RCA Institutes


(source: Electronics World, Dec. 1963)

Exclusive with RCA ... the faster, easier way toward a career in electronics.

Amazing home training method makes learning almost automatic.

Exclusive with RCA. "AUTOTEXT" the revolutionary home training method introduced by RCA Institutes, Inc., is stirring the interest of thousands. Every day, "AUTOTEXT" is helping people like yourself join the thousands of other successful electronic students who are working toward profitable careers right now! This faster, easier way to learn electronics uses the latest scientific development ,n the field of home training-and "AUTOTEXT" is exclusive with RCA. New trend in education. This exciting new trend in education represents a significant advance in teaching electronics. People who have been interested in careers in electronics in the past, but have had difficulty with conventional home training methods, can now begin to master the fundamental principles of electronics almost automatically.

Tested in schools throughout the country, checked out and proved with thousands of students, programmed instruction is helping people learn more quickly and with less effort.

Prove it to yourself now! If you have a natural inclination or interest in the exciting field of electronics, that's all you need. RCA "AUTOTEXT" will help you do the rest.

And the future is unlimited. Jobs are available for qualified technicians in Space Electronics, Communications, TV, Computer Programming, Automation, and many other electronic fields. The important thing is to get started now! Complete course available. Right now, RCA Institutes offers you a complete Home Training Course ( "Introduction to Electronics ") using the " AUTOTEXT" method. You get a complete set of theory lessons, service practice lessons, experiment lessons, and all the kits you need. And most important, " AUTOTEXT" takes most of the effort out of learning the all-important groundwork of the electronics field.

Wide choice of Home Training courses in Electronics:

Auto-text Introduction to Electronics Introduction to Semiconductors TV Servicing Color TV Communications Electronics FCC License Preparation Mobile Communications Automation Electronics Electronic Fundamentals (also available in Spanish)

Computer Programming Transistors Electronic Drafting Industrial Electronics Automatic Controls Industrial Applications Nuclear Instrumentation Digital Techniques

RCA Institutes Home Training Courses are complete step by step easy-to-understand units. You get prime quality equipment in the kits furnished to you, and all of it is top grade. It's yours to keep and use on the job.

Liberal Tuition Plan. RCA Institutes Home Training Courses are available under a liberal tuition plan that affords you the most economical possible method of home training. You pay for lessons only as you order them. If, for any reason, you should wish to interrupt your training, you can do so and you will not owe a cent until you resume the course. No long-term obligations! Set Your Own Pace. RCA Institutes Home Training takes into consideration your own ability, finances and time. You learn at your own speed, in the most effective manner, with personalized instruction every step of the way. You get theory, experiment, and service practice beginning with the very first lesson.

All lessons are profusely illustrated-a complete training package in every way.


RCA Institutes Resident Schools in New York City, Los Angeles and RCA Technical Institute in Cherry Hill near Camden, N. J., offer classroom training that will prepare you to work in rewarding research and production positions in many fields of electronics. No previous technical training required for admission. You are eligible even if you haven't completed high school.

Free Placement Service. RCA Institutes Resident School graduates are now employed in important jobs at military installations, with important companies such as IBM, Bell Telephone Labs, General Electric, RCA, in radio and TV stations and in communications systems all over the country. Many other graduates have opened their own businesses. A recent New York Resident School class had 92% of the graduates who used the FREE Placement Service accepted by leading electronics companies, and had their jobs waiting for them on the day they graduated! Coeducational Day and Evening Courses are available at Resident Schools.

You can prepare for a career in electronics while continuing your normal, full time or part-time employment. Regular classes start four times a year.


A Service of Radio Corporation of America, 350 West 4th St., New York 14, N. Y.; Pacific Electric Bldg., 610 S. Main St., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

The Most Trusted Name in Electronics

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