Article author: Herman Lia [Senior Engineer, Dept. of Magnetic Research & Development,
Tandbergs Radiofabrikk, A/S, Oslo, Norway]
This article describes a new recording system which has been developed by
the Department of Magnetic Research & Development at Tandberg. As this
system will be able to utilize the new generation of metal particle tapes,
an overview of the merits of such tapes are also discussed in the context of
future tape recording technology. This new recording system is called Actilinear,
and patent applications have been filed and patents are pending.
The development of recording technology is being carried on in two separate
and different groups: Manufacturers of magnetic tape represent one environment,
and manufacturers of recording machines the other. Development in this connection
is defined as the effort on the part of both parties to come up with better
products for the consumers with regard to technical specifications, reliability,
ease-of-operation, etc.
The development has traditionally been such that first the tape manufacturers
bring new concepts to the market with properties that promise improvements
over the existing state of the art. Then the machine manufacturers examine
the nature of these improvements and how these can be used to advantage in
the various types of recorders. Lately, however, a good collaboration has been
established between these two groups, and this will naturally lead to better
compatibility between the tape and the tape recorders. The greatest benefit
of such a collaboration lies in the fact that the machine manufacturers will
be able to include the advancement of new tape technology in an early phase
of new product development.
If we look at the development of magnetic tape in the last 15 years, we find
a clear trend towards higher saturation flux density, Bm, and higher coercivity,
Hc. This has been a natural development based on a desire for a continuous
improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio. In particular, it was an immediate
requirement with the introduction of the compact cassette, since there was
no opportunity to select track width and tape speed.
An increase of the Bm gives a better signal-to-noise ratio at lower and middle
frequencies, whereas a higher Hc gives a better signal-to-noise ratio at higher
frequencies. The first compact cassette that was introduced contained tape
having Hc = 250 Oe. Then we had the so-called LH tape (low noise, high of tout)
having Hc_ = .(C 0e. Later we go= th_ C 4)2 level tapes ',with -1, = 550 e
(e.g TDK SA and Maxell UD-XL II). Ect th s cces not end the development. We
Lnow that experiments are going co today with tapes having g Hc = 1000 Oe,
and these are certain -o came on the ma-ke*. in the near future.
In the midst of this development, a central question for the serious recorder
manufacturing company is to what degree the present recorders will benefit
from the new types of tape which will come on the market within a relatively
short time.
These are questions which gain momentum as new concepts from the magnetic
tape industry are being marketed. We presently have recorders with selector
arrangements which make it possible to choose between different types of tape,
but only among the ones already on the market. Obviously, it is a hopeless
task to design a recorder today which will give optimum performance with any
type of tape five years from now. What can be done now, however, is to prepare
the ground in the best possible way to allow for the possibility of adjusting
the recorders to new types as they appear on the market.
Consider a tape with Hc = 1000 Oe which today is in the experimental stage,
but which quite certainly will be commercially available in a year or less.
Unless we are ready to take these new tapes into account now, we will end up
in the same situation we had when the CrO2 tapes came on the market, when there
were no cassette recorders to take the full advantage of them. Of course, the
recorders then were not adjusted to these types, but the fact that they did
not have even a 3-dB margin in bias-and recording currents such that they could
have been adjusted is a clear testimony to a lack of a progressive design philosophy
at that time.
One can learn from errors, however. The tendency today is towards a far greater
ability to provide headroom and adjustments, and there is a desire to bring
advanced design concepts into realization. This has, in fact, been the guiding
spirit in the development of the recording amplifier chain in the new Tandberg
tape recorders, for compact cassette as well as open -reel recorders.
Conventional Recording Systems
The conventional method of designing a recording amplifier is well known and
will not be dealt with in detail. We will just note that the summation of recording
current and bias current in the recording head is done through passive components,
and this leads to compromise solutions which have their distinct and pronounced
The following difficulties should be mentioned 1) small headroom margin, 2)
slew rate limitations for strong signals and high frequencies which results
in intermodulation, 3) poor isolation between oscillator and recording amplifier
which results in interference tones, and 4) too low a margin in bias and recording
currents for readjustments to adopt to the new high coercivity tapes.
The New Recording Chain
With the development of the new recording system we have left behind and abandoned
any form of compromise solution. The new design philosophy is based on the
optimization of modules, that is, the whole chain is divided into natural functions,
and each function by itself is realized as a module. Hence, a solution is obtained
which is optimum on all points at the same time as a system is realized which
is more amenable to adjustment to new types of magnetic tape.
The new recording amplifier chain is shown in Fig. 1.
The Particular Functions
The equalizer module: This amplifier will give the recording chain the proper
frequency equalization such that the overall frequency response of the recorder
becomes as linear as possible. The C2,R4 network gives proper equalization
at low frequencies, whereas R2, R3, C1, L1 gives the desired equalization from
mid-frequencies and up.
Internal adjustment of recording sensitivity: This is simply the potentiometer
R5 and provides an internal sensitivity adjustment of the recording signal.

Fig. 1 Block diagram--schematic of the Actilinear recording amplifier
The transconductance module: This module has two main functions. It converts
a voltage from the potentiometer R5 to a current is which is the recording
current. It shall also provide an electrical isolation between the oscillator
and the recording amplifier such that interference tones are avoided and completely
The circuit consists of the two transistors Q1 and Q2. Q1 is used in a common
-emitter configuration, and it has Rg = 12 kilohm and Q2 as a collector load.
Advantage has been taken of a special property of transistors in that the collector
can appear as a low resistance to d.c., but a high impedance to a.c. signals.
The two collectors are connected at point P. This point is put at 12 V d.c.
and can swing between 2V and 22V, and thus has a maximal dynamic range available
for driving current is through the head. The d.c. current through Q1 and Q2
is about 10 mA so that each single transistor represents the equivalent of
a resistance of 12 V/10 mA = 1.2 kilohm at d.c. The output impedance for a.c.
signals, however, is 1/hoe = 20 kilohm for each transistor and, hence, the
total output impedance seen at point P is approximately 5 kilohms. Since the
recording head impedance is substantially less than 5 kilohms (200 ohm at 20
kHz), the circuit acts as a current source, that is, a constant voltage at
the input gives a constant current is through the recording head. This is also
the justification for the name Transconductance Amplifier.
Any residual oscillator voltage at point P is being prevented from being fed
back to the input by C5. This way the circuit provides an electrical isolation
between the equalizer amplifier and the oscillator.
Filter Module: The filter module prevents oscillator signals at point R from
entering into the point P and interfering with the audio signal. At point R
Uosc = 20V, but is reduced to about 50 mV at point P. The filter is of the
low-pass type with a trap at 123.5 kHz.
Calculation of Headroom Margin in the Recording Amplifier
Since the recording
amplifier is designed as a transconductance block, the limitation in headroom
is determined by the maximum available current in the output stage. This
is actually the quiescent current in the two transistors Qi and Q2, and is
set to IQoc = 10 mA. The maximum available a.c. current is then IQpc = 2\.
The headroom margin is the ratio between this current and that which is necessary
to record the tape to maximum recording level ism. Therefore, we have:

*Where HRM is an abbreviation for headroom margin.
Numerical calculations with IQpc = 10 mA and ism = 0.4 mA gives HRM = 19 dB.
Calculation of the Slew Rate
The slew rate of an electrical signal is defined as the time derivative of
the amplitude and is determined in Volt/µS or Volt/mS.
Let: e(t) = Em sin wt, be a general signal with angular frequency w and amplitude
value Em.
The slew rate is given then by:

The maximum slew rate occurs when the term cos wt has its maximum value which
is 1. That gives the usual formula S = w Em. As an example, we will carry out
the numerical calculations for the TD 20A (the new series of Tandberg reel-to-reel
tape decks).
The impedance of a recording head is almost pure inductive at audio frequencies
and can be expressed by ZH - wL where L is the inductance of the head. The
maximum signal voltage across the head occurs at the maximum recording level
and is given by eHM (L) = wL ism where ism is the maximum recording current.
Let e(t) = Em sin wt.
The slew rate of the signal voltage across the recording head is determined
by the following calculations:

where, fo = 20 kHz, L = 5 mH and Ism = 0.5 mA, then SH = 4 V/mS.
The maximum slew rate which the recording amplifier is able to handle is according
to measurement equal to 400 V/mS. That gives a slew-rate margin of 40 dB which
is a satisfactory figure.
A new recording amplifier chain has been designed which will be implemented
in the new Tandberg cassette recorder, as well as open -reel machines. Improvements
relative to conventional designs can be summarized as in the following:
1. More headroom in the recording amplifier, greater than 18 dB.
2. The recording circuitry operates at a lower voltage level and will, therefore,
give less intermodulation because of slew rate limitations.
3. An improved electrical separation between oscillator and recording amplifier
which gives less interference with the oscillator.
4. Substantially greater possibilities of adjusting the recorder to new high
coercivity tapes such as the new metal particle tapes.
Gains Using Metal Particle Tapes
As we have presented the new recording amplifier which is especially suitable
in connection with high coercivity tape, we take the opportunity to carry out
calculations for such a tape as an example. The most important figures to note
are the S/N ratio at low and high frequencies and the total signal capacity
integrated over the entire audible frequency range.
The S/N ratio at low frequencies is proportional to the maximum remanence
flux density, Br, in the tape and the coating thickness, d. At high frequencies,
the S/N ratio increases proportional to the coercivity force, Hc. To determine
the signal capacity, we use Channon's definition:

where S is the maximum obtainable signal and N is the tape noise. For further
details into this matter we refer to an earlier article in the Audio (April,
1977), where all relevant formulas for these calculations are stated.
To get an idea of the improvement with the new tape, the results are presented
relative to the Maxell UD which is one of the most popular types of tape used
today. In the following table are listed the most important physical properties
and the calculated figures for S/N ratio.
The improvements have been verified by measurements on a sample received from
the 3M Company a few weeks ago.
The measured values agree with the calculation with an accuracy better than
1 dB.
This new tape, as seen, is certain to present another dramatic improvement
in tape recording performance levels, and particularly in the compact cassette
format. Tandberg has plans to introduce recorders that include provisions for
the usage of metal particle tapes as soon as they become commercially available.
Tape Qualities -- UD -- UDXL-II -- Metal Particle
Retentivity Br (Gauss) 1430 1540 3400
Coercivity H, (Oersted) 360 545 1030
Coating Thickness (pm) 5.0 5.5 3.8
S/N Ratio at 333 Hz * (dB) 0 +1.5 +5.7
S/N Ratio at 10 kHz * (dB) 0 + 3.6 +9.1
Signal Capacity * (dB) 0 +3.0 +8.5
*With reference to the Maxell UD.
(Source: Audio magazine, July 1978)
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