Using Logic Probes for Digital Circuit Troubleshooting [Troubleshooting Microprocessors & Digital Logic (1980)]

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When troubleshooting circuits with analog devices, you need only test resistance, capacitance, or the turn-on voltages of components with two or three states. The total circuit may be quite complex, but each component in the circuit performs a simple task and its operation can be easily checked out. As shown in Fig. 5-1, each resistor, capacitor, diode and transistor can be tested by using a signal generator, VTVM, diode checker, or scope by performing the conventional troubleshooting techniques. With integrated circuits, however, these various components cannot be tested. Instead, it is necessary to troubleshoot the total circuit system.

The difference between discrete circuitry and today's digital ICs is the complexity of functions performed by these sophisticated devices. Unlike discrete devices, modern digital ICs perform complete and complex functions. Instead of observing simple characteristics, it is necessary to observe complex digital signals and decide if these signals are correct.

Verifying proper component operation now requires observing many inputs-note the 10 inputs of Fig. 5-1-while simultaneously observing 2 or more outputs. Thus, another difference between circuitry built from discrete components and digital IC's is the number of inputs and outputs for each component and the need to check each one simultaneously.

Fig. 5-1. Discrete versus integrated circuits. Troubleshooting circuits built from discrete components requires verifying relatively simple characteristics such as resistance, capacitance, or turn-on voltages. Today's circuits built from digital ICs require the verification of complex digital waveforms defined by the truth table of the IC.

In addition to simulating test signals and complexity of functions at the component level, these ICs have caused a new degree of complexity at the circuit level. If you have enough time, these circuits can be studied and their operations understood, but the technician just cannot spend that much time. Without going into all of the intricate operations of the circuit, it becomes necessary to have a technique for quickly testing each component rather than trying to isolate a failure to a particular circuit and testing for the expected signals.

In order to solve these problems and to make troubleshooting of digital circuits more efficient, it is necessary to take advantage of the digital nature of the signals involved. Tests and techniques designed to troubleshoot analog circuits do not take advantage of the digital signal and is less effective when used to troubleshoot digital circuits.


A typical TTL pulse signal is shown in Fig. 5-2. This could well be any analog signal when viewed on an oscilloscope. The scope displays absolute voltage with respect to time. For digital pulses, however, absolute values are not important. A digital signal exists in one of two or three states-high, low, and an undefined or in between level-each determined by a threshold voltage. It is the relative value of the signal voltage with respect to these thresholds that determines the state of the digital signal. And this digital state determines IC gate operation, not absolute levels. Note in Fig. 5-3 that if the signal is more than 2.4 volts, it is a high state. For a low state, the voltage must be below 0.8 volts. It is not important what the absolute level is as long as it is below this threshold. Therefore, when using the scope, you must always determine if the signal meets the threshold requirement for the desired digital state.

Fig. 5-2. Typical TTL pulse signal. In the digital world, the relative value of a signal voltage with respect to the threshold determines the operation of the circuit. A signal above the high threshold is in the high state. Whether the signal is 2.8V or 3.0V is unimportant to the operation of the circuit.

Fig. 5-3. TTL logic levels. 0 to 0.8 VDC is considered to be TTL low state. 2.4 to 5 VDC is considered to be TTL high state.

Each gate in a TTL logic family has a certain propagation delay time, rise time and fall time. The effects of these timing circuit operations are taken into account by the design engineer. Timing parameters rarely degrade or become marginal, so scope checks of these timing parameters contribute very little to the troubleshooting process.

The circuit in Fig. 5-4 illustrates a problem created by the TTL logic family. This is a TTL transistor totem pole device. In either the high or low state, it has a low impedance. In the low state, it appears as about 5 or 10 ohms to ground. This presents a problem for in-circuit stimulation. A device used to inject a pulse at a node that is driven by a TTL output must have sufficient power to override the low-impedance output state. Many pulsers used for troubleshooting do not have this capability, and the troubleshooter either has to cut the printed circuit runs or pull IC leads to pulse the circuit under test. These techniques are time-consuming and can damage other circuits.

A scope and traditional signal sources are inefficient for this reason. Since the diodes and transistors are packaged in the IC, use of diode checkers are also marginal. With the complexity of today's electronic circuits, it makes sense to find the most efficient solution to this problem. The oscilloscope, diode checkers and voltmeters should be used on analog circuits where they really shine and use instruments that take advantage of the digital nature of signals when checking digital circuitry.

Fig. 5-4. To "jog" this gate, you must override the low-impedance totem pole output stage.

Fig. 5-5. The effect of an open output bond upon circuit operation. An open output bond allows all inputs driven by that output to float to a bad level. This level is usually interpreted as a logic high state by the inputs. Thus the inputs driven by an open output bond will respond as though a static logic high signal was applied.


To troubleshoot ICs, it is important to know what types of faults are found in these digital circuits. They can be placed into two main classes-those caused by internal IC faults and those caused by a circuit failure external to the IC chip.

There are four types of failures that can occur internally to an IC:

• an open bond on either an input or output

• a short between an input or output and Vcc or ground

• a short between two pins

• a failure in the internal circuitry (often called the steering circuitry) of the IC.

In addition to these four failures inside an IC, there are four faults that can occur in the circuit external to the IC:

• a short between a node and a Vcc or ground

• a short between two nodes

• an open signal path

• a failure of an analog component.

Let's now look at the effects these IC faults will have upon circuit operation. First, the failure for an open bond on either the input or output. In the case of an open output bond (Fig. 5-5), the inputs driven by that output are left to float. In TTL and DTL (diode transistor logic) circuits, a floating input rises to about 1.4 to 1.5 volts and usually has the same effect on circuit operation as a high logic level. Thus, an open output bond will cause all inputs driven by that output to float to a bad level since 1.5 volts is less than the high threshold level of 2.0 volts and greater than the low threshold level of 0.4 volts. In TTL and DTL, a floating input is seen as a high level.

The effect will be that these inputs will respond to this bad level as though it were a static high signal.

With an open input bond (Fig. 5-6), you will find that the open circuit blocks the signal that drives the input from entering the IC chip. The input on the chip is thus allowed to float and will respond as though it were a static high signal. It is important to realize that because the open occurs on the input inside the IC, the digital signal driving this input will be unaffected by the open and will be detect able when looking at the input pin, such as at point A in Fig. 5-7. The effect will be to block this signal inside the IC and the resulting IC operation will be as though the input were a static high. A short between an input or output and Vcc or ground holds all signal lines connected to that input output either high (in the case of a short to Vcc) or low (if shorted to ground), as shown in Fig. 5-8. In many cases, this will cause expected signal activity at points beyond the short to disappear, which is catastrophic in terms of circuit operation.

Fig. 5-6. The effect of an open input bond upon circuit operation. An open bond on an input has the effect of blocking the input signal from reaching the chip and allows the input of the chip to float to a bad level. Thus even though the signal can be viewed at an external point such as point A, the input of the chip responds to the bad level as though it were a static high level.

Fig. 5-7. Short between input or output and Vcc or ground.

A short between two pins is not as easy to analyze as a short to Vc, or ground. When two pins are shorted, the outputs driving those pins oppose each other when one attempts to pull the pins high while the other wants to pull them low as shown in Fig. 5-9. In this situation, the output that is attempting to go high will feed through the upper saturated transistor of its totem pole output stage while the output trying to go low will sink this current through the saturated lower transistor of its totem pole output stage. The net effect is that the short will be pulled to a low state by the saturated transistor to ground. Whenever both outputs attempt to go high or go low simultaneously, the shorted pins will respond properly.

Whenever one output attempts to go low, though, the short will be constrained to be low.

The fourth internal failure of an IC is the steering circuitry within the IC, as shown in Fig. 5-9. This always causes the upper transistor of the output totem pole to turn on-locking the output in the high state-or the lower transistor of the totem pole to turn on-locking the output to the low state. This failure blocks the signal flow and has a catastrophic effect upon circuit operation.

A short between a node and a Vcc or ground external to the IC or a short internal to the IC will appear the same. Both will cause the signal lines connected to the node to be either always high (for shorts to Vcc) or always low (for shorts to ground). When this type of failure is encountered only a very close "eye ball" examination of the circuit will reveal if the short is external to the IC. An open signal path in the circuit has an effect similar to an open output bond driving the node, as shown in Fig. 5-10. All outputs to the right of the open will be allowed to float to a bad level and will appear as a static high level in circuit operation. Those inputs to the left of the open will be unaffected by the open and will respond as expected.

Fig. 5-8. Effect of a short between two pins of an IC.

Fig. 5-9. Failure of an internal steering circuit within an IC.


The B & K digital probe is designed for fast analysis of digital circuits and is compatible with TTL, DTL, RTL, CMOS, MOS and other solid-state circuitry. Three LED indicators at the probe tip display pulse presence high and high 1 and low 0 logic states. An incorrect logic level or an open pin is indicated by the absence of a lighted pulse LED. Two switches allow you to select TTL or CMOS logic thresholds and pulse stretch mode or memory modes. In the pulse stretch mode, short duration pulses are stretched for a clear visual indication. In the memory mode, a single digital pulse causes a LED to remain lighted until reset. This permits you to freeze the display of digital action. The B & K DP-50 is shown in Fig. 5-11.

Threshold Level Operation

Set the THRESHOLD switch to the TTL position to select the correct threshold level for TTL, DTL, etc. Use the CMOS position for MOS and CMOS digital circuits.

Fig. 5-10. Effect of an open circuit external to an IC.

Fig. 5-11. B & K model DP-50 logic probe.

Mode Selection

The MODE switch provides pulse detection in either pulse stretch (PULSE position) or memory (MEM position) modes. In the pulse stretch mode the PULSE indicator lights a minimum of 200 milliseconds in response to each single pulse of 20 nanoseconds or greater duration. If the input pulse is short, it is stretched to 200 milliseconds to assure a high-visibility flash on the LED. In the memory mode, the PULSE indicator remains lighted after the first pulse or logic transition until it is reset by moving the mode switch to the PULSE position. To use the memory mode, set the MODE switch to the PULSE position and then connect the probe tip to the point being checked. This initial contact will cause the pulse indicator to flash. Following the initial flash, move the MODE switch to the MEM position. The probe is now ready to operate in the memory mode.

Using the Probe

The 1 indicator will remain lighted only during the time period when logic level 1 is present at the probe tip. Similarly, the 0 indicator will remain lighted only during the time period when the logic level 0 is present at the probe tip. The PULSE indicator will light as the result of a transition in logic levels. Thus, typical operating situations may be encountered as follows:

• With the probe tip touching symmetrical pulses, the 0 and 1 indicators will both be lighted at one-half brilliance, and the PULSE indicator will be lighted at full brilliance.

• With the probe tip touching a positive-going, high-speed pulse of a short duty cycle, the 0 and PULSE indicators will be lighted, and the 1 indicator will be partially lighted on duty cycles greater than 10 percent.

• With the probe tip touching negative-going, high-speed pulses of a short duty cycle, the 1 and PULSE indicators will be lighted. The 0 indicator will be partially lighted on duty cycles that are greater than 10 percent.

• When only the PULSE indicator is illuminated, system noise or pulses above 50 MHz are indicated.

• With the probe touching an open pin or an incorrect logic level (a voltage within the deadband), indicator will light.


The logic probe, like the Continental Specialties (now Global Specialties Corporation) LP-1 shown in Fig. 5-12, detects, memorizes and displays logic levels, pulses and voltage transients in mixed and single logic family systems. It detects out-of-tolerance logic signals, open-circuit nodes, as well as transient events down to 50 nanoseconds while providing the user with an instant easily interpreted high-intensity LED readout.

The probe tip of the LP-1 is connected to a dual-threshold window comparator and bipolar edge detector. The window comparator bias network sets the LOGIC "1" and LOGIC "0" threshold levels. The levels are fixed in the DTL/TTL mode (2.25 volts and 0.8 volts) in the CMOS/HTL mode.

Fig. 5-12. Continental Specialties LP-1 logic probe.

The bipolar edge detector responds to both positive and negative transitions and drives a pulse stretcher circuit. The pulse stretcher converts level transitions as well as narrow pulses to one-third of a second in length that drive one of the three readout LEDs. In the memory mode, the output of the edge detector is fed to a latching flip-flop.

Using The Logic Probe

Connect the clip leads of the logic probe to the power supply of the circuit under test. Then set the LOGIC FAMILY switch to DTL/TTL or CMOS/HTL and the MEMORY/PULSE switch to the PULSE position. Touch the probe tip to the circuit node to be analyzed. The three display LEDs on the probe body will instantly provide a reading of the signal activity at the node. The memory mode of the LP-1 is used to detect, store and display low-repetition rate or single-shot pulses as well as transient events, even when an observer is not around when they occur.

A chart for interpreting the action of the logic probe LEDs is shown in Fig. 5-13. The relation of probe tip voltage to probe power supply voltage is shown in the Fig. 5-14.


Fig. 5-13. Chart for interpreting the LED readouts of the probes.








Powering Up The Probe

The LP-1 is protected against excessive voltage and reverse voltage on its power leads. Connect the black lead to the common (-) and the red clip lead to plus (+) Vcc. In order to minimize the possibility of power supply spikes or other spurious signals from affecting the operation of the probe, connect the power leads as close to the node to be tested as possible.

Memory/Pulse Switch - Pulse Position

Each time the input signal changes state, the pulse LED is activated for 0.3 seconds. When observing low-frequency, low duty cycle signals, the pulse LED provides a quick indication of the pulse activity at the node under test. By observing the HI and LO LEDs, the phase of the pulse train can be determined. If the HI LED is on, the signal is normally high and pulsing low, and so on.

High-frequency signals cause the pulse LED to flash at a 3-Hz rate.

Memory/Pulse Switch - Memory Position

The LP-1 probe contains a pulse memory flip-flop that catches and holds (memorizes) level transitions or pulses as narrow as 50 nanoseconds. The memory is activated by either positive or negative level transitions.

To set the probe for catching and memorizing an event, just touch the probe tip to the node under test with the switch in the MEMORY position. The next event that occurs will activate the pulse LED and latch it on. To reset and rearm the memory, move the MEM/PULSE switch to the PULSE position and then return it to the MEM position.

NOTE: When arming the memory, the probe tip must be in contact with the test point in question. If the memory is armed with the tip floating (not connected), the memory will be activated when the tip makes contact, thus yielding a false readout.

Fig. 5-14. Voltage relation chart for the LP-1 logic probe.

Fig. 5-15. Continental Specialties LP-3 logic probe.

Fast Pulse Catcher

The LP-3 model probe shown in Fig. 5-15 contains a unique and highly sensitive pulse detecting system capable of catching pulses faster than 10 nanoseconds. This insures capture of glitches and spikes for all logic families: TTL, DTL, RTL and CMOS. The pulse detector circuit consists of a level sensitive broad band amplifier coupled to a high-speed pulse stretching monostable multivibrator. This circuit is capable of firing on both positive and negative transitions. The pulse stretcher enables a 100-millisecond oscillator and LED driver circuit that produces a visual indication of the pulse catch. The oscillator can also be switched into a bistable mode in order to catch a pulse for memory. This technology allows you to catch and display hidden spikes and glitches that many scopes and logic probes will not detect. Basic rf troubleshooting techniques are required as you try to locate these fast spikes and pulses.

The ground lead of the LP-3 must be used. Ground lines must be as short as possible. Connect the ground lead of the probe as close to the test point as possible. In the case of an IC, clip the ground lead directly to the IC ground pin. The ground lead can supply the signal return and negative power line path for the logic probe, and will help prevent ground loops.

Fig. 5-16. The LP-2 and the DP-2 digital pulser probe in action.

Fig. 5-17. The DP-1 digital pulser probe.


Figure 5-16 shows the E & L Instruments model MMD-1 microprocessor trainer in the process of being checked by using Continental Specialties LP-2 logic test probe and the DP-1 pulse generator IC probe tester. This completely automatic pulse generator may be used for troubleshooting the more sophisticated microprocessor and other family of digital/logic circuits. Figure 5-17 shows the DP-1.

By obtaining its power from the circuit under test, the DP-1 self-adjusts the amplitude of its output pulse to the input requirements of the circuit to be tested. When the pulser tip is connected to the circuit node to be tested, the auto polarity sensing system of the probe selects the sink or power source pulse required to activate the test point. Simply depress the push button once to produce a clean, bounce-free pulse. When the pushbutton is held down for more than one second, the unit produces a pulse train at a 100 pulses-per-second rate.

The pulser has a fail-safe feature, which permits an overvoltage condition up to 25 volts. Other built-in protection will withstand a reverse voltage to 50 volts and allows the unit to pulse continuously into a short circuit. The DP-1 allows the service technician all the versatility of a laboratory quality pulse generator without the need to set pulse levels or switch to complement the output pulses.

Auto-polarity Sensing

The pulser contains a circuit that automatically selects the sink or source pulse needed by the circuit under test. By comparing the test point voltage between pulses to the center of the dead zone voltage for the IC under test, the DP-1 senses whether a "0" level is present and outputs a "1" pulse, or if a "1" level is present it outputs a "0" pulse.

The auto-polarity sensing level is checked after each pulse to allow for changes of state after a trigger pulse. This permits the DP-1 to trigger on RS flip-flops supplying alternate, sink and source pulses to cross-coupled junctions to keep the flip-flop toggled. See Fig. 5-18. This function allows you to jump from point to point on a circuit board without regard to the logic state of the test point.

Fig. 5-18. Autosensing setup.

Fig. 5-19. Stream of digital pulses.

Tri-state Output

The DP-1 is a tri-state output device with a minimum of 300K ohm loading when not being pulsed. This allows all logic ICs, including CMOS, to be unaffected by pulse loading between pulses.

Single-Shot Mode

By depressing and releasing the push button, a single, de bounced pulse is produced at the output. The pushbutton may be depressed as rapidly as needed to produce a controlled stream of single pulses. Note Fig. 5-19.

The pushbutton must be released within one second in order to remain in the single-shot mode. The LED flashes once for each single shot pulse that is produced.

Continuous Mode

When the pushbutton is depressed, a single pulse is instantly produced. If the button is held down for more than one second, the output switches from single-shot to continuous mode, which produces a train of pulses at 100 pulses per second rate. The LED stays lit for continuous mode operation.

TTL Mode When the slide switch is in the TTL position, the output pulse width is 1.5 microseconds. The pulse rise time is less than 10 nanoseconds with a maximum 500-nanosecond storage and fall time for one TTL load. Storage and fall time decreases as TTL loading increases. In the TTL mode, the output pulse can sink or source 100 mA or 60 TTL loads.


When the slide switch is in the CMOS position, the output pulse is 10 microseconds. This allows ample time for the slowest CMOS devices to be activated. The pulse rise time is less than 100 nanoseconds, with an 8 nanosecond storage and fall time for 100K ohm load resistance. In the CMOS mode, the output pulse can sink or source 50 mA to a logic "1" or a logic "0" level for any Vcc from 4 to 18 volts.

Hooking Up and Using the DP-1

The power cable of the DP-1 not only feeds power to the unit, but acts as the return path for the output pulse. In order to decrease common moding and ground loops, clip the power cable lead as close to the pulsing point as possible. When power is first applied to the pulser, the LED will light and stay on for about one second. After the LED has gone off, the pulser is ready to use.

In most cases there is no need to use the ground clip, as the unit produces a crisp pulse under normal conditions. However, the ground lead does help the pulser sink larger currents and can reduce pulse storage time.

If the ground lead is to be used, do not hook up the black power lead. Both ground returns can cause common moding and ground loops which may produce false triggering in the circuit under test.

Fig. 5-20. Setup for using pulser and logic monitor.

Fig. 5-21. Using the pulser to troubleshoot logic gates.

The DP-1 is an extremely effective tool to help troubleshoot digital/logic circuits. In many cases, it is much more useful than using an oscilloscope.

Figure 5-20 shows the hookup for checking out a 7490 decade counter using a pulser and a logic monitor. The pulser CMOS/TTL switch is set to TTL, and the pulser tip is connected to the zero set input of the 7490. The logic monitor is clamped onto the 7490 to display all the logic states of the counter simultaneously.

Depressing the pushbutton once puts a zero pulse into the 7490 and clears all the outputs to zero. The pulser can now be applied to the clock input and single step or jog the 7490 through its decade cycle.

When the counter is pulsed, all four outputs can be seen changing state, while simultaneously monitoring the power supply input, clock inputs and clear lines. This is one advantage of the logic monitor pulser approach over the scope, which at best can only monitor one or two points at a time.


Although logic monitors work very well on counter latches and flip-flops, they are basically static devices and cannot display the pulsers narrow output pulse. When troubleshooting gating and decoding systems, a logic probe is needed for its pulse stretching abilities. The narrowest pulse of the DP-1 can be caught and held for one-third of a second, while the HI/Lo LEDs indicate that the node under test is high pulsing low or low pulsing high.

In Fig. 5-21A, a two-gate circuit is under test. The output of G1 is held high, causing the output of G2 to be low. By applying the pulser to the output of G1, the pulser overrides the output state of G1 and puts a train of zero pulses into the gate of G2. The logic probe connected to the output of G2 has its low LED on, but then the pulse LED starts flashing. This shows the gate is passing the input pulses in proper polarity. In Fig. 5-21B, the probe is moved to the output of G1, and the pulser is applied to the low gate input. The pulser now produces a series of one pulses when the pushbutton is held down; however, the pulse LED of the probe does not respond, indicating a defective gate.

Logic Probe Jogging Test Technique

With the high fanout of the pulser, it has the ability of overriding the output level set by a gate by applying the needed input pulse to the circuitry under test. This sets the stage for system troubleshooting by using the jogging method. A digital system can be deactivated by disconnecting the clock of the system and replacing its pulses with those of the pulser. The complete system may now be jogged through its cycle while different points of interest in the system may be displayed with logic probes, logic monitors or even an oscilloscope.

Several logic monitors may be used simultaneously to display the movement of a pulse from IC to IC, or show the response of several gates to the same stimuli. The distinct advantages of this method become quite evident once you have put this method into operation. You will probably find that the pulser and logic probes are an extremely effective way to troubleshoot digital/logic circuits and gates. With this technique, you are able to jog a logic pulse through various gates for a FRAME-FREEZE-TIME or a slow-motion look at gate action.

Fig. 5-22. Circuit found in logic monitor.

Logic Troubleshooting Tips

• Make sure you understand how the logic device is sup posed to operate.

• IC logic gates will very often become overheated when they are defective. Check the temperature of these logic ICs.

• Try not to replace any components until you have zeroed in on the trouble.

• I Use the logic test probe for signal tracing and the logic pulser probe for signal injection.

Have it well established in your mind what the circuit signal flow and the logic levels should be.

• When troubleshooting with the logic probe, always touch the probe tip to the IC terminal leads. Avoid the probe tip test at the IC socket.

• Use a DVM to measure the very critical voltages found in all logic circuits.

• Remove and install MOS microprocessor chips and all logic devices very carefully. Be on the alert for any static buildup.


A logic monitor test clip can be used to simultaneously display the static and dynamic logic states of DTL, TTL or CMOS 14-pin and 16-pin digital dual-in-line ICs. With the logic monitor, each IC lead is measured by 1 of 16 independent binary/optical sensors.

When one of the input voltages exceeds the 2V threshold, the LED corresponding to the activated input pin is turned on. Inputs below the threshold or uncommitted (floating) do not activate their corresponding LEDs. A built-in power seeking gating network locates the most positive and negative voltages applied to the IC under test.

This network then feeds them to the internal buffered amplifiers and LED drivers.

Logic Monitor Circuit Operation

All of the 16 circuits for Continental Specialties

LM-1 logic monitor are identical and act as buffer amplifiers, comparators and LED drivers. Selected diodes and Darlington transistors assure the device threshold level and LED drive capacity. Figure 5-22 shows the circuit.

When any of the remaining 14 input points is connected to a signal source that exceeds 2V, the Darlington transistors conduct and turn on the LED in its collector. The 100K ohm resistor in series with the base of each transistor prevents loading of the circuit under test. The 390-ohm collector resistor limits the LED and LM-1 current drain from the power supply system of the IC that is being tested.

Fig. 5-23. How a logic monitor clamps on the IC.

Fig. 5-24. Hewlett-Packard HP-548A logic clip probe.

Using the Clip-on Test Monitor

The logic monitor can be clamped onto any digital IC with up to 16 pins, as shown in Fig. 5-23. Grooved pin guides ensure positive connections between test monitor contacts and the IC leads. Static and dynamic logic levels appear on the test LEDs for optical read out. Once clamped in place on the IC, the logic monitor test is automatic. The Vcc or the most positive IC terminal will be indicated by a continuously lighted LED. The least positive or uncommitted and logic 0 IC terminals will appear as unlighted LEDs.

By reducing the system or IC input signal rate to 10 Hz or less, you will be able to see each logic state of the IC under investigation.

Troubleshooting with the logic monitor requires a knowledge of the IC logic pin outs. For example, consider a quad and its gate configuration. If the output pin of one of the gates is constantly low (LED off) and gate inputs are not simultaneously high, either the gate outputs are not simultaneously high, either the gate output is shorted to ground internally or a short exists on the lines fed by the gate output.

Other Logic Monitor Applications

During the design, layout and testing phases of a new logic system, the designer has control of the variables of the system (clock, power supplies, I/O interfaces, etc.) and can easily isolate ICs for detailed investigation with the logic monitor. When a logic block needs an additional gate, inverter, flip-flop, register, etc., the logic monitor can quickly show you where unused logic gates are located within the system. Nonfunctioning components can easily be located and replaced. Long-term testing of individual modules can be implemented by clipping the logic monitor onto the question able IC. This is a good check for locating intermittent troubles.

Because the entire IC can be monitored simultaneously, direct and fast visual correlation of IC inputs and outputs simplifies and expedites signal tracing data transfer and system fault-finding operations. System and IC reactions to power supply changes and noise testing are other application areas that make the logic monitor an almost indispensable troubleshooting and design instrument. Mixed logic design DTL, TTL and CMOS, where designers take advantage of each logic family, and also TTL or HTL outputs, are naturals for the logic monitors.

Use the logic clip when dealing with multiple PC board systems. Placing one logic clip on the inputs or outputs of the driving/ receiving board and one on the board under test enables you to observe the results of any modification or stimulation on one board while making other circuit adjustments.


The H-P Model 548A logic clip shown in Fig. 5-24 has internal self-seeking logic circuitry so that it can be placed on a device upside-down or right side-up. The clip locates the supply and ground pins and then starts indicating the state of all pins. The buffered inputs of the clip draw less than 15 microamps from signal pins, ensuring that circuit loading will not usually occur.

Fig. 5-25. B & K model TP-28 temperature probe.

Table 5-1. Voltmeter Conversions for the TP-28 Temperature Probe.


The B & K model TP-28 temperature probe shown in the Fig. 5-25 is a temperature-sensitive voltage generator that can be used with most digital or analog voltmeters as an electronic thermometer. The voltmeter must have an input impedance of 10K ohms or more. The meter should offer good accuracy and resolution in the 0 to 3-volt ranges. The 3½-digit B & K model 2830 digital multimeter is an ideal companion for this temperature probe. With an autopolarity digital multimeter, the negative sign is automatically displayed for temperature below zero degrees. Refer to Table 5-1 for the conversion of the voltmeter voltage readings to temperature.

The TP-28 measures the temperature at the tip of the probe. It can thus be used to measure atmospheric temperature, can be immersed to measure the temperature of liquids, or held against a part for surface temperature measurements. The TP-28 probe also has several non-electronic applications, such as measuring the temperature of walls, floors and ceilings to determine where additional insulation is needed; locating cold air leaks; and measuring the temperature of liquids, such as water and solutions used in photo processing.

Fig. 5-26. B & K temperature probe in operation.


Fig. 5-27. Temperature probe connections and operations.

Fig. 5-28. Block diagram of the TP-28.


Using the Temperature Probe

You will find that the temperature probe has many applications in electronics. Use it to monitor the ambient temperature at various points within a cabinet of operating equipment and within tempera ture chambers during environmental tests. In the design lab, it can be used to verify temperature difference between a transistor and its heat sink to check on the amount of heat transfer. Case temperatures can be used to evaluate biasing. The probe can be used to quickly check out the banks of ICs found on RAM boards. A shorted RAM would be very hot, while a cold one would indicate an inoperative one. Figure 5-26 shows the TP-28 probe being used with a B&K model 277 FET-VOM to check temperature of a micro processor chip.

Heat dissipation qualities of heat sinks and components can be evaluated as conservative or marginal. The probe can be used to determine oscillator temperature/frequency drift and measure temperature compensation parameters. The temperature probe provides a voltage proportional to temperature which may be applied to a chart recorder for long-term temperature measurements.

The TP-28 probe can be a very valuable test instrument for digital electronics troubleshooting. Figure 5-27 shows the connections of the probe to the various voltmeters and the proper operating techniques. The probe can locate hot spots caused by shorts or partial shorts. Lack of heat indicates inoperative components. It can also test thermal devices. An incoming inspection department could use the probe to test temperature-related specifications of components. The circuit block diagram of the model TP-28 temperature probe is shown in Fig. 5-28.


Service technicians must use caution while testing and installing MOS IC devices that may cause damage with static electricity arcs. Some of the solid-state devices now used in many minicomputers and color TV chassis can be damaged with a static discharge.

You will now find the MOS IC used in a large number of consumer products. MOS transistors are small and use little power, thus thousands of them can be placed into an IC package that only use milliwatts of total power.

Most technicians are familiar with the single MOS transistor used for RF amplification in TV and FM receivers. MOS ICs are now being used in complete electronic tuning systems. They provide on-screen display of channel numbers plus time, and can remember user-programmed channels. TV games and minicomputers use MOS circuits extensively.

Fig. 5-29. Cross section of an MOS device.

The low-power feature of MOS circuits can cause problems when you have to replace them. They are very sensitive to voltage spikes and static electricity. MOS transistors are made with a thin insulating layer (oxide) sandwiched between a gate electrode (met al) and a silicon substrate (semiconductor). Because the oxide layer is so thin, voltages applied to the gate can influence the properties of the underlying silicon, thus controlling current between the source and drain. Part of the low-power feature arises because there is almost no DC current flow required at the gate electrode.

Some engineers claim that the major cause of failures in MOS ICs is due to breakdown of the gate oxide. Because some static electricity sparks are near 10, 000 volts, this will most certainly destroy the device when discharged through a gate electrode of an MOS transistor. Even though static electricity currents are small, the only discharge path is through the gate oxide, and even small currents that pass through the oxide will cause a failure. Note the cross-section of a MOS device in Fig. 5-29.

Inside the MOS IC, most transistors have a gate electrode driven by other MOS devices and are protected to some degree from external static electricity. The transistors at the input and output connections are the most susceptible to static damage. To protect input/output devices, protection networks are built inside the IC. These networks usually consist of diodes which bleed off static charges to ground or power supply pins and series resistors which protect the gate during the bleed-off process. These internal devices improve resistance to static damage but are limited by their small size. Some static shocks are sufficient to burn out the protection networks as well as the MOS gate oxide.

Some special techniques have been developed to protect ICs from static shock. ICs can be shipped in metal or conductive plastic coated tubes or trays. Often ICs will have their leads inserted into a black conductive foam or into aluminum foil. Conductive foam and plastic envelopes or metal-lined trays are used to transport circuit boards containing static-sensitive ICs.

Fig. 5-30. Workbench setup for servicing equipment that has MOS devices.

MOS Handling Procedures

So as not to blow out MOS devices, keep in mind that you should avoid using any static-producing accessories. The following procedures are effective in reducing static shock: II Just before touching any component or module, touch the metal chassis to make sure your body is not statically charged.

• While removing circuit boards or modules from the chassis, place them on a conductive surface, such as aluminum foil, and not on the bench.

• Touch the metal chassis just before picking up a module or component for installation. A MOS conductive work bench is shown in Fig. 5-30.

• When removing or replacing ICs, soldering irons with grounded tips must be used.

• Some solder suckers generate static charges when triggered on and should not be used. Even while the IC being removed is defective, a solder sucker can generate enough static to damage other components on the board.

Antistatic solder suckers are essential for IC removal.

• Replacement MOS ICs are packaged in conductive foam or with aluminum foil. Do not remove the IC from its protective package until it is ready for use. Before removing the IC, touch the conductive foam to the chassis or circuit board in which it is to be inserted. This can be done by touching the board with one hand and the conductive package with the other.

• Try to minimize motion when handling ICs out of the package. Clothes will even generate static electricity when brushed against other objects.

• Do not use freon-propelled sprays on circuit boards or chassis. Freon spray will generate static electricity. Even when an IC is in a protective package or installed in a circuit board, freon spray can generate static electricity which may damage internal components not directly connected to the IC pins.

--Defective components should be returned in a conductive package, not in plastic boxes or plastic envelopes.

--Aluminum foil is an effective packaging material.

Although these tips are for MOS ICs, all IC types can be damaged by static arcs and sparks. The more complex ICs tend to make integrated circuits even more sensitive to static damage, although they promise a fantastic future of improved performance and additional features in consumer products. The effectiveness of ICs depends a lot on the ever increasing skill and knowledge of those who troubleshoot these devices.

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