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To fulfill the requirements of the most critical listening and auditioning... Stanton is the professional standard. in STEREO--The Stanton 681EE; in DISCRETE 4-CHANNEL--The Stanton 780/4 DQ If critical listening is to be unbiased, it must begin with a stereo cartridge whose frequency response characteristics are as flat as possible. One that introduces no extraneous coloration as it reproduces recorded material. For anyone who listens "professionally," the 681EE offers the highest audio quality obtainable at the present 'State of the Art.' Many record critics do their auditioning with Stanton 681EE. Recording engineers have long used the Stanton 681A to check recording channel calibration. The 681EE provides that logical continuation of the Stanton Calibration Concept. High compliance and low tracking force assure minimum record wear. Its low-mass, moving magnetic system produces virtually straightline frequency response across the entire audio spectrum. Its built-in longhair brush keeps the stylus dust-free, and protects record grooves, thus reducing noise and wear. Each 681EE is individually calibrated, and the results of these calibration tests are included with each cartridge. The Stanton 681EE--used by recording engineers, broadcasters, critics and audio professionals--is the cartridge that sounds like the record sounds, always. A totally revolutionary stylus design concept proves to be the best solution for discrete playback. It's the Quadrahedral--all tests and in-use demonstrations authenticate the value of the discovery. Stanton has this new stylus in its four channel cartridge. QUADRAHEDRAL This is the first American designed and manufactured stylus developed for discrete four-channel records. It was especially engineered for the Stanton 780/4DQ cartridge which is already the first choice of professional record reviewers, anxious to evaluate the new discrete 4-channel discs coming on the market. The performance of the stylus (and cartridge) fulfills all the extensive demands and sophisticated requirements necessary for playback and review of all the material recorded on discrete discs. And while performing brilliantly, it is actually very kind to records in terms of wear. Stanton's own engineers, whose professional products are the standards of the industry, tested and proved its characteristics, and report that it functions with total reliability in every measurable aspect. This new cartridge, the 780/4DQ is available at your franchised Stanton dealer. For further information, write: Stanton Magnetics, Inc. Terminal Drive, Plainview, N.Y. 11803. ------------ Also see: EMPIRE SCIENTIFIC CORP. 4000D series cartridge
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