I read recently [early 1996] of a survey taken to get a feel for the “man
in the streets” attitude concerning big-screen TV. I don’t recall the details,
but one thing stands out. When shown a large, front-projected video image,
everyone wanted it. And they would pay up to $800 to get it!
Welcome to the real world, neighbor. If you’ve been keeping up with the market—as
those men and women in the street obviously had not—you know that $800 will
buy you a good, but hardly top-of-the-hue, direct-view television. It won’t
buy you even the cheapest rear-projection TV (PTV).
As for a separate video projector and screen, forget it.
But a separate projector and screen remain something of a holy grail in home
theater. Why? Because a projector is the only way to achieve a genuinely BIG
picture—bigger than all but the biggest PTVs. But this very capability means
that you, as a consumer, must be aware of the limitations of video projectors
and screens, and not demand more than they can deliver. Video projectors range
in price from around $2000 up to a level that will still buy you a modest house
in some parts of the country. And this is one field in which you definitely
get what you pay for.
There are two common types of video projectors currently available: CRT and
LCD. A CRT projector uses three separate cathode ray tubes—one each for red,
green, and blue—firing through three separate lenses. The three CRT/lens assemblies
must be carefully aimed or converged to produce a single image on the screen.
LCD projectors (see Fig. 1), on the other hand, make use of individual liquid-crystal
pixels to form the picture—much like the image on a laptop computer.
Each method has its proponents. LCD projectors are easier to set up. They
have only a single lens, so convergence is not a concern. That single lens
also has a variable focal length, so the distance from the projector to the
screen is more flexible—making for more convenient placement. The projector-
to-screen placement of a CRT projector is relatively fixed. Furthermore, tube
replacement on a CRT projector can be expensive, while the LCD light source—a
single bulb, usually metal halide—should be far cheaper.
This is not an insignificant consideration; the tubes in a CRT projector will
lose about half their output in roughly the first year of normal use (2 to
3 hours a day). This is simply a limitation of the available technology those
tubes are driven hard to produce that big picture. Fortunately, the brightness
loss will slow down dramatically after the first year, and the tubes will last
for thousands of addition al hours. But you will notice after that initial
year that the picture is not as snappy as it was when the projector was new.
And you cannot recover what you’ve lost by simply cranking up the contrast
control without causing the picture to deteriorate in other important respects.
So why would anyone choose a CRT-based projector instead of an LCD unit? Simple.
At the present state-of-the-art, CRT projectors, dollar for dollar, produce
a better picture than any LCD device—with brighter, more accurate colors, higher
light output, and a wider usable contrast range.
As big as hug can be
In general, the more you pay for a video projector, the bigger and sharper
the image. But there are limits. With even the best CRT projectors (using 7-inch
tubes, the most common size), a 7-foot—wide (not diagonal) screen is the practical
limit. Beyond that, although you get a watch- able image with a good projector
the quality—particularly the available usable light output—deteriorates rapidly.
If you want a really good 10-foot—wide picture, be prepared to spend the big
bucks for a projector with bigger tubes—preferably 9 inch (see Fig. 2). And
be prepared to drive them hard and be faced with expensive projection-tube
replacement every year or so to maintain the brightest possible, high-quality
Another option for a bigger, brighter image, one advocated by Joe Kane of
the Imaging Science Foundation, is to use two projectors, stacked and converged
together on the same screen (see Fig. 3). If you use projectors with 7-inch
tubes, stacking may actually be a more “economical” alternative than using
a single projector with 9-inch tubes, believe it or not. While not cheaper
in total cost, you get more light output per dollar with two good 7-inch projectors
than with a single 9-inch one. Of course, stacked projectors are an invitation
to regular visits by your installer to touch up the convergence—very likely
much more frequent visits than with a single projector. Remember, you are paying
serious money for that two-projector setup, and you don’t want it “off” even
a little. Unless you have a long-term con tract with a nearby installer, or
are pre pared and qualified to do the convergence yourself, I suspect you would
be better 0 with a single projector. But stacked projectors can produce a big,
eye-popping image, no doubt about it.
Widescreen, Letterbox, and the DVD

---Anamorphically squeezed image as stored on disc.

----Unsqueezed image fills full frame.
The most common means of fitting a widescreen image into a standard 4:3 video
frame is the commonly seen (and much maligned) letterbox. But there is another
to way: keeping the image the full height of the screen and squeezing it laterally
until it fits. This is dire analogous to the squeeze which is used store widescreen
Panavision (and similar formats like the old CinemaScope) images on 35mm film
stock. To restore the proper look to the picture it must be unsqueezed on playback
and, in the case of video, displayed on a device capable of showing the wider
ratio, i.e., a widescreen television. The squeezing and unsqueezing in film
are done by devices known as anamorphic lenses, and the same term is also appropriate
when referring to the technique in video To date, however, the only widescreen
pro gram material widely available to the general public has been letterboxed
films. How do these differ from an anamorphically squeezed, then unsqueezed
transfer? With a letterbox video, the black bars are essentially discarded
vertical resolution the horizontal scanning lines in those bars are unused
With a 16 9 letterboxed picture, instead of 480 usable lines in the image we
see only 360 lines-a loss of one-quarter of the available resolution. If a
film is transferred to video anamorphically (i.e., squeezed so that the full
vertical height of the picture is used), when it is unsqueezed by a widescreen-compatible
television set, all the scanning lines will be available in the recreated image.
Because they require a special television for proper play back however anamorphic
laserdiscs are unlikely to become a viable consumer format. A few special-purpose
anamorphic laserdiscs have been pressed-Toshiba has made a few to demonstrate
their widescreen sets-but they are not for sale to the general public. Enter
The digital nature of DVD allows for an elegant solution to this incompatibility.
At the software producer's option, the image is recorded anamorphically on
the disc, and several user playback options are provided. For playback on standard
televisions the signal is unsqueezed in the player then sent to the television
one of two ways. For full frame, pan-and-scan playback (of the sort familiar
to most viewers) codes recorded on the disc along with the film direct the
player to dynamically scan the signal, on a scene by-scene basis, to present
the most. Important part of each scene in a 4:3 format. For viewers with small
sets or an aversion to letterboxing this is the preferred option.
Alternately the player will convert the unsqueezed picture into a conventional
letterboxed image, which will appear on the screen as do today's letterboxed
pictures, complete with the unused scanning lines in the black bars. But the
last mode is the most exciting; the anamorphic image may be tapped directly
from the player, then fed to a widescreen set where it is unsqueezed and displayed
in all its higher resolution, widescreen glory.
=== ====
Making the grade
Until recently, there were two general categories of video projectors (LCD
vs. CRT considerations aside) of which buyers needed to be aware. Most lower
cost projectors are video-grade devices, which means they have a fixed horizontal
scanning frequency of 15.75 kHz, the same as a conventional television set.
Video- grade projectors work well with any standard video source, including
laserdisc, VCRs, etc.; but they cannot be tied to computers and do not provide
computer-grade resolution. For that, a data or graphics-grade projector is
required (see Fig. 4). These units can scan at much higher frequencies, and
most have multi-scan capability which means they can accommodate a range of
horizontal scanning frequencies. Keep in mind that projectors are primarily
sold in the commercial and professional markets, where video presentations
using computer graphics are important.
Do you need this capability at home? You do if you plan to add a device called
a line doubler (see sidebar, “Seeing Double”). Briefly put, a line doubler
converts the interlaced scan used to form NTSC video images into a progressive
scan of the sort found on most computer monitors. If implemented properly,
a line doubler dramatically reduces the visibility of scanning lines, which
can otherwise become quite noticeable (and annoying) with the large images
sought after for home theater.
However, good line doublers are expensive—ranging from around $3500 to $15,000
and more. But they not only make bigger screens practical, they allow you to
sit closer to that screen than would otherwise be possible. And a bigger; closer,
sharper picture means IMPACT.
If, like most of us, a more modestly- priced, non-doubled picture is your
only practical option, I would recommend a maximum 6-foot—wide screen. Be pre
pared to sit a little further back if scanning lines bother you. In evaluating
the two video-grade projectors reviewed elsewhere in this issue, I used an
84-inch diagonal screen (4:3 aspect ratio, thus 67 inches wide). Seated at
a distance of just over 12 feet from the screen, I was seldom bothered by scanning
lines, but they were visible. For many people, sitting 15 or 16 feet back from
a screen this size (or a slightly smaller screen) would further minimize scanning
lines, albeit at the sacrifice of the overall drama of the picture.
With the imminent introduction of the new digital video disc (DVD) format
sometime this year or early next, there is one additional consideration necessary
in choosing a video projector. DVD will provide, at the software producer’s
option, a true widescreen signal. While all video projectors can reproduce
a 43 or letterboxed widescreen image, only a few projectors currently on the
market (most of them in the most expensive category) can “unsqueeze” an “anamorphically
squeezed” signal from a DVD. (Of the three projectors reviewed in this issue,
only the Runco 980 can perform this feat). For an explanation of what this
means (anamorphic? unsqueeze?), and why it might be important to you, see the
sidebar, “Widescreen, Letterbox, and the Digital Video Disc.”
With a video projector; you also have the choice of either a front- or rear-projection
setup. There are translucent screen materials that allow you to mount the projector
behind the screen, providing the rough equivalent of a one-piece rear-projection
set, only (usually) with a larger picture. Video projectors have the capability
of reversing the picture (and inverting it for ceiling mounting) so that it
looks correct from the other side in rear-screen applications. While a rear-
projection setup hides the projector [ allows slightly more ambient light in
the room while viewing.], the tradeoff is the need for lots of space behind
the screen. We’re talking 10 to 12 feet or more for even a 6- foot—wide screen.
There are manufacturers who make special frames which use mirrors to conserve
space in such a setup, though these rigs are not cheap.
Most people who opt for a video projector mount it in front of the screen,
thus the somewhat inaccurate but common terminology “front” projectors. In
this configuration, the projector can be suspended from the ceiling or floor-mounted,
usually inside a table. The exact placement of a projector in relation to the
screen is critical; the further a projector is mounted from directly in line
with the screen, the more adjustment range is required to get the picture geo
metrically square. This is yet another area where a knowledgeable and experienced
installer comes into play.
Wherever you mount the projector, you will need a screen. That is the subject
for another article (elsewhere in this issue), but it is an expense you must
plan for. Screens aren’t cheap. A good, reason ably sized, fixed screen with
a metal frame will probably cost you close to $1000, depending on size. Add
retracting capability or other bells and whistles (variable aspect ratios,
etc.), and the price escalates rapidly.

FIG. 1. LCD Projectors such as this Sharp XP-15U have a single lens and require
no convergence.
FIG. 2. The AmPro 4600 to provide high light output.
FIG. 3: Side “stacked” Runco projector light up this home theater.
FIG 4: Seleco’s SDG-700 is a “data grade” unit, and can therefore accommodate
a line doubler.
Living with it
Living with a video-projection system requires a few lifestyle adjustments.
Among the most important of these is a properly set up viewing environment.
This is an article in itself, and indeed, you’ll find one elsewhere in this
issue. Here, I will simply touch on the most important single item: ambient
light. Or, rather, the lack of it. To get the sort of performance from your
projector you paid for; the room must be totally dark. No lights on. No light
leakage from outside.
A video projector is best reserved for serious, dedicated viewing, not for
casual TV watching. While it is possible to watch brightly lit program material
(sports, etc.) in subdued room lighting and still follow the action, it is
a waste to use an expensive projector this way. Turn off the lights to really
enjoy the experience you paid for. For casual watching, use another set. Just
as an exotic sports car is not a practical only car for a family, a video projector
is not a practical only TV for anyone who does both serious home-theater and
casual television watching.
Your new video projector will of course be great for cable movies and programs
such as Star Trek, but don't expect the same quality you get from laserdisc
unless you own a serious satellite dish and receiver.
And because most video projectors do not have built-in television tuners,
you will most likely use the tuner built into your VCR for broadcast reception.
If you frequently watch one show while taping another, you will now need two
A video projector requires not only expert setup, but regular maintenance
to perform at its best. And this, at last, is where we come to the subject
of where to see and buy a video projector. Except for some of the least expensive
LCD models, you won't find them in Circuit City. Good Guys knows nothing about
them, either. Your best bet is to find a dealer who handles custom installations,
Check out their in-store displays, if they have them. Also check with past
customers to determine how satisfied they are with the product and service.
Good customer support is even more important with video projectors than technical
help-lines are for computers-and with a projector, the help should be nearby.
Take a look at past installations, if you can, using good-quality program
material. A video projector, even an "inexpensive" one, is a significant
investment. You want to do everything you can to increase your chances of a
positive result, [ good sources for installer references are the Custom Electronic
Design and Installation Association (CEDL4), which can be reached at 800-CEDL'130,
and the Imaging Science Foundation (ISP) 407-997-9073.] After initial setup,
I recommend that the installer pay a return visit about two months later to
re-tweak the convergence and adjust out any minor problems. Then, perhaps every
six months, you should plan on and budget for regular convergence tune-ups.
Here again, the comparison to an exotic sports car is apt.
One final note: a really big image will magnify all the blemishes in the
program material. If you're unhappy with the quality of your cable feed now,
expect to be outraged when you see it on an 84-inch-wide screen! Even with
laserdiscs, don't expect film quality. The best video projectors with the best
line doublers come remarkably close to good projection quality as seen in atypical
movie theater. But they still can not equal first-class projection of a first
class print in a first-class theater Few of us have experienced the latter,
but those who have, won't soon forget the experience. Video isn't there-yet.
Does getting a video projector sound like a project? It is. It's not the same
as going to the video store, pointing, and waiting for delivery. But it is
definitely worth it. There are a lot of good home theaters built around direct-view
monitors and PTVs. Great ones are built around video projectors.
== == ==
[adapted from 1996 Stereophile Guide to Home Theater article] |