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Digital capacitance meter Data Precision has introduced model 938, a digital capacitance meter for testing capacitances be tween 0.1 pF and 1,999 uF in eight ranges. A basic accuracy of +0.10/0 and a 3-1/2 digit LCD readout are features of the instrument that operates up to 200 hours from a single 9-V alkaline battery. Measurements are based on a dc time-constant principle. The zero adjust can compensate for up to 20 pF of stray capacitance during tests. Model 938 sells for $149 with battery, spare fuse, clip leads and instruction manual. Scope with DMM A weight of only 10 pounds including an internal battery pack is one important feature for portable field-servicing applications of the 112=1111.111. Tektronix dual-trace 5-MHz triggered scope combined with an autoranging 3-function digital multi-meter. Operating power can be from ac, dc or internal battery. Model 305 sells for $1725. Isolation transformer B&K-Precision has introduced model TR-110 Isopak isolation transformer which prevents the dangers of electrical shock and component damage during the testing of transformerless equipment. Both isolated and direct voltage outlets are sup plied. The isolated voltage is adjustable in nine steps from 90 to 140 Vac. This permits changing the voltage to the specified value when the voltage source is high or low, and permits testing of intermittents that are voltage sensitive. Power rating of TR-110 is 350 VA for continuous operation or 500 VA for intermittent use. Price of model TR-110 is $75. Digital-readout power supply Adjustable and regulated dc power for testing TV, stereo, radio, microprocessor and security equipment is available from model DG-1 Digital Power Supply by PTS Electronics. The output voltage is adjustable to 30 V, and it is monitored by the 3-digit LED digital readout which is accurate to 0.5 % and has a resolution of 0.1 V. Testing probe The CVP model 33-133 multitester from Workman Electronic Products tests for continuity, voltage and polarity. The CVP multitester checks for floating grounds. capacity, leakage, fuses, ac line voltages and deter mines ac neutrals. The compact size of the probe makes it ideal for checking circuit boards. The CVP multitester is solid-state equipped and it operates on three size-N batteries. User price is $9.95. Small VOM Mura has introduced budget-priced model NH-63 multitester. Sensitivity is 20 k Ohm /V for dc and 1 ohm /V for ac voltages. Four dB ranges, two dc current ranges and three resistance ranges are included. A mirrored scale and protection from meter overload are additional features. Model NH-63 is priced at $25.50. Logical analysis kit Continental Specialties Corporation's LTC-2 high speed logical analysis kit consists of a high speed (10 ns) LP-3 logic probe, DP-1 digital pulse and DM-1 clip-on logic monitor, plus an assortment of accessories and documentation, all housed in a custom-molded carrying case. The LP-3 logic probe has 0.5 meg input impedance and can catch pulses as brief as 10 ns. The DP-1 digital pulser has either single pulses or 100-Hz pulse train. The LM-1 logic monitor clips onto any standard 14-pin or 16-pin DIP IC. The suggested retail price of the kit is $235. LED-readout DMM Model DM100 digital multimeter from Universal Enterprises has 3-1/2 digit resolution with a display of 0.5-inch LEDs. Zeroing, polarity and overrange indication are automatic, the five basic functions have a total of 25 ranges plus a battery-test switch. Accuracy for dc volts is between ±0.1 % and +- 0.5 % depending on the range. Price of model DM100 is $99.95. Optional accessories include an ac adapter/battery charger, NiCad re chargeable batteries, and many test leads and probes. ![]() ![]() Rugged VOM The taut-band movement of the meter is said to be able to withstand shocks up to 50 Gs in the Soar model ME-221 VOM. Other features include a mirrored scale, ac and dc measurements to 1000 V, dc current measurements to 250 mA and resistances up to 500 ohm. Two 1.5-V AA batteries provide ohmmeter power. Price of model ME-221 is $30. Scopes Hickok Electrical Instruments offers three low-priced. scope models with automatic triggering, color-coded front panels and grouped controls for easy set up. Hickok model 532 is a dual-trace 30 MHz scope with 11.7 ns risetime, 30 MHz vertical bandwidth and a built-in delay line for viewing the leading edge of fast-risetime pulses: It has a full time 4x expansion that allows any portion of a pulse train up to 40 full divisions long to be viewed without the use of a multi plier. Price is $995 with probes. Model 517 is a dual-trace 15 MHz scope with 5 mV/cm sensitivity and response up to 30 MHz. It's priced at $695 including probes. The model 515 offers most of these features in a $495 (including probe) single-trace version. Autoranging DVM A portable auto-ranging digital multimeter announced by Alco Electronic Products features minimal controls and a 3 1/2 digit LCD readout for measurement of dc or ac (RMS) voltage, dc current and ohms, with full auto-ranging. Model 2000A also has auto-zeroing over load protection and auto-polarity sensing. Also included are over-range and low battery indication, tilt stand and custom test lead. Logic probe The B&K-Precision logic probe is capable of measurements from DC to 50 MHz. The probe, model DP-50, is a multifamily device that is compatible with TTL, DTL, RTL, HTL, CMOS, MOS and High-Noise Immunity Logic (HiNIL). Also see: Beckman Instruments
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