I experience the Consumer Electronics Show as two different expositions,
one public and the other private. My public CES is the vast, diffuse show
I experience when I'm actually there, with new information reaching me so
fast that it blurs into incoherence. Having only 38 hours of show time in
which to see a sizable portion of the 1,400 exhibits is like speed-reading
our October Equipment Directory.
My private CES takes place in my office, when I sort out the boxes of press
releases and spec sheets I've shipped back, and recreate the show-this time
coherently-from them.
Not much newsworthy car stereo emerged from the public blur. This came as
no surprise, since most car sound products are introduced in January for
the summer installation season. But the private show produced more than 11
pounds of car-stereo information-hardly a dry well, if not all worth passing
What should have been the most significant development took place off the
show floor, where the EIA's car audio engineering subcommittee met to set
new interconnection and specification standards. The subcommittee did set
a uniform color-code standard, so that installers will be able, in a few
years, to confidently assume that a green wire on a Brand X unit goes to
the same place as that on a Brand Y. Output levels and input and output impedances
were also standardized (500 mV output for a tape level of 250 nWb/m at 315
Hz, 1 kilohm output, greater than 10 kilohms input).

---Blaupunkt's prototype CD player
However, there was no agreement on plug standards, which means that installers
will have to fabricate or buy adaptors every time they make up multi-brand
car-stereo systems. According to subcommittee chairman Pat Hart, of Yamaha,
most of the manufacturers on the committee already do make equipment whose
connections match a European 8-pin DIN standard, but only for sale in Europe.
Apparently, they'd rather use a separate system for the U.S. than take the
chance that some of their customers might mix brands without having to work
extra hard at it. When I heard that, I suggested to Pat that all makers agree
on one connector and pin-out system that nobody now uses, so that no manufacturer
would gain a competitive advantage from standardization; compliance with
the standard could entail supplying extra-cost adaptors as well as incorporating
the standard connector into products. This, Pat replied, had already been
suggested ... and shot down.

----Yamaha's YCD-1000 loads CDs in cartridges.
On the specification front, EIA power specs will now be obtained after a
15 minute warmup at 1 watt into 4 ohms.
Frequency response limits will be the system's ±3 dB points and will be
specified for both 120and 70-µS tape equalizations. Wow and flutter will
now be specified as "±% peak DIN," with weighted-rms disclosures
S/N ratios will be measured at the standard output levels, and tape speed
will be measured at a supply voltage of 14.4 V d.c. Standard test tapes have
been agreed on for measuring separation and some other things.
The most widely expected development was that droves of CD players for automobiles
would be available for sale late this year or early next. In alphabetical
order: Alpine's 5900 should be available about now, for $600; Blaupunkt's
should be here in early '86; Delco may be putting players in some 1987 GM
cars (and Ford may have them for some '86 models); Fujitsu Ten has no price
or delivery date, yet, for its SD-110 (jointly developed with Toyota); Grundig
(not at the show) should have a player soon, for about $500; and JVC has
a prototype under wraps which may be in the stores before the year's end.
Also, Kenwood's DC-9 should be available, for under $660, by now; Kraco plans
to have a $300 unit out next year, and Mitsubishi's CD-100 should be available
already. Pioneer's two models (one for Centrate systems, one for regular
Pioneer installations) are available now, for $550 and $600, respectively;
Sanyo will have a player early next year; Sony's two models ($699 with FM/AM
tuner, $600 without) came out last year, and Yamaha's YCD-1000 should be
out about now, for $499.
There is more, here, than a laundry list. Already, manufacturers are seeking
ways to differentiate their car CD players from other companies'. Fujitsu,
for example, seems to be positioning its CD unit as part of a component system,
with separate tuner, cassette player, equalizer and power amps (complete
with spectrum-analyzer display on the front-channel amplifier); since component
car systems have never been too popular here, I expect that strategy to change.
Kenwood's CD player has a 20-dB mute button-a feature even more useful in
the car than at home.
Mitsubishi is downplaying its CD unit to talk player systems, packaging
the player either with a 50-watt (25 per channel) amplifier/equalizer for
$700, or with an AM/FM/cassette receiver and a four-channel, 100-watt amplifier
for $1,000. I saw the latter installed in a Mitsubishi car with controls
in the steering wheel, like the one mentioned in last month's column, but
no one I asked could tell me whether those controls worked the CD or not.
Pioneer is pushing vibration resistance with a fairly exciting film of their
player running in a four-wheel-drive Toyota truck bouncing over the desert
(driven by my quasi-namesake Ivan "Ironman" Stewart). Sony seems
to be the only one, so far, to offer a combination tuner/CD unit. But JVC
intends to follow, probably with its second rather than its first model,
and Kraco's prototype had a tuner, too.
Yamaha is the only maker I've noticed citing digital filtration and over
sampling (though at 88.2 kHz, not the 176.4 kHz used in so many home units).
Their car player is also the only production model, so far, to load CDs in
cartridges-good protection, but a nuisance if your home player only loads
un-encased CDs. (Yamaha plans to have a cartridge-loading home player this
winter.) JVC will have a cartridge-loading car CD player, too-and possibly
even a compatible one: Though JVC's cartridge is opaque and Yamaha's transparent,
both have shutters which open to admit the laser beam. Both companies will
supply a small number pf cartridges (Yamaha says five, and JVC doesn't know
yet), with more available through dealers.
There are subsidiary CD developments, too. Surprisingly many people seem
to be using portable CD players in their cars-a trend bound to accelerate
now that Technics has announced a portable similar to Sony's D-5 but slightly
smaller. Noting this, Jensen has announced that it will add audio inputs
and 9-V d.c. outputs to some of its in-dash units later this year.
So far, no car CD player has appeared with an audio compressor to fit the
CD's wide dynamic range into the car's narrow permissible-volume range. (Road
noise buries soft sounds, but raising the volume to overcome it leads to
ear-splitting loud portions.) So dbx's new home player has compression on
tap, in part to allow taping CDs to fit mobile listening conditions.
The coming of car CD has speaker and amplifier makers smiling at the chance
to sell "digital-ready" equipment. In this context, "digital-ready" just
means "good," except for higher power-handling. But it's an excuse
for people to buy better equipment than they might otherwise have sprung
for, so I guess everybody wins.
Digital may also account for speaker literature's slightly increased emphasis
on protection circuits this year. For example: Kenwood's KFC-1010 tweeter
system (designed to match the new KFC-5050 woofer/midrange unit) features
an automatically resetting protection circuit with an LED indicator, Jensen's
new Power Amplified Speakers (with 20-watt amps and three switch able EQ
curves) have thermal overload protection, and B & W's car-speaker crossovers
have an automatic protection circuit called APOC. At the last show, the B & W
MASS (Modular Automobile Sound System) speakers could be seen but not heard,
as only mock-ups were on display.
This time around I could also hear them, and I liked what I heard. The MASS
line now includes a very versatile tweeter, the LT40, which I did not see
in January. Developed from the tweeter used in the Model 801 home speaker,
this one comes in a surface mounted swiveling and tilting enclosure with
a height just under 3 inches and a footprint a bit over 2 inches square.
It should solve a lot of installation problems. At $99.50 each, plus $69.50
per channel for the recommended LX40 passive crossover modules, it's not
exactly cheap, but there are installations for which it may be the only practical
Kraco announced a three-way, 6 by 9-inch system, the TPS-693 ($119.95 per
pair), whose cone midrange and dome and piezoelectric tweeters are mounted
on a tiltable bridge to aim the upper frequencies where they're needed. Sanyo
has joined the honeycomb driver brigade, with three flat-driver models ranging
from the four-inch, coaxial FSP402 ($70 per pair) to the three-way, 6 by
9-inch FSP693 ($150 per pair). Kenwood's KFC-5050 midrange/woofer, mentioned
above, also has a flat, honeycomb diaphragm.
Denon is using alpha boron for tweeters, a material already used in their
MC phono cartridges. Fujitsu Ten's SG 1623, a 6.5-inch, coaxial, three-way
system, uses a parabolic cone which reduces its mounting depth by about a
half-inch. Even thinner are the SFI Sawafuji Dynapleat drivers, with flat
diaphragms and flat magnets for a mounting depth of only about 1 inch.
Pioneer took the opposite tack, in a way, by introducing an 8-inch, rear
deck-mount, three-way system, the TS 207 ($170 per pair). Sony now has a
sealed-enclosure system, the XS-700 ($500 per pair), which will fit cars
but whose construction also recommends it for marine use.
I noted four new entries in the car speaker field. Design Acoustics has
its first mobile speakers, in friendly competition with parent company Jensen,
designed to mount from either in front of or behind car body panels. ESB,
from Italy, showed massive surface mount systems. Coustic, a new firm, introduced
its first speaker line, and Trinity Loudspeakers showed systems with passive
subwoofers for sports cars, pickups, 4x4s, RVs, vans, and other vehicles
where ordinary car speakers won't fit.
It looks as if the rest of my private show won't fit into this column, so
we'll leave the electronics 'til next month.
(Source: Audio magazine, Sept. 1985,)
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