(source: Electronics World, Aug. 1964)
ONE of the major problems associated with certain types of high-voltage
rectifiers is that sometimes it is difficult to tell when the filament
is lit, and if it is, then we have to guess at the filament voltage.
A recent issue of G-E "Techni-Talk" shows a simple way to
measure this voltage using the circuit shown. It consists of matching
the brilliancy of a bulb deriving its filament voltage from the high-voltage
rectifier socket, with the brilliancy of a bulb drawing power from a
dry cell. When the brilliancy of the two bulbs is matched, the amount
of battery voltage should be about the same as the voltage from the socket.
Accuracies of 0.1 volt have been attained.
Insulated high-voltage leads are used to interconnect the filament test
bulb with the high-voltage rectifier socket.
Place the anode high-voltage lead in a safe place. The 10-ohm resistor
in parallel with the s.p.s.t. switch is used to measure a wide range
of filament voltages. With this resistor shorted, up to 1.5v. can be
measured. With the resistor in the circuit, up to 3.6 v. can be measured.

---------The No. 112 lamp is an ordinary 1.2-volt, 0.22 amp, flashlight-type
The G-E 112 lamp filament resistance closely approximates a rectifier
filament resistance.
When the push-button switch is depressed, the second bulb filament current,
hence its brightness, is controlled by the 5-ohm linear potentiometer.
When this bulb filament brightness is adjusted to equal the test bulb
filament brightness, the voltmeter will indicate the approximate filament
With the left-hand switch in the low position (10-ohm resistor shorted)
, the voltmeter requires no correction factor.
However, in the high position, 2.1 volts must be added to the meter
reading to compensate for loss incurred in the 10ohm dropping resistor.
It should be pointed out that this device does not actually measure
the filament source voltage, but indicates how much d.c. voltage is required
to make the power input of one lamp equal that of another, matched, lamp.