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![]() INSIDE EVERY RECEIVER OWNER IS A SPECTRO ACOUSTICS BUYERWhat do you do when the old receiver's lost its zip? When your ear's improved, but the sound still hasn't? When you've outgrown the basic bass, treble and occasional mid? What do you do when hi-fi's lost its high? Well, if you really want to put the fun back in your system, you'll take a good, hard look and listen at Spectro Acoustics. Here's a line of high quality stereo components that's built for enjoyment-and priced that way too. Fact is, you can get a complete Spectro Acoustics component system for about the same price as that receiver you were thinking of. And you'll get a lot more for your money. Such as a dramatic-looking FM stereo tuner-newest addition to the Spectro line featuring digital readout of station frequency, our exclusive new pin point tuning system and astonishing sensitivity. You'll also have a power amp we make 4 of them, at two different wattage levels--built to deliver dependable performance with plenty of reserve power. A straight-line preamp featuring adjustable cartridge loading. And a graphic equalizer--choose from 2--that gives you 10 divisions of frequency control per channel, instead of a receiver's 2 or 3. In short, you'll get more versatility, flexibility and control over your system than any receiver can provide. You'll also get peace-of-mind with Spectro Acoustics. We build all of our components almost 100% by hand, and subject every one of them to continuous quality control. We don't hurry through production, so our components don't hurry into the repair shop. That's why Spectro Acoustics owners keep coming back when it's time to add on or trade up. Our careful, limited production means you may have to look a little harder, or wait a little longer for Spectro Acoustics components. But when you do get yours, you can bet they're good ones. All Spectro Acoustics components are manufactured in the U.S.A. 4500 150th Avenue, N.E. Redmond, Washington, 98052, USA. ================= (Source: Audio magazine, Sept. 1979) Also see: Sherwood S7910 Receiver (Sept. 1976) = = = = |
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