Antex soldering equipment (ad)


Tomorrows Soldering Technology Today.

ANTEX has a worldwide reputation for quality & service & for many years has been one of the best known & most popular names in soldering. Always at the forefront of technology, ANTEX is continually researching new and better ways of achieving more accurate, reliable, and cost effective soldering. On ANTEX Soldering Irons, the advanced design of the interface between the element & the bit allows more efficient heat transfer to the bit and improved stability of the temperature at the point of contact with the work. Indeed, experiments have shown that an XS25 watt iron can be used for tasks where a 40 watt iron would normally have been required.

ANTEX Soldering Irons exhibit exceptionally low leakage currents & hence are suitable for use on Static Sensitive Devices. Sophisticated temperature controlled soldering units have recently been added to the ANTEX range.

Model C

- 15 Watts. Available for 250, 220, 115, 100, 50 or 24 volts.

Model XS

- 25 Watts. Available for 240, 220, 115, 100, 50, 24 or 12 volts.

Model XS-BP

- 25 Watts. 240 volts, fitted with British Plug.

ST4 Stand

- To suit all irons.

SK5 Soldering Kit.

Contains model

CS 240v Iron, an ST4 Stand and solder SK6

Soldering Kit.

Contains model XS240v

Iron, an ST4

Stand and solder SKS-BP and 5K6-BP

Soldering Kits as above with British Plug Model CS

-17 Watts. Available for 240, 220, 115, 100, 50, 24 or 12 volts Model CS-BP

- 17 Watts 240 volts, fitted with British Plug TCSU1

- Very robust temperature controlled Soldering Unit, with a choice of 30 Watt (CSTC) or 40 Watt (XSTC) miniature irons.

Range 65°C to 420°C.

Accuracy 2%.

Range TCSU-D

Elegant Temperature Controlled Soldering Unit with 50 W Iron (XSD) and built around FERRANTI custom-made ULA.

Ambient to 450-C Accuracy ± 5°C Zero-crossing switching. Detachable sponge tray.

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