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Just what is Total Energy Response? Total Energy Response is the uniform radiation of sound throughout the whole listening area-at all frequencies. And it makes an unquestionable difference in the stereo sounds you hear. Most speakers are to one degree or another directional. That is, part of the room in front of the speaker gets the full sound. Bass, treble and midrange. While parts of the room to the sides of the speaker get just a fragment of the sound. (See Fig. A) It's precisely this fault we set out to correct. Because others may tell only part of the story. Often with just one response curve measured from just one position-their optimum position. However their results don't look so favorable when the test microphone is moved "off-axis;' that is, to the side instead of directly in speakers. Figure B illustrates this. It is a Total Energy Response curve, taken with test micro phones in all positions. When comparing the Jensen (blue line) with a comparably priced "flat" speaker (red line), you can see how deficient the other speaker is in total radiated energy in the mid and mid-high frequencies. This midrange deficiency is unfortunately very common amongst speakers, and gives many so-called "flat" ...
Figure B Total Energy Response Curve Figure C Jensen Lifestyle LS-5 Dispersion ... response speakers a very "thin" sound. The Jensen Lifestyle speaker, on the other hand, demonstrates true Total Energy Response. Uniform radiated power-at all frequencies-throughout the whole room. These speakers were conceived, de signed and tested for this. Tested from every spot in anechoic "dead" rooms, reverberation "live" rooms, and simulated living rooms. Our finished products: remarkable dispersion for the hard-to-disperse high frequencies ... 160° or 170° wide, depending on the model. Also expanded dispersion of the critical midrange response. And full, rich bass that still perfectly matches the other frequencies for accurate sound re production. The way it's supposed to be heard. You can see how the sound from a Jensen distributed much more evenly throughout a room. And when you're in your own listening room ... you can hear it. What does all this mean to you? 1. It means that with Jensen Lifestyle speakers, you'll be able to hear all of the frequencies, all of the time, in almost any part of the room. Not just the bass if you're to the side of the speakers. And not just the treble if you're in front of them. 2. Excellent stereo imaging. You hear everything that both speakers are putting out. Almost anywhere in the room. Unlike listeners of other speakers, who can fall victim to gaps in the response characteristics, or "hole-in-the-middle" stereo. 3. Excellent balance. Many other speakers are hot on treble, or bass, or both. But all that really means is that the midrange is often neglect ed. Jensen sends the all-important midrange throughout a room every bit as much as the highs and lows. 4. Total Energy Response is achieved in Jensen speakers with out any loss of efficiency. Which means a moderate output amp or receiver is still all you need for great performance. Not a big super-amp. What gives Jensen Total Energy Response? A number of features. First, the extremely wide dispersion of the Lifestyle Tuned Isolation Chamber midranges. Especially important are Jensen's two tweeters: a 160° dispersion cone direct radiator, and the 170° dispersion Mylar Sonodome tweeter. The sound input to each of these drivers is precisely monitored by Jensen's exclusive Comtrac crossover network, which insures uniform energy transfer between the woofer, midrange, and tweeter. For final command of the Jensen Lifestyle's sound, behind-the-grille controls are featured. These controls let you adjust the treble, and in some cases-, the midrange, to the characteristics of your individual room. And with Total Energy Response... there's more music to control. JENSEN LS-6 Hear the difference yourself... Stop by your local Jensen dealer and hear for yourself the difference Total Energy Response makes. It's the reason why Jensen Lifestyle speakers sound better than any comparable speaker. For the name and location of your nearest Jensen dealer, write: Jensen Sound Laboratories, Division of Pemcor, Inc., 4136 N. United Parkway, Schiller Park, IL 60176. ==================== Altec Lansing International (ad, 1978) Source: Stereo Review (USA magazine) |
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