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(index locations on both: gammaelectronics.xyz and industrial-electronics.com) ![]() above: Typical 1980's-era cover (e.g., Apr. 1985) 1985--Apr.Projects: RESISTANCE BOX -- Nearly every resistance value between 1R and 11MR. CAR AUDIO BOOSTER/COMPRESSOR -- Listen to the sounds, not to the engine. SOUND TO LIGHT CONTROLLER -- A bass/complementary light control--as promised last month. AUDIO AMPLIFIER MODULE -- A voltage-efficient amp module suitable for radios. SHORT CIRCUIT: RF SIGNAL TRACER SHORT WAVE CONVERTER -- Allows you to use a medium-wave radio for short-wave reception. Features: SECRETS OF SOLDERING--How to do it wrong, and what to do about it. COMPONENTS FROM THE INSIDE OUT-- We unroll some capacitors. METERS, METERS, METERS -- Thirty-one multimeters assessed in all price ranges. THE 1985 READERS SURVEY -- You wrote the forms, we read them. ELECTRONICS FROM THE START -- Electrolytic capacitors, and the 555 timer IC. REVIEW: BOX OF TRICKS -- Classy cases for prestigious projects. Regulars: ADs: Pantec's Challenger analog multimeter Notice: The contents of this publication including all designs, plans, drawings and programs and all copyright and other intellectual property rights therein belong to Argus Specialist Publications Ltd. All rights conferred by the Law of Copyright and other intellectual property rights by virtue of international copyright conventions are specifically reserved to Argus Specialist Publications Limited and any reproduction requires the prior written consent of the Company. All reasonable care is taken in the preparation of the magazine to ensure accuracy, but Argus Specialist Publications Ltd cannot be held responsible legally. Copyright 1985 Argus Specialist Publications Ltd. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. Electronics Monthly is normally published on the second Friday of the month prior to the cover date Eiectronies Monthly, No 1 Golden Square. London WIR 3AB. Tel. 01-437 0626 Telex: 881169 Published by Argus Specialist Publications Ltd. Origination by Ebony Typesetting. Trion House. 13 Dean Street, Liskeard. Cornwall PL14 4AB Design by Footprint. 15 St John's Hill. London SW11 ITN. Cover Design by MM Design, Circus House. 26 Little Portland Street, London WIN 5AF Distributed by S M Distribution Ltd.. 16/18 Trinity Gardens. London SW9 8DX Printed by the Garden City Press, Let Chworth, Hens SG6 1 JS. Covers printed by Alabaster Pass Also see: Selected articles from Electronics Handbook (classic USA print magazine) Selected articles from Electronics Digest (classic UK print magazine) |
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