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![]() Most serious music lovers do their listening on a Dual... They insist on hearing what you may be missing. Among serious music lovers, the most critical are those who review records for a living. They listen to records not only for pleasure, but to judge the quality of performance and production. The differences among performances are often subtle. So reviewers must listen for the artist's interpretation; how his talent has progressed; and how his performance compares with that of other artists. Reviewers must also rate such factors as recording techniques and the quality of the record surface itself. The tonearms of the Dual 1218 and 1229 are mounted in gyroscopic gimbals, the best known scientific means for balancing a precision instrument that must remain balanced in all planes of motion. Since their reputations depend on how critically they hear, professional listeners select their high fidelity equipment with great care. Especially the turntable. Because they know that what they hear (or didn't hear) often depends on the turntable. The turntable is the one component that actually handles records, spinning them on a platter and tracking their impressionable grooves with the unyielding hardness of a diamond. And much depends on how well all this is done. If the record doesn't rotate at precisely the right speed, the musical pitch will be off. If the motor isn't quiet and free of vibration, an annoying rumble will be added to the artist's performance. Unlike conventional tonearms, the 1218 and 1229 track records at the original cutting angle. The 1229 tonearm parallels sing le records; moves up to parallel, changer stock. In the 1218,a similar adjustment is provided in the cartridge housing. If the stylus doesn't respond easily and accurately to the rapidly changing contours of the record groove, the over-all quality of reproduction will be diminished. And there can be even worse trouble with the sharp contours which represent the high frequencies, for the stylus will simply lop them off. And with those little bits of vinyl go all those glorious high notes. Taking their place are a lot of unpleasant sounds that were never recorded. In all Dual models, stylus pressure is applied around the pivot maintaining perfect dynamic balance of the tonearm. What most serious listeners know. Serious music lovers know all this, and that none of it need actually happen. It's why so many of them, professional and amateur alike, have Dual long entrusted their precious records to a Dual. In fact, readers of the leading music magazines buy more. Duals than any other quality turntable. From years of listening, they know that on a Dual, records are preserved indefinitely and will continue to sound as good as new no matter how often played. They also have come to appreciate Dual's ease of operation as well as its ruggedness and reliability. If you'd like to know more. A few examples of Dual precision engineering are shown in the close-up photographs. But if you would like to know what several independent test labs say about Dual, we'll send you complete reprints of their reports. Plus a reprint of an article from a leading music magazine that tells you what to look for in record playing equipment. For perfect Tracking balance in each wall of the stereo groove, separate anti skating calibrations for conical and elliptical styli are provided on all Duals. Better yet, visit your franchised United Audio dealer and ask for a demonstration. Dual turntables may seem expensive at first, but not when you consider your present and future investment in records. And now that you know what serious music lovers know, doesn't it make sense to own what they own? ![]() United Audio Products, Inc., 120 So. Columbus Ave., Mt. Vernon, N.Y. 10553 Exclusive U.S Distributor Agency for Dual. ------------- Also see: CLASSICAL DISCS (LPs) AND TAPES
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