I can remember walking across Manhattan on a sparkling day in the late summer
of 1996 to hear a then-new digital coding system called Direct Stream Digital
(DSD). The venue was Sony Music’s West 57th Street studios; I had barely an
inkling of what I was in for. Sitting in the control room, I could see a jazz
trio in the next studio, everyone close-miked. On the other side of the console
was a pair of Wilson Audio Watt/Puppies. The idea was to compare the sound
of the console feed with the sound through a then-state-of-the-art 20-bit pulse-code
modulation (PCM) chain and the sound through a DSD chain, and then to decide
which of the latter was closer to the former. As I recall, we had a choice
of 48- or 96-kHz sampling rate on the PCM system, and a Studer 15/30-ips deck
was available to play analog masters.
Everyone seemed to agree that DSD was closer to the direct feed than 48-kHz
PCM, but something stuck in my craw. Finally, the light dawned. In the next
room, I could see a microphone positioned 3 inches in front of the trumpet
and another swallowed up in the piano, but my ears heard a reasonably spacious
sound with a modest degree of ambience. When I pushed the point, the engineers
admitted to adding a bit of reverb and otherwise toying around to make the
sound “more natural.” Presumably, this was done digitally. Whether this affected
the experiment’s validity is moot, but, having run lots of demos in my 10 years
at CBS Labs, I am a very suspicious guy. So I left Sony Music that day unconvinced
that DSD was better than PCM. Besides, DSD proved to be a real bit-hog compared
with PCM, and the scientist in me thinks that wasting resources is a sign of
inelegant engineering.
We asked whether Sony intended DSD as a new consumer audio format and got
the ol’ runaround: “DSD was developed to archive Sony Music’s vast collection
of analog masters that are drying out and disintegrating this very moment!”
(Help! Help!) Sony’s stated DSD objective was a digital recording system that
would pre serve every nuance recorded on those masters, was not limited by
PCM’s bandwidth and dynamic range constraints, and was convertible to any PCM
format presently used or likely to be used, without sound degradation. Phew!
Such a lofty objective, and here I was quibbling about bit rate! For shame.
Besides, videotape (the proposed archiving medium) can Store wads of data,
Sony pointed out. I repressed my urge to ask why one would want to replace
one crumbling tape medium with an other when optical storage is possible and
left the studio.
If DSD is the perfect way to archive past recordings, ipso facto it must be
the best way to record new programs. Soon after, Sony and co-developer Philips
trotted the DSD system around the pro audio world to drum up interest.
Despite a lack of professional mixing and sound processing equipment capable
of handling DSD (DSD signals can’t be mixed on a PCM board), Sony managed to
convert a handful of top-notch recording engineers, who made some excellent
recordings using the new DSD technology. I remained my curmudgeonly skeptical
self until last January, when I heard these recordings in a private demo at
the Consumer Electronics Show. They’d now become Su per Audio Compact Discs
(SACDs), and a new consumer audio format was born.
Sony and Philips have been accused of launching SACD simply to roil the waters
for DVD-Audio, a statement easier to make than to prove. The way I see it—and
I’m sure I’ll get lots of arguments on this—DVD-Audio extends present-day PCM
technology into the surround sound realm and permits use of higher sampling
rates and longer word lengths, whereas SACD takes a fresh look at what digital
recording should be all about. DVD-Audio’s goals are admirable—but it is still
a multibit, PCM system, whereas SACD uses the aforementioned Direct Stream
Digital technology. Whether DSD proves sonically superior to 20-bit/192-kHz
PCM remains to be seen, but I’d not rule out the possibility. (Yes, I know
DVD-Audio claims to permit 24-bit resolution, but for the reasons given in
my DVD-Audio article in the September issue, I think that’s just specsmanship.)
It’s not what DSD has, but what it doesn’t have, that makes the difference:
a case where less may be more and where 1 bit may be better than 20. Nor did
DSD emerge from the seashell as a fully formed Aphrodite. DSD is a byproduct
of developments that led to the modern PCM converter. In fact, DSD analog-to-digital
converters and most modern high-resolution PCM A/D converters start off the
same way. Both use high-speed, oversampling 1-bit (or “low-bit”) delta-sigma
modulation, and noise shaping, to transform analog signals into the digital
domain. DSD samples incoming signals 2,822,400 times a second (64 times the
44.1-kHz CD rate), an over-sampling rate typical of PCM converters as well.
(For more about oversampling, 1-bit delta-sigma modulation, and noise shaping,
see “A Compleat Digital Primer.”) Where DSD and PCM part company is in what
they do with the 1-bit data stream.
To record PCM, the high- speed, 1-bit data are converted into multi-bit words
at a lower sampling rate. In the conversion, data are decimated and digitally
filtered to avoid aliasing (see “Primer”), because the sampling rate is being
reduced. Although a brick-wall digital filter is easier to implement than its
analog equivalent—it simply involves a series of mathematical calculations—its
effects are not necessarily benign.
Digital filters overshoot and ring both before and after transients, and each
mathematical calculation increases the word length. If the accumulators in
the filter cannot accommodate the longer words, overshoots caused by the calculation
can be clipped or the least significant bits (LSBs) of calculated data can
be truncated. In a complex, multistage brick-wall decimation filter, internal
word length can reach or exceed 100 bits! To constrain the word length, well-designed
multistage decimation filters re-quantize (to reduce the word length) at each
stage. In any case, the output data must be requantized to fit the system parameters—i.e.,
word length must be reduced to 16 bits for CD or to 16, 20, or 24 bits for
DVD-Audio. Each requantization produces distortion if the data are not properly
redithered, but in randomizing quantization distortion, dither raises the noise
floor slightly. No free lunch!
When played back through a delta-sigma D/A converter (the dominant method
nowadays), multibit PCM words are converted back to a high-speed 1-bit (or
low-bit) data stream by an interpolation filter and returned to analog by a
delta-sigma modulator and reconstruction filter—hence more calculations, more
overshoot, and more phase shift. Which perhaps is what has led some audiophiles
to prefer the sound of gentle, low-order interpolation filters to that of brick-wall
types, despite the large amounts of aliasing distortion that so-called soft
filters permit! I’m not in that camp, but it does raise a question: Why use
this approach? The simple answer is that delta-sigma modulators have been found
to be the most practical and cost-effective way to convert digital information
back to the analog domain. A 1-bit modulator is inherently linear and, properly
implemented, can have wide dynamic range. Ladder DACs have problems achieving
16-bit accuracy, never mind 20 or 24 bits!
The beauty of a 1-bit delta-sigma-modulated data stream is that it contains
the analog signal within itself. Although the delta-sigma stream is digital,
in that it toggles between two fixed levels (“1” and “0”) rather than trying
to describe a continuum of intermediate values, Fourier analysis of the data
stream reveals the original analog signal embedded in the original band of
frequencies where it began. All that is needed to restore it is an analog low-pass
filter to dump the digital trash!
The salient difference between Direct Stream Digital and PCM is that DSD cuts
out the middlemen. Instead of using a decimator and digital filter to get 1-bit
data into multibit form for recording and then using more calculations in the
player to turn PCM words into 1-bit equivalents so they can be linearly converted
to analog, DSD records and plays the 1-bit stream directly (Fig. 1). In principle,
all that is needed in the player is an analog low-pass filter to reconstruct
the audio and reject the ultrasonic digital trash. Looked at this way, DSD
is a simpler, more straightforward, more analog approach to digital recording,
and the old audiophile adage that says “the less the better” is more often
right than wrong.
DSD also offers a flexible trade-off between bandwidth and dynamic range.
With PCM, bandwidth is sharply limited to half the sampling rate while maximum
dynamic range is dictated by word length. Proponents argue that the dynamic
range of a PCM system can be made arbitrarily large by increasing the word
length, but in my experience, the practical end-to-end limit for a PCM system
is about 20 bits, and there are good reasons for that.
With DSD, bandwidth and dynamic range are determined by the type and order
of the noise shaping used in recording and, to a lesser extent, by the analog
low-pass filter in the player, characteristics that are not cast in stone.
The only constraint the SACD “Scarlet Book” of standards places on the encoder
is that the total noise energy in the region below 100 kHz not exceed -20 dBFS.
There is a recommendation that SACD players incorporate a 50-kHz low-pass filter
“for use with conventional speakers and amplifiers,” but higher cutoff frequencies
are permitted.
High-order noise shaping forces more of the quantization noise into the ultrasonic
region and improves dynamic range within the audio band. But since high-order
noise shapers are not stable when overloaded, they must be designed with controls
that prevent overload and a way out should it occur. (The same applies to the
noise shapers used in high-resolution PCM converters.) The cutoff frequency
of the noise shaper enters the equation be cause it affects the bandwidth of
the DSD system. You could, for instance, use a high cutoff frequency to maximize
system band width, in which case you’d have the choice of using either high-
order noise shaping to maintain the same dynamic range over the wider bandwidth
or a lower-order filter at the sacrifice of dynamic range. On the other hand,
you also could lower the cutoff frequency of the noise shaper to improve dynamic
range in the audio band (for a given filter order) if you thought that delivered
better sound.
The point is that DSD is a flexible coding system that leaves the recording
engineer (and A/D converter designer) in charge of sound quality. I find that
appealing because it portends future quality improvements within the SACD format.
By adopting 16-bit/44.1-kHz PCM, Sony and Philips locked the CD in a straitjacket.
Apparently, they don’t intend to repeat that situation. The flip side of the
flexibility coin is that it’s difficult to speak in concrete terms of a player’s
(or the SACD format’s) bandwidth or dynamic range because the two are interrelated
and affected by choices made in the recording studio.

Fig. 1—By eliminating the conversions from delta-sigma modulation to PCM—and
back—that are typical of modern CD recording and reproduction, SACD greatly
simplifies the entire process.
Suffice to say that SACD claims the equivalent of 20-bit PCM resolution within
the audible range and a bandwidth of 100 kHz. That should encompass the range
of human hearing quite nicely. Presumably the 20-bitll00-kHz claim is based
on using reasonably high-order noise shaping in the A/D converter and a fairly
steep low-pass filter in the player. There’s a limit to how far one can (or
should) go in optimizing both factors at the same time. It is counterproductive
to shoot for maximum bandwidth together with maximum dynamic range. Doing so
would require a very high- order noise shaper with a very high cutoff frequency,
which would force so much of the quantization noise into the ultrasonic region
that a brick-wall filter would be required in the player to dump it. That's
exactly what DSD was meant to avoid.
So much for DSD; what about SACD? I draw a distinction be tween DSD, the recording
technology, and SACD, the consumer audio super-disc, because DSD may succeed
for archival purposes whether or not SACD proves a consumer success. Physically,
an SACD is very similar to a DVD. Although it can't be played on to day's DVD
players, I see no reason why it couldn't be played on fu ture systems because
the physical size (12 centimeters), storage capacity (4.7 gigabytes per layer),
and optimum laser wavelength (650 nanometers) are the same. (In fact, Philips
recently announced its intention to deliver a universal DVD-Video/DVD-Audio/SACD/CD
player late next year.) Only the maximum transfer rate and data format differ,
SACD discs are single-sided and come in three varieties: a disc with one high-density
(HD) layer that carries DSD information exclusively, a disc with two HD layers
that provides 8.5 gigabytes of storage for longer playing time, and a hybrid
that has an HD up per layer and a 44.l-kHz, 16-bit Red Book (CD-compatible)
lower layer that existing CD players should recognize (Fig. 2). Hybrid discs
solve the dual-inventory problem that was said to be so important to the music
industry. At one point, a DVD-Audio spokesman told me that the same could be
done with their format, but lately they seem to be backing off that position
on the grounds that they've found many CD players that will not recognize the
CD layer of a hybrid disc.

Fig. 2-A hybrid SACD has two layers. The high- density layer is derived from
DVD optical technology and carries the high-resolution DSD data streams. The
base layer is essentially a standard CD. The HD layer is only semi-reflective,
to allow the longer wavelengths of a standard CD player's laser pickup to penetrate
it and read the CD layer.
Four of the five discs I got with the Sony SCD-1 (reviewed else where in this
issue) were hybrids, so I thought I'd give them a go on the players I had around.
All played fine on my reference Sony CDP-XA7ES player, on a Technics portable,
and on an antediluvian Yamaha CD deck. My Sony DVP-S7700 DVD player had no
difficulty recognizing the hybrid SACD as a CD, nor did my Philips laserdisc
player. The only machine that refused to read the disc was a Matsushita-sourced
single-laser DVD player that also burps on CD-Rs.
SACD supports 255 tracks, which eliminates any need for index numbers. It
also supports text (song. lyrics, liner notes, and the like), graphics, and
limited video (still-frame, album covers, etc.), but it is not primarily a
video system. The format allows for as many as six channels of DSD surround
sound in addition to a DSD stereo track. SACD does not incorporate anything
like DVD-Audio's Smart Contents automated-mix-down capability; so a separate
stereo track is not merely an option if high-resolution stereo is de sired,
but a necessity. Sony and Philips contend (and most top notch recording engineers
would agree) that it is not possible to do justice to stereo by having a player
generate it from a surround mix, even if the producer has as much control over
the mix-down process as he does in Smart Contents. In the studio, stereo mixes
are made from the original multitrack master, not from a surround mix thereof.
Sometimes even the microphone setup is different for stereo than for surround
SACD was designed to have the same 74-minute playing time as a normal CD (sensible
in light of the Red Book layer on the hybrid disc), but with eight DSD channels
(six surround plus studio mixed stereo) on the HD layer, SACD devours storage
capacity at a wild pace. The DSD data rate comes to 2.8224 megabytes/second,
which chews up a 4.7-gigabyte HD layer in 27 minutes, 45 seconds. To boost
this capacity to 74-minutes, the Philips half of the team concocted a lossless
compression algorithm called Direct Stream Transfer (DST). DST uses a combination
of linear prediction and Huffman coding to compress the data by a ratio greater
than 2:1. (By my calculations, they'd need 2.67:1 packing to deliver 74 minutes
of six surround plus two stereo channels on a 4.7-gigabyte layer.)
DST divides the data into 13.3-millisecond frames. Within each frame, a linear
filter predicts whether the next bit will be "1" or "0," based
on the value of the preceding bit. The predicted value is compared with the
true value. If the prediction is correct, the comparator outputs a "0";
if it's incorrect, the comparator outputs a "1." Because audio data
are not random, the predictor is right more often than wrong. Therefore, the
output of the comparator is likely to consist of relatively long strings of "0s" with
occasional "is" where the prediction was incorrect. And because it
contains long strings of the same value, the predicted data is more redundant
than the original. The redundancy is then removed by a Huffman code, which
produces the actual compression.
Huffman coding replaces common patterns of data with simpler codes. For example,
if four consecutive "0s" is the most frequent occurrence, "0000" could
be replaced with a single "0," defined in the Huffman table as "0000." That
yields 4:1 compression for the "0000" pattern, but now a different
code is needed to replace a single "0." Because the single "0" code
will be more than 1 bit long, some ground is lost. The point is to make the
data as redundant as possible (via linear prediction) and then assign the shortest
codes to the most common patterns and the longer codes to the least common
patterns, A Huffman table can be fixed or computed for each data frame to optimize
compression on a frame-by-frame basis. It's not clear which approach is taken,
though I suspect Philips derives a new table for each frame based on the patterns
found within it.
Because the table constantly changes in this case, modifications to it must
be included with the data as side information, so the player knows how to decipher
the block. Consequently, there's a delicate trade-off between the size of the
frame and the amount of side information that must be transferred to optimize
the compression ratio.
Assuming error-free transmission, this type of compression is lossless. That
is, the original 1-bit data stream can be perfectly re stored from the compressed
information. Although I use the term "prediction error," there is
no error overall. When the encoding predictor is wrong, that information is
sent in the data to the player whose decoding predictor is told "whatever
you think the value should be is wrong, so fix it!" As I write this, the
only SACD player and existing sample discs are stereo-only. One cannot help
but conclude that in order to beat DVD-Audio to market, choices had to be made.
My guess is that Philips' DST algorithm was not locked in silicon in time,
but it's also possible that no multichannel DSD masters were available. As
I said earlier, DSD cannot be mixed on a PCM board, and DSD mixers and signal
processors are as rare as hens' teeth.
Sony has stated that the SACD launch will be supported by an initial release
of approximately 40 titles from AudioQuest, Delos, dmp, Mobile Fidelity, Telarc,
Water Lily Acoustics, and Sony Music. Sony Music has indicated it will release
10 titles per month there after. Time will tell. Philips can't help because
it sold its record labels (PolyGram et al.) to Universal Music, which is aligned
with the DVD-Audio group. At present, the DVD-Audio group has gotten more companies
to sign on the dotted line than have Philips and Sony, possibly because it
seems more amenable to the stronger copy-protection and anti-piracy schemes
the record industry de sires. But the protection issue remains a thorn in the
sides of both camps.
As I see it, the music industry wants something it can't have without destroying
the rationale for a superior audio carrier. From what I've been told, the record
companies not only want to be able to protect against indiscriminate digital
cloning but to control copying in the analog domain as well. It's one thing
to scramble a digital signal or insert flags in the data stream that le gal
digital recorders recognize and refuse to record; it's another to have protection
carry over into analog output signals. Digital flags can be recognized, acted
upon, and stripped before conversion to analog, but it seems to me that anything
that ends up recognizable by an analog recorder can't help but be audible.
If the music industry couldn't get away with this on CDs (it tried, remember),
how can it possibly expect to do so on a higher-quality medium? I think the
best the record labels can hope for is to make indiscriminate digital cloning
illegal and difficult and let it go at that. No one is seriously proposing
military-style encryption, and anything short of that will quickly be hacked
by commercial pirates. Commercial piracy and the Internet are the serious threats
to the music industry, not audiophiles. We're the customers! Actually, SACD
seems to have certain advantages over DVD-Audio with respect to piracy, even
though Sony and Philips won't agree to any tampering with the signal that possibly
could be audible. SACD discs not only carry a digital watermark but can also
carry a visible one. As with DVD-Audio, the digital watermark can be used to
prevent a player from reproducing an illegal disc and to control how many copies
can be made. The (optional) visible watermark assures the buyer that the disc
is legal.
The visible watermark is created by Pit Signal Processing (PSP) while mastering
the disc. PSP varies the pit width in a way that leaves a visible pattern on
the disc-for example, the DSD logo. Reportedly, the technology needed to do
this in a way that does not cause jitter is extremely complex, and the magic
boxes will be made available only to licensed pressing plants. PSP offers a
fighting chance of reducing commercial piracy if consumers refuse to buy unwatermarked
discs. But that's a big if, when visible watermarking is optional. A
I wish to acknowledge the assistance of David Kawakami of Sony and Dr. Andrew
Demery of Philips in providing AES Preprints and other technical background
material. Special thanks to Ed Meitner of EMM Labs for sharing his experience
in designing the DSD professional equipment that made possible many of the
recordings I heard.
Digital audio systems have two things in common: sampling the analog input
signal at a regular rate and quantizing (assigning a value to) each sample.
The sampling rate puts an upper limit on frequency response; quantization establishes
the dynamic range. The theoretical upper limit of a sampling system is one-half
the sampling rate. This is the so-called Nyquist cri tenon. Because Compact
Discs use 44.1-kl4z sampling, the theoretical upper limit on frequency response
is 22.05 kHz.
Signals of higher frequency that enter the sampler cause aliases that cannot
be distinguished from real signals. Aliasing is a form of intermodulation distortion,
or beating between the signal and the carrier, that produces new signals at
the sum and difference frequencies. For example, if a 43. l-kHz (or 45.1-kHz)
signal is sampled at 44.1 kHz, a 1-kHz beat is produced that cannot be distinguished
from a true 1-kHz signal.
Aliases at the sum frequencies (87.2 kHz and 89.2 kHz in this case) also occur,
but, lying in the ultrasonic region, they are in audible. The 1-kHz difference
signal definitely is audible, so signals of frequencies greater than half the
sampling rate must be prevented from entering a sampler. This is the job of
the anti-aliasing filter.
In digital audio's early days, anti-aliasing filters were complex analog circuits
that attempted flat response to 20 kHz and high rejection at 22.05 kHz and
above. Designing such a filter was (and is) a formidable task; building an
affordable one was (and is) even more difficult. In-band response seldom was
flat, out-of-band rejection rarely was as much as needed, and group delay wasn't
uniform. This caused severe phase distortion at high frequencies.
Oversampling-sampling at a higher rate than the Nyquist criterion requires
for the desired bandwidth-offers an out.
Instead of sampling at 44.1 kHz, suppose one samples at 176.4 khz (4x oversampling)
while maintaining the original 20-kHz system bandwidth. Signals above 88.2
kHz still alias, but the lowest frequency that creates a sub-20-kHz alias is
56.4 kHz (176.4 kHz minus 156.4 kHz equals 20 kHz). That provides more room
for the analog input filter to work, greatly simplifies the design, and improves
phase response.
When the digital signal is returned to the analog domain, it appears as a
series of samples, and similar aliasing problems occur. If the D/A converter
operates at the original sampling rate, another brick-wall filter is needed
at the output. (That's what was done in the early days, and CDs got the rap
for bad sound.) A solution is the use of another form of oversampling, a digital
interpolation filter.
Interpolation filters use mathematical calculation to increase the sampling
rate and move images out to higher frequencies, where they can be removed by
a relatively simple analog filter. Over sampling is beneficial but has a major
drawback: There's less time for each conversion, which is a real problem if
one is shooting for 16-bit (or better) accuracy. This brings up the subject
of quantization.
Just as prices are usually rounded up or down to the nearest penny because
that's the smallest coin in our currency system, a digital representation must
be rounded up or down to the nearest value permitted. This produces quantization
error, which in the audio world is called quantization noise. PCM 16- bit binary
words (CD, DAT, etc.) have 2^16 possible values. In decimal notation, that's
65,536 possible values, one of which is zero. Because the maximum quantization
error is always ±½ of the least significant bit (LSB), increasing the word
length provides finer resolution and better dynamic range. In a PCM system,
theoretical signal-to-noise ratio is equal to 6.02 times the number of bits
plus 1.76 dB, so a 16-bit system can theoretically handle a dynamic range of
98 dB. Achieving this in practice is easier said than done.
Early analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters used a straightforward
way of converting between domains. On the AID side, the sample value was compared
to a set of voltages established by a resistor network. The digital word was
then generated by successively approximating the value until it got as close
as possible. On the D/A side, another resistive ladder generated currents proportional
to each bit of the digital word. The currents corresponding to the "1" bits
were summed to pro duce the output. The concept is simple, the execution excruciating.
The problem is one of tolerance; the MSB (most significant bit) of a PCM word
accounts for half the total value, and it's nearly impossible to make it precise
enough that the error doesn't swamp the less significant bits. Consequently,
early 16- bit converters rarely achieved true 16-bit performance.
Most modern converters use high-order oversampling, I-bit or low-bit delta-sigma
modulation, and noise shaping to transform between the domains. Delta-sigma
modulation is an offshoot of the delta modulator developed at Bell Labs decades
ago. Delta modulators are rather simple circuits that compare the present value
of the analog signal with the past and output a "1" if the value
has in creased and a "0" if it has decreased. Delta modulators do
not encode the actual signal; instead, they mathematically encode its change-its
delta, or derivative. By including an integrator (sigma) in the comparator
loop, the delta modulator becomes a delta-sigma (probably more properly called
a sigma-delta) modulator. Integration mathematically reverses the derivative
so that a delta-sigma modulator encodes the signal itself.
In theory, a 1-bit delta-sigma modulator is perfectly linear, because all
bits have identical value. The problem is quantization noise. With only 1 bit
to describe data, the dynamic range is zilch! Oversampling and noise shaping
came to the rescue. Digital quantization noise spreads from DC to half of the
sampling rate. (See Fig. A1.) With 64- or 128-times oversampling, most noise
is in the ultrasonic region and can be disregarded, but the raw quantization
noise of a 1-bit converter is so great that oversampling by itself is not enough.
Doubling the sampling rate spreads the noise over twice as much bandwidth,
but that improves the dynamic range within the audio band by only 3 dB. Thus,
64-times oversampling results in an 18-dB gain and a 1-bit, 64-times oversampled
converter has about 4 bits of resolution in the audio band. Hardly enough!
Here's where noise shaping comes in. Noise shaping is a technique that effectively
low-pass filters the desired signal and high-pass filters the quantization
noise. This squeezes the noise out of the audio band into the ultrasonic region,
much as air in a cylindrical balloon can be squeezed into one end by grabbing
the other (Fig. A2). Actually, a 1-bit delta-sigma modulator is itself a first-order
noise shaper. The integration provides the filtering action, and a 64-times
oversampled delta-sigma converter has better than 4-bit resolution within the
audio band.
Combining several delta-sigma modulators in the same loop results in higher-order
noise shaping that forces more of the noise into the ultrasonic region. Within
reason, this technique can achieve arbitrarily good resolution within the audio
band and perfect conversion linearity. The extremely high sampling rate also
effectively eliminates aliasing concerns in the delta-sigma modulator, although
aliasing can occur if the 1-bit stream is down-converted into multibit PCM
at a slower rate. One of DSD's prime claims to fame is that it avoids that
last step.

Fig. A1. A simple 1-bit PCM quantizer (a) produces very high quantization noise
(the difference between the input and output waveforms) within the audio band.
A 1-bit delta-sigma modulator (b) produces the same total amount of quantization
noise, but it is spread over a much wider bandwidth, so less of it appears
in the audible range.

Fig. A2.Comparison of noise spectra with and without noise shaping.