(source: Electronics World, Aug. 1964)
Spacecraft tracking stations are not always located on hard
ground. In fact, a pair of the most highly sophisticated stations are
mounted on two specially equipped ships that can he located on any
THE Atlantic Missile Range (AMR) extends from Cape Kennedy, Florida,
to the Indian Ocean, some 10,000 miles away. This range is used to provide
exact data on all phases of a missile's performance from launch to termination
of flight.
To accomplish its mission, the AMR has established ground tracking stations
at Grand Bahama Island, Eleuthera Island, Trinidad, Ascension Island,
and Pretoria, South Africa.
Another network for use in manned space operations is the former Mercury
Ground Communications Network, now part of the Manned Space Flight Network
controlled from Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. This network
also has ground-based tracking stations scattered around the earth.
Both of these tracking networks also require the use of a pair of floating
tracking stations that can be stationed at sea in any part of the globe
to cover otherwise empty sectors of the missile's planned flight path.
 --------The "General H. H. Arnold" is a converted hoop
transport and is the world's largest and most heavily instrumented missile
and space tracking ship. The interior arrangement shows how bulk of the
electronic equipment is arranged in the vessel.

This is the purpose of the Advanced Range Instrumentation Ships (ARIS),
the "General H. H. Arnold" and the "General Hoyt S. Vandenberg." These
two vessels, part of a fleet of 10 ships, carry the very latest in electronic
equipment for reception and recording of spacecraft telemetry, tracking,
and voice communications in the case of manned flights. Navigation equipment
on board these ships is capable of placing its position within yards
relative to Cape Kennedy, many thousands of miles away.
ARIS instrumentation is divided into eight subsystems: operations control
center; integrated instrumentation radar; stabilization; navigation;
communications /data handling; telemetry; meteorological; and timing.
Operations Control Center
This center functions as the command post during tracking missions and
systems tests. The centralized control facility provides for smooth internal
operation and assures proper integration of the ARIS station into AMR
During missions, center personnel coordinate with other AMR stations,
aircraft and ships; review system and subsystem status; assure correctness
of ship's position, speed and heading; monitor and countermand subordinate
decisions; and select the source of sensor designate information.
Integrated Instrumentation Radar
This consists of three radars operating at C (5.7-6.2 kmc.), L (.39-1.55
kmc.), and X (5.2-10.9 kmc.) bands. The primary tracking device is the
C-band radar using a parabolic reflecting antenna thirty feet in diameter.
Precision has been stressed in the construction of the antenna. The radar
provides complete tracking data on re-entry bodies from the launching
of the missile to its impact. Similar to C-band radar is the L/X-band
radar. This uses a dual-frequency antenna forty feet in diameter. The
center 18 feet are used for X-band radar and the remaining portion for
the L-band radar. These radars also provide data on reentry.
Stabilization and Navigation
The exact location of the ship must be known if the received satellite
tracking data is to be of any value. A complex navigation system continuously
supplies this information on the ship's position, heading, speed, and
vertical reference.
The system consists of: SINS (Ships Inertial Navigation Systems) , a
navigation control console; a water speed-measuring system (E-M log);
a star-tracker; and a Mk-19 gyrocompass and sonar bench mark equipment.

--- Three radar and telemetry antennas are used on the larger ships.
In the foreground is the 30-ft. telemetry antenna.
The heart of the system is SINS. It contains three gyros and two accelerometers.
Because of gyro drift, this inertial system develops errors that increase
with time. The drift or precision error is determined by a star fix.
A star-tracker measures star altitude by locking onto the star's position,
then a computer solves the celestial problem and a navigation fix is
made. Sonar bench marks also are used as a navigational aid for updating
SINS' accuracy. The bench mark is dropped over the side in a known position.
It has an acoustic transponder mounted on a buoyant tank which is anchored
by a battery container. When the sonar set is triggered, a reply is received
from the transponder. The elapsed time, as a function of range, is measured
to each beacon thus locating the ship with respect to the bench marks.

--------Integrated instrumentation radar room of the "General H.
H. Arnold. This system uses alternate polarization of three radars to
gather 3.6 million bits of data per minute about the trajectory and impact
point of the incoming vehicle.

--------Navigation area of the "General H. H. Arnold." Accuracy
of this system is such that it can locate the ship within yards of Cape
Kennedy although vessel is thousands of miles distant.
The highly sophisticated communications system is designed to meet all
external and internal needs. It includes one of the most powerful radio
communications systems ever installed on board a ship. One 10,000-watt
and two 2500 watt high-frequency transmitters provide complete long range
voice, teleprinter, and high-speed data communications up to 10,000 nautical
miles from Cape Kennedy. An interior communication network has been developed
for use by the instrumentation personnel. This network consists of three
types of intercom stations, each varying in channel capacity, which link
key shipboard instrumentation personnel.
Data Handling
The data handling system consists of the central data conversion and
control equipment and a Univac 1206 stored--program digital computer.
The conversion equipment has two main purposes: to serve as an interface
between the major systems (SINS, C-band radar, L/X-band radars, telemetry)
and the Univac 1206 computer, and to store all trajectory and non-trajectory
data collected during a mission.
The overall accuracy of the data conversion equipment is 0.4 percent.
All stored information is in digital form, having been transformed by
the conversion equipment. The data processing needs are met by the Univac
1206 digital computer. This is a general-purpose machine of small size
and high resistance to shock, vibration, and unusual climatic conditions.
The computer performs such functions as system checkout, target acquisition,
target tracking, data format, data transmission, navigational fixing,
and information updating. Most information is stored on magnetic tape.

------ An inflated bag is secured to an Atlas nose cone after it has landed in
the ocean. This particular nose cone flew 5000 miles.
The telemetry system is used for acquiring, tracking, receiving, and
pre-detection recording of telemetry data from the re-entry vehicle.
It is capable of either independent or integrated operation with other
sensors, or it can be used to aim other tracking sensors to a proper
angle of acquisition, and it can be slaved to the C-band radar or computer
for position information. A 30-foot parabolic antenna is used for reception
of telemetry signals.
To aid in the analysis of missile performance and the scheduling of
tests, the ARIS vessels provide data on atmospheric pressures, density,
wind direction, and speed of sound.
This is accomplished through surface weather equipment, weather balloons,
and high-altitude ARCAS rockets.
The timing system provides real-time codes and indexes for time correlation
of pertinent data. These codes are distributed in various digital serial
formats throughout all the systems for accurate time correlation of all
recorded data.
The time code and indexes will maintain time correlation, relative to
Cape Kennedy timing, within 10 microseconds at distances up to 10,000
miles. Two radio systems provide this synchronization.
The general operational procedure of the ARIS ships will be as follows:
1. The ships will sail prescribed courses in the vicinity of the expected
impact points, measuring position accurately with reference to surveyed
sonar beacons.
2. The communications system will receive post-burnout signals from
Cape Kennedy.
3. The computer will integrate the equations of motion of the missile
faster than real time to determine an acquisition point prior to the
missile's arrival.
Using measured values of latitude and longitude from SINS, a continually
corrected stable acquisition point, relative to the ship, is acquired.
4. SINS will supply heading, pitch, and roll through the Central Data
Conversion and Control Equipment (CDCE) to the computer, which combines
these with the acquisition point. The result is a digital acquisition
5. CDCE converts these orders to synchro voltages for aiming the antennas
to the proper position.
6. The tracker which first acquires the missile is designated the master.
7. The other antennas are slaved through CDCE with corrections for ship's
8. When the C-band radar acquires the missile, CDCE converts the trajectory
and signal strength to digital form and records on magnetic tape.
9. The missile path is plotted from the acquisition point to impact.
10. After impact, recorded data is transmitted to waiting, aircraft
via telemetry and balloon snatch.
The prime mission of ARIS is accurate tracking and data gathering of
reentry vehicles. However. these ships also will participate in future
projects like Dvina-Soar, Gemini, Apollo, and other.