DiscTraker--a revolutionary tonearm damper from Discwasher
Disctracker is a precision damping device that improves the performance of
tonearm/cartridge systems by adding a protective cushion between the record
and the tracking stylus.
-reduces low frequency resonance that colors the sound of even the best tonearm/cartridge
systems on all records.
-reduces record-warp resonance-as witnessed by a dramatic reduction of woofer
- permits accurate tracking of even badly warped records.
- reduces record wear and stylus damage from warps.
- reduces distortion caused by high velocity groove overload, mistracking
and intermodulation.
- adaptable to most tonearms.

Figure 1 shows the amplitude of low frequency resonance in a typical tonearm/cartridge
system using a "flat" record.
Figure 2 shows the identical conditions with the Disctraker damping system
on the tonearm.
discwasher, inc.
1407 N. Providence Rd.
Columbia , Missouri 65201
(Source: Audio magazine, Nov. 1977)
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