Wave Propagation (1957) -- Contents and Intro


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1. Nature and Use of Electromagnetic Waves

2. How Electromagnetic Waves are Propagated

3. Effect of Atmosphere on Radio Transmission

4. Normal Tropospheric Propagation

5. Scatter Propagation

6. Special Ionospheric Effects at VHF and UHF


A thorough understanding of the basic principles of wave propagation is a most useful tool for the electronic technician, engineer or amateur. Much of the satisfaction of transmitter work arises from the awareness and best possible use of propagation variations occasioned by natural phenomena. A working knowledge of essential wave propagation factors is not too difficult to attain. This guide has been organized to accomplish this aim by helping the student understand the more important ideas pertaining to wave propagation.

Specific attention has been given to the nature and use of the electromagnetic wave in such areas as wave motion, frequency wavelength relationships, radiation, field intensity, wave fronts and polarization. Analyses are given of the natures of sky waves, ground waves, wave reflection, refraction and diffraction as they pertain to the propagation of electromagnetic waves. A general discussion of the effect of atmosphere on radio transmission includes details of the regions which exert different influences on the passage of an electromagnetic wave, namely the ionosphere, stratosphere, and troposphere. In addition to an explanation of ground wave and sky wave propagation, some details are given dealing with scatter propagation.

The total materials presented are sufficient to give an interested reader the essential elements of wave propagation theory. Specific discussions of antennas or transmission lines as they relate to and affect wave propagation have not been included here, since these are the subjects of separate review books in this series.

Grateful acknowledgment is made to the staff of the New York Technical Institute for its assistance in the preparation of the manuscript of this guide.

--New York, N. Y., USA. March 1957

Also see: Electronic Experimenter's Manual (1959)

Inverse Feedback (1956)

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