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GRADO RA-1 (specs)
Rated Frequency Range: 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
Rated Power Output: 250 milliwatts.
Rated Input Impedance: 100 kilohms.
Weight 1 lb. (0.4 kg).
Price: $350.
Company Address: 461 4 7th Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11220.
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I have a confession to make—one that, I’m sure, seal off the last remaining
avenue to my quest for the highest elected office in the land. Back in the
1960s, I indulged in certain youthful transgressions: I listened to music
through headphones.
In those times I never met a crossover I couldn’t melt. And when my very
last speaker bit the dust, it was a pair of head phones, dynamically modest
though they were, that saved the day. Headphones couldn’t rattle the kitchen
cabinets like a pair of Altec’s Voice of the Theater industrial P.A. horns,
but with a few candles and some good wine, who cared? The Beatles, The Stones,
and The Moody Blues all man aged to make their presence felt.
Cassettes were brand-new in the late ‘60s; on the road or at home, 8-track
was still the tape format of the masses. Mostly though, LPs ruled the roost,
and back then many of the phono cartridges that played them were manufactured
by Grado Labs, one of the oldest family-owned companies in the audio industry.
Grado! Rolls right off the tongue, no? Great name for a new shoe everyone’s
talking about, as in, “Hey! My girlfriend got me a pair of Grados for my
birthday.” Or a tasty new snack, as in, “Sweetheart, get me a beer and a
bag of Grados and hand me the remote, will you?”
Brooklyn-born Joe Grado began producing phono cartridges at his kitchen
table in 1953. In 1958, he opened a storefront factory on the Site of his
Sicilian-born father’s fruit Store in Brooklyn’s Sunset Park, manufacturing
his new invention, the world’s first moving-coil phono cartridge. In 1990,
32 years and 10 million cartridges later, John, Joe’s nephew, branched the
company out into a new line of audiophile-grade headphones, to great success.
Grado Labs’ entry-level SR60 headphones ($69) are probably hi-fi’s best headphone
bargain. Meanwhile, Grado says it sold 60,000 phono cartridges last year,
an incredible feat at this stage in the game.
So this brings us to the real business at hand—the dedicated headphone amplifier.
High-end headphone manufacturers have always been frustrated by the paltry
attention paid to the circuitry behind most amplifiers’ and receivers’ headphone
jacks, and with good reason: The biggest amp manufacturers were not headphone
manufacturers, so headphone sound quality was never a priority. Lots of components
nowadays don’t even include a headphone jack. Users of high-quality headphones
often find themselves staring at a $4,000 amplifier with no place to stick
them in.
That’s when John Grado realized the dedicated headphone amp was a niche
waiting to be filled. Other high-end head phone companies felt the same way,
largely because of a world of headphone jacks that simply did not meet their
standards. The original Grado Reference Products headphone amp was introduced
in 1994 at $795; today the price has fallen to $350. I re viewed its current
version, which represents the company’s latest thinking on how best to drive
its special ‘phones.
The design is fairly simple: a pair of audiophile-grade op-amps with high-current
output capability and wide bandwidth, a high-quality volume control, a single
head phone output (beefy enough, Grado says, to drive two pairs of headphones
at once), and a set of stereo RCA line inputs. The RA- 1 is housed in a cabinet
hewn from a solid block of mahogany approximately the size of a stack of
four CD cases (5½ x 5½ x 1½ inches). It weighs just 12 ounces and is powered
by two 9-volt batteries that supply the amp with 40 to 50 hours of operating
time. Grado’s modest press release describes the sound of the RA-1 amp in
terms that would serve uncannily well in characterizing a tasty, late-harvest
German Riesling: “warm, smooth, full-bodied, non-fatiguing, and rich.” Yum!
I couldn’t wait to hook it up. Setup is simple: Insert two 9-volt batteries,
connect the amp inputs to any high-level line source (portable or in-home),
and away you go. You probably don’t want to be wearing your head phones when
you turn the RA-1 amp on, though: When it clicks on, it produces a bright,
audible pop. John Grado claims a great Sisyphean trade-off was required:
Nix the pop, and sonic integrity falls off ever so slightly. Hence, the pop
So, I thought I’d slip on my Grado Labs’ SR80 headphones ($95), plug ‘em
into the Grado Reference PA- 1 amp, and go hunt me some bear. I headed right
for some big ol’ super-dense orchestra music from Erich (the bad boy of turn-of-the-century
Vienna) Wolfgang Korngold and, using an all NAD rig as my baseline, loaded
up. I hooked the Grado amp into the “Rec Out” jack of the excellent, no-fuss
NAD 317 integrated amp, mated to an NAD 512 CD player, and cued up the opening
bars of Korngold’s brilliant, “unperformable” magnum opus, Das Wunder der
Heliane (London 436636). A lush, celestial, chordal theme for full orchestra
and harmonium wells up in a progression of shimmering, bi-tonal harmonies
that crystallize the opera’s recurring themes of the power of eternal love
and resurrection. Phew!
I greedily plugged the SR80s into the Grado RA-1 and began to listen to
this fabulous music, planning to hear a few minutes worth and then begin
switching between the RA-1 and the NAD. Forty minutes later, I realized I
had been savoring this music in a way I never had before. The sound was at
once more immediate, clearer, and more refined than I recalled from speaker
listening. A quick switch over to the NAD provided my first confirmation
of the rightness of dedicated headphone amps. The NAD’s sound was broader,
more dif fuse, with voices less focused in the mid range and not nearly as
dear and airy in the high end. The music heard through the Grado Reference
RA-1 amp sounded appreciably better in every way.
Next, on to the splendid composer/arranger Maria Schneider’s distinguished,
hard swinging, big-band jazz orchestra. On the edgy, fear-laced “Bombshelter
Beast,” the first section of the three-movement “Scenes from Childhood” suite
from her 1996 recording Coming About (Enja ENJ 90692), Scott Robinson’s gutsy
baritone sax projected real heft for such a diminutive speaker system. And
Jim Anderson’s uncannily concise mix of this authoritative 19-piece ensemble,
complete with brilliantly involved theramin (again, Robinson’s) remained
dynamically smooth throughout. Tony Scherr’s creepy, “bug-crawling-up-your-leg”
deep electric bass lines on “Night Watchman” sent me cranking up the volume,
fascinated by its better-than-lifelike presence through the Grado 5R80 head
phones and RA-1 amp.
This kind of music is richly layered, engagingly plotted, and powerfully
performed here. On sexier, laid-back cuts like “Love Theme from Spartacus,”
I found an exquisitely audible midrange tension in Rich Perry’s tenor-sax
playing that was not nearly as pulsingly vibrant when heard through the NAD’s
While headphone listening can never approach the bone-crunching deep bass
of full-size, high-end speakers with subwoofers or hope to project the high-grade
imaging of full-blown systems, the benefits and ad vantages of the Grado
5R80 headphones— with the Grado Reference RA-1 amp doing the driving—were
stunning in serving as a— sort of microscope for my ears.
This was a consideration made strikingly clear when I swapped the Kimber
Hero cables connecting the RA-1 with a pair of generic, came-in-the-box cables
I had lying around. Gadzooks, what a difference! The entire sound profile
took on the lackluster patina of soiled tape heads. Dullsville.
Back to the cleaner, more detailed sound of the Kimbers, and back again
to Korngold for my final test audition, a bit of his flawlessly detailed,
yet orchestral-esque, chamber music. Korngold, after the strenuous effort
of composing opera and large orchestral pieces, would seek a kind of psychic
sabbatical in chamber pieces. Quite a few of these exciting works are now
finally available on CD. In the kinetic first movement of his String Quartet
No. 1 in A, Op. 16, with the Chilingirian Quartet (RCA Gold Seal 7889-2-RG),
an extremely demanding piece to perform, Korngold brilliantly juxtaposes
a forbidding, relentlessly onrushing, chromatic figure with a poignantly
touching love theme in a way that in its sound picture is pure Korngold,
at once displaying breathtaking technique and lovely tenderness. Here the
Grado RA-1 really came through with flying colors, allowing a terrifically
precise dynamic flow, more focused and with a far more accurate sense of
presence than the NAD.
Overall, with no disrespect to the NAD 317, which is a first-class integrated
amp and then some, the all-Grado listening experience with the SR80 headphones
and RA-1 dedicated headphone amp was quite a turn-on. With the Grado Reference
RA-1 handling the amplification, music was rendered truer, clearer, and more
lifelike than I had imagined was possible. Hats off to Joseph and John Grado!