LUX proudly introduces the Laboratory Reference Series.
... resolving elusive problems of distortion with innovative new techniques.
Current and future LRS products are shown in this rack.
1) 5T50 frequency -synthesized digital stereo FM tuner, with Dolby and 7-station
memory. $1,495.
2) 5C50 DC control preamplifier with linear equalizer, but without tone
controls. $845.
3) 5G12 twelve -band stereo parametric graphic equalizer with switchable
range and frequency contours. $645.
4) 5E24 LED peak indicator. $295.
5) 5M21 direct -coupled DC power amplifier: 100 watts per channel continuous
power, with no more than 0.008 percent total harmonic distortion, both channels
driven into 8 ohms, 20 to 20,000 Hz. Transient intermodulation distortion:
0.05 percent. $1,195.
Below the 5M21 are seen additional peak indicators and power amplifiers
without meters. These amplifiers, a crossover network, switching facilities
and tone controls are among future _RS products. All LRS models have metal
enclosures designed for compact stacking. Optional vinyl -clad, wood -grain
enclosures are also available.
The newly developed Laboratory Reference Series comprises a coordinated
system of components whose performance characteristics represent a significant
step forward in the state of the audio art.
Consider, for example, just two specifications of the direct-coupled DC
power amplifier. At full rated power, intermodulation and total harmonic
distortion are no more than 0.008 percent, a figure previously associated
only with the finest preamplifiers.
Even more significant, the various sources of the elusive-but audibly crucial-transient
intermodulation distortion (TIM) have been isolated and dealt with. As part
of the LRS research program, LUX audiophile/engineers developed an innovative
technique for precise measurement of TIM. With the LRS amplifier, it is 0.05
THD and IM distortion are conventionally measured with sine waves, which
are inherently symmetrical and repetitive, unlike musical signals which are
irregularly shaped, rapidly changing transients.
The large amounts of negative feedback normally used to reduce THD and IM
distortion actually worsen TIM. Negative feedback involves returning a portion
of the output signal--out-of-phase--to the input. When the signal is a sine
wave, generated and measured by test instruments, this technique is effective.
However, with the constantly changing transients typical of music, the feedback
signal returns to the input too late for the desired effect. It either "corrects" the
wrong part of the waveshape or--far worse--fails to provide the instantaneous
reduction of the signal required by the feedback-controlled circuits.
Result: the amplifier is driven into momentary clipping and overload --
the aspect of TIM that is most audible and disturbing.
A reduction of the feedback and signal transit time so that TIM distortion
effects would be significantly reduced is precisely what LUX sought, and
has now achieved, with the LRS amplifiers.
LRS vs. TIM.
Capacitors are necessary in conventional circuits to avoid bias -- upsetting
DC. However, they slow the audio signal (appearing as phase -shift lags),
particularly in the lower bass range. A new type of solid-state device developed
for the LRS amplifier--a Dual Monolithic Linear Integrated Circuit has enabled
LUX to eliminate all capacitors from the signal path.
The transistors commonly found in even the finest amplifiers are too slow
(usually 4 microseconds) to cope adequately with transients. The recently
developed (and very expensive) transistors in the LRS amplifier can switch
in 0.5 microsecond.
Class B and Class A amplifiers have well-recognized limitations: Class B
introducing 'crossover" distortion; Class A with power limitations and
gross inefficiency. The LRS amplifier, is able to employ a bias point (in
effect, Class AB) that achieves the best of both operating modes.
For more on LRS
All of the above are just high points of one LRS component, the Luxman 5M21
power amplifier, shown above with other current and future models.
We invite you to write for the new LRS literature. In the near future only
a few audiophiles are likely to own these newest LUX achievements. But all
can appreciate what they represent.
LUX Audio of America, Ltd. 200 Aerial Way, Syosset. New York 11791.
In Canada: White Electronics Development Corp., Ontario
(Source: Audio magazine, June 1977)
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