainment
your choice should be the choice of the professionals...the Stanton 681 TRIPLE

Lou Rowatti inspects a master lacquer, Adrienne checks the lathe. Carl Rowatti
adjusts the pitch computer on the mastering lathe.

Carl installs the Stanton Calibrated 681 Triple -E on the playback table.
Lou Rowatti (The Prez) adjusting the high frequency limiter in his cutting

Write today for further information to: Stanton Magnetics, Terminal Drive,
Plainview, New York 11803, USA.
(Source: Audio magazine, May 1977;)
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