Yamaha, the industry leader...leads again!
When we set out to improve on our industry-acclaimed receivers, we knew we
had a tough task ahead of us.
How do you top being the first in such precedent setting developments as built-in
moving coil head amps, negative feedback MPX demodulators, pilot signal cancellation
circuits, and the same amazingly low distortion throughout our entire tine?
After much continuing research, effort and unique care in design, we have the
answer. It's called the CR-2040 the first in Yamaha's new line of receivers
that does what only Yamaha could do. Outdo ourselves.

Unique continuously variable turnover tone controls. This
unique Yamaha innovation gives you the tonal tailoring characteristics of both
a parametric and a graphic equalizer. Without the added expense of having to
purchase either. For instance, in addition to boosting or cutting We bass control
± 10c B, you can also vary the turnover frequencies between 100 & 500 Hz
to compensate for speaker deficiencies, room anomalies, etc., for unparalleled
tonal tailoring flexibility.
Built-in moving coil head amp. More and more listeners are
discovering the beautiful experience of music reproduced with a moving coil
cartridge, such as Yamaha's newly introduced MC-1X and MC-1S. Discover this
exquisite pleasure for yourself with the CR-2040's built-in moving coil head
amp. This ultra-low-noise head amp provides an ultra-quiet 86dB S/N ratio to
assure you of capturing all the high-end detail and imaging the MC experience
affords. All you'll miss is the extra expense and added noise of an outboard
head amp or step-up transformer.
Independent input and record out selectors. If you're a tape
recording enthusiast, this feature is something You won't want to be without.
It lets you select the signal from ore program source to send to the REC OUT
terminals for recording while you listen through your speakers to an entirety
different program chosen on the INPUT selector. You can also dub from one tape
to another even while listening to an entirely different program. It's another
example of why Yamaha is the industry leader. We build in what the others can't
even figure out.

Continuously variable loudness contour. This control compensates
for the ear's decreased sensitivity to bass and treble tones at low-volume
And you're not just limited to compensation at only one specific volume setting
as with other manufacturers' on/off-type loudness switches. The Yamaha continuously
variable loudness contour assures you of full, accurate fidelity at any volume
setting you choose. Another Yamaha exclusive!
Automatic operation. Without a doubt, the Yamaha CR-2040
is one of the most automated receivers in audio history. Instead of fiddling
with dials and meters, you can sit back and let the automatic circuits do the
wore. Or, if you choose, manually override the circuits. Take the AUTO-DX circuit,
for instance.
We developed IF bandwidth switching for our world acclaimed CT-7003 tuner.
Now we've gone even further by improving this circuit so the receiver automatically
chooses 7he correct bandwidth (local or DX) for the least noise. Working with
this circuit is the AUTO BLEND circuit which eliminates annoying FM hiss to
make previously unlistenable stations more clearly audible. All without your
lifting a finger. And Yamaha's exclusive OTS (Optimum Tuning System) automatically
locks in and holds the desired station when you release the tuning knob.
Advanced circuitry. All these advanced features are backed
by the most advanced internal circuitry imaginable. Like the auto tracking
pilot signal canceller. Yamaha invented pilot signal cancellation and now we've
improved it farther. A special circuit not only senses the incoming 19kHz pilot
signal (which is a part of FM broadcasts), it also automatically tracks any
signal fluctuation which might occur. This assures you of complete pilot signal
cancellation for interference-free FM listening. Yamaha does it again! The
all DC power amp section pours out a massive 120 wafts per channel, both channels
driven into 8 ohms from 20Hz to 20kHz, with THD and I.M. an astronomically
low 0.02%. That's a nee low, even for Yamaha. And to keep tabs on all this
pure power there's a twin LED power-monitoring system-green to indicate half
power, red to indicate an overload condition.
The tuner section has a Yamaha-exclusive Direct Current-Negative Feedback--PLL
MFX IC providing excellent phasing of the high frequencies for superb stereo
separation and clearer sound. Our efforts to bring you the finest sound possible
know no limits.
Human engineering. As incredibly advanced and complex as
the CR-2040 is, it is incredibly simple to operate. The front panel is arranged
in a clean and logical manner with the larger primary operational controls
located on the central forward panel, and the smaller tone-tailoring controls
located on the lower panel. It takes a minimum of effort to set up the CR-2040
for maximum listening pleasure.
The functionally beautiful front panel is complemented by the beautifully
functional ebony grain veneer cabinet. The elegant appearance of ebony is the
perfect finishing touch to the extraordinary CR-2040. And the CR-2040 is just
one of a whole new line of receivers from Yamaha. Each one offers, in its class,
the ultimate in features, performance and pure musical pleasure. Visit your
local Yamaha Audio Specialty Dealer and see and hear for yourself how we've
outdone ourselves. He's listed in the Yellow Pages. Or write us:
Yamaha, Audio Division, P.O. Box 6600, Buena Park, CA 90622, USA.

From Yamaha, naturally.

(Source: Audio magazine, Aug. 1979)
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