This information is not required in order to use the testing, adjustments
and other service procedures in this guide. It is presented for those readers
desiring more information about how a radio works, simply as a matter of interest
or because they wish to do servicing of an advanced nature.
The functions performed by electron tubes are many and varied, but for convenience
these functions may be consolidated into a few general groups. Each function
is determined not only by the tube type but also by the circuit and its associated
A general capability of the electron tube is to alter an AC (alternating current)
so that it becomes a pulsating DC (direct current), as shown in FIG. 1.
Associated apparatus can smooth out the variations in the current, and the
system as a whole can be said to change an alternating current into a constant-amplitude
direct current. This function provides convenient sources of DC voltage when
the only available primary source of electrical energy is an AC power line
or an AC generator. These DC voltages may be as low as a fraction of a volt
and as high as tens of thousands of volts. The action of changing an alternating
current into a pulsating direct current is referred to in general terms as
rectification. The electron tube which does this is called a rectifier.
Another significant and useful capability of the electron tube, and perhaps
its most important function, is described as amplification ( FIG. 2). A stronger
signal voltage may be obtained from the tube than is fed into it. In effect,
the tube is a signal voltage magnifier. A signal equal to 1 volt fed into the
input system of the amplifying tube may appear as 20 volts at its output. Different
arrangements provide for different amounts of signal amplification.
This amplification ability accounts for the advanced development of modern-day
communication. It is the basis of all long distance telephony, because microwave
amplifiers compensate for the energy losses encountered in transmission. Also
public address systems amplify the voice of an individual so that thousands
of people gathered together may hear it clearly.
Amplification makes radar possible because it strengthens the echo signal
received from the target so that it can be made visible on a special screen.
It is responsible for Teletype operation. Television would be impossible without
it. Amplification is essential in radio transmitters and receivers of all kinds
to increase electrical energy to proportions necessary for proper operation
of the various circuits of the equipment.

FIG. 1. Function of tube as rectifier of alternating current.

FIG. 2. Function of tube as amplifier.

FIG. 3. Function of electron tube as generator of alternating current.
Still another extremely important facility offered by the vacuum tube is the
conversion of electrical energy existing as direct current and voltage into
alternating current and voltage ( FIG. 3). Used in this manner, the tube draws
energy from a DC source and, in conjunction with suitable apparatus, generates
high-frequency oscillations. This function has been responsible for innumerable
developments in the communication field.
The principle of oscillation underlies the operation of virtually every type
of radio transmitter, large or small, fixed or portable. As a generator of
high-frequency oscillation, the electron tube replaced ponderous rotating machinery.
Even more important is that specialized oscillators opened up the very-high-
and ultra-high- frequency and microwave regions for operation. These extend
from approximately 30 MHz to tens of thousands of megahertz. The use of these
frequencies has helped to overcome the communication limitations caused by
changing seasons and the effects of weather. It helped create new techniques,
among which are radar, television and microwave cooking.
Availability of these high-frequencies for communications has made possible
the convenient use of low power and the design of small receivers, transmitters
and antennas.
The electron tube can modify the shape of electric current and voltage waveforms;
that is, it can change the amplitude of these quantities relative to time.
Voltage and current shaping (Figs. 4 and 5) are vital to the operation of numerous
electronic devices. It is used in code transmission, the timing of circuit
actions in radar, in the production of television pictures and in the operation
of Teletype equipment. Electronic computers could not operate without waveshaping
of the currents and voltages present in the equipment.

FIG. 4. One type of waveshaping accomplished by electron tubes. The input
signal is a sine wave; the output is a square wave.
At the radio transmitter, the carrier frequency is modulated by the desired
signal, which may consist of coded characters, voice, music, or other types
of signals. Amplitude modulation (AM) occurs if the signals cause the amplitude
of the output to vary. Frequency modulation (FM) occurs if the signals cause
the frequency of the carrier, or center frequency, to vary. Although there
are other types of modulation, only AM receivers will be treated in this Section.

FIG. 5. Another type of waveshaping. Only parts of the positive peaks of
the input signal are present in the output.
The RF carrier wave with the modulating signal impressed upon it is transmitted
through space as an electromagnetic wave to the antenna of the receiver. As
the wave passes across the receiving antenna, small AC voltages are induced
in the antenna. These voltages are coupled into the receiver via the antenna
coupling coil. The function of the receiver is to select the desired carrier
frequency from those present in the antenna circuit and to amplify the small
AC signal voltage. The receiver then removes the carrier by the process of
detection (rectification and the removal of the RF component) and amplifies
the resultant audio signal to the proper magnitude to operate the loudspeaker
or earphones.
Two major types of radio receivers are covered here—the tuned-radio-frequency
(trf) receiver, and the super-heterodyne receiver.
The tuned-radio-frequency receiver, generally known as the trf receiver, consists
of one or more RF stages, a detector stage, one or more AF stages, a reproducer
and the necessary power supply. A block diagram of a trf receiver is shown
in FIG. 6. The waveforms that appear in the respective sections of the receiver
are shown below the block diagram.
The amplitude of the AM signal at the input of the receiver is relatively
small because it has been attenuated in the space between the transmitter and
the receiver. It is composed of the carrier frequency and the modulation envelope.
The RF amplifier stages amplify the waveform, but they do not change its basic
shape if the circuits are operating properly. The detector rectifies and removes
the RF component of the signal. The output of the detector is a weak signal
made up only of the modulation component, or envelope, of the incoming signal.
The AF amplifier stages following the detector increase the amplitude of the
AF signal to a value sufficient to operate the loudspeaker or earphones.
RF Section
The antenna-ground system serves to introduce the desired signal into the
first RF amplifier stage via the antenna coupling transformer. For best reception,
the resistance of the antenna-ground system should be low. The antenna should
also be of the proper length for the band of frequencies to be received, and
the antenna impedance should match the input impedance of the receiver The
gain of most commercial receivers, however, is generally sufficient to make
these values noncritical.
The IF amplifiers in the trf receiver have tunable tanks in the grid circuits.
Thus, the receiver may be tuned so that only one if signal within its tuning
range is selected for amplification. When the tank is tuned to the desired
frequency, it resonates and produces a relatively large circulating current.
The grid of the IF amplifier then receives a relatively large signal voltage
at the resonant frequency, and minimum signals at other frequencies.

FIG. 6. Block diagram of a trf receiver and waveforms.
The relative ability of a receiver to select one particular frequency and
to reject all others is called the selectivity of the receiver. The relative
ability of the receiver to amplify small signal voltages is called the sensitivity
of the receiver. Both of these values may be improved by increasing the number
of if stages. When this is done, the tuning capacitors in the grid tank circuits
are usually ganged on the same shaft, and trimmers are added in parallel with
each capacitor to make the stages track at the same frequency. In addition,
the outer plates of the rotor sections of the capacitors are sometimes slotted
to enable more precise alignment throughout the tuning range.
Tetrodes or pentodes are generally used in if amplifiers because, unlike triodes,
they do not usually require neutralization. They also have higher gain than
A typical if amplifier stage employing a pentode is shown in FIG. 7. Tuned
circuit L2C1 is inductively coupled to Li, the antenna coil. R1 and C3 provide
operating bias for the tube. C4 and R2 are the screen bypass capacitor and
dropping resistor, respectively. The tuned circuit, L4C6, couples the following
stage inductively to L3. Both transformers are of the air-core type. The dotted
lines indicate mechanical ganging of C1 and C6 on the same shaft. The tuning
capacitor in the next stage is also ganged on the same shaft.
If you want the receiver to cover more than one frequency range, use additional
coils that have the proper inductance. They are sometimes of the plug-in variety,
but more generally they are mounted on the receiver and their leads are connected
to a multi-contact rotary switch. The latter method is preferable for band
switching because the desired band can be selected simply by turning the switch.
The same tuning capacitor is used for each band. However, when band switching
is employed, the trimmers are connected across the individual tuning inductors
and not across the main tuning capacitors.
Decoupling circuits are designed for both RF and AF amplifiers to counteract
feedback. Thus, in the RF amplifier in FIG. 7, C5 and R3 make up the decoupling
circuit. R3 offers a high impedance to the signal current, but C5 offers a
low impedance. Consequently, the signal current is shunted to ground around
the B+ supply. Because R3also offers a high resistance to DC current, it may
be replaced by a choke coil having a high impedance only to the signal current.
Each stage is similarly equipped with a decoupling circuit.
A mechanical or an electrical bandspread may be used as an aid in separating
stations that are crowded together on the tuning dial.
Mechanical bandspread is simply a micrometer arrangement to re duce the motion
of the capacitor rotor as the tuning knob is turned. When electrical bandspread
is used, a small variable capacitor is connected in parallel with the tuning
capacitor. Because of its small size, you can move this variable capacitor
a considerable amount before it causes an appreciable change in the frequency
of the tuned circuit. If the tuning capacitors are ganged, the bandspread capacitors
are also ganged.
The process of removing the intelligence component of the modulated waveform
from the ii carrier is called detection or de modulation. In the AM system,
the audio or intelligence component causes both the positive and the negative
half cycles of the RF wave to vary in amplitude. The function of the detector
is to rectify the modulated signal. A suitable filter eliminates the remaining
RF pulses and passes the audio component on the AF amplifiers.
Details of the various methods of detection will be discussed in a subsequent
paragraph. Each of the several methods that might be used in the trf receiver
have certain inherent weaknesses. For example, the diode detector requires
several stages of amplification ahead of the detector. It loads its tuned input
circuit, and therefore, the sensitivity and selectivity of the circuit are
reduced. However, it can handle strong signals without overloading, and its
linearity is good.

FIG. 7. An RF amplifier stage.

FIG. 8. Plate detector circuit.
The grid-leak detector is sensitive—and consequently requires fewer stages
of amplification—but it has poor linearity and selectively. Also, it can be
overloaded on strong signals.
The circuit shown in FIG. 8 employs plate detection. It has medium sensitivity
and the ability to handle strong signals without overloading. The selectivity
of this circuit is excellent, but because the ip:eg (plate current verses grid
voltage) graph is curved near the cutoff point (where the plate detector operates),
some distortion in the output cannot be avoided.
In FIG. 8, the tube is biased nearly to cutoff by the average plate current
that flows through R1. This average value increases as the signal strength
increases. On positive half cycles of the incoming signals the plate current
varies with the amplitude of the modulating wave and produces the desired AF
output voltage. On negative half cycles no appreciable plate current flows.
Between positive half cycles the bias voltage is held constant across R1 by
the action of C3, because the time constant of R1C3 is long compared with the
time for the lowest AF cycle.
The RF pulses are filtered out by means of a low-pass filter (consisting of
C4, L2 and Cs), which rejects the RF component and passes the AF component.
C6 couples the AF component to the first audio amplifier. R2 is the plate load
resistor, and the combination R3C7 makes up the decoupling circuit.
AF Section
The function of the AF section of a receiver is to further amplify the audio
signal, which is commonly fed via the volume control to the grid of the first
audio amplifier tube. In most cases, the amount of amplification that is necessary
depends on the type of reproducer used. If the reproducer consists of earphones,
only one stage amplification might be necessary. If the reproducer is a large
speaker or other mechanical device requiring a large amount of power, you might
need several stages. In most receivers, the last AF stage is operated as a
power amplifier.
A necessary part of the AF section is some means of manual control of the
output signal level of the receiver. A manual volume control may be employed
in a number of receiver circuits. Normally this control varies the amplitude
of the signal applied to the grid of an amplifier tube, as shown in FIG. 8.
Increasing the resistance between ground and the sliding contact increases
the amplitude of the signal applied to the grid of the driven stage.
FIG. 9. Audio amplifier output stage.
An AF output stage is shown in FIG. 9. C1 couples the first AF amplifier to
the output stage, and R1 is the grid coupling resistor. R2 and C2 provide a
steady bias. Because of the low frequencies involved, C2 should have a larger
value of capacitance than similar bypass capacitors in the RF section. C4 is
the plate-bypass capacitor, or decoupling capacitor. C3 has a small value of
capacitance and bypasses some of the higher frequencies around the output transformer,
thus emphasizing the bass. The impedance of the primary of the output transformer
commonly represents a compromise between maximum power transfer and minimum
distortion. The impedance of the secondary is chosen to match the impedance
of the voice coil. Some secondaries have taps on the windings to permit an
impedance match to a variety of voice-coil impedances.
Tone control is usable. The purpose of tone control is to emphasize either
low or high frequencies by shunting the undesired frequencies around the remainder
of the circuit components in the audio section. A simple tone-control circuit,
such as the series capacitor C5 and variable resistor R3 combination shown
in FIG. 9, can be connected between plate and ground or between grid and ground
in any of the audio stages of a receiver. In this figure, it is connected between
plate and ground. The value of the series capacitor is such that it will bypass
to ground the high-frequency components. The amount of high-frequency energy
removed by the tone-control circuit is determined by the setting of the variable-
resistor control arm. When the resistance is low, the high frequencies are
attenuated; when it is high, they appear in the output.
Feedback voltage from output to input is sometimes developed across the impedance
of the common power supply. For frequencies within the usable audio range,
this impedance is sufficiently low so that insufficient feedback is obtained
to cause oscillation. However, for extremely low frequencies, the capacitors
in the power supply will sometimes have enough impedance to cause oscillation.
When two or more audio amplifier stages are supplied from a common B+ supply,
feedback occurs as a result of common coupling between the plate circuits,
and some method of decoupling must be employed. The coupling consists of the
internal impedance of the source of plate voltage. The feedback may either
increase or decrease the amplification, depending on the phase relation between
the input voltage and the feedback voltage. In a multistage amplifier, the
greatest transfer of feedback energy occurs between the final and first stages
because of the high amplification through the multi stage amplifier.
The effects of feedback are important if the feedback voltage coupled into
the plate circuit of the first stage is appreciable compared to the signal
voltage that would be developed if feedback did not exist. For example, a three-stage
resistance-coupled amplifier may develop a feedback voltage (coupled via the
B+ supply into the plate circuit of stage 1) which is in phase with the signal
voltage of stage 1 and hence may cause oscillations to be set up. In audio
amplifiers having high gain and a good low-frequency response, this regeneration
causes the low-frequency oscillation known as “motor-boating.”
Design engineers usually decouple plate circuits by adding a series resistor
to the input stage, between its plate load and B+, and bypassing that resistor
to ground. The appearance of motorboating means you need to replace either
the decoupling resistor or its bypass capacitor.
Circuit of the trf Receiver
The complete circuit of a trf radio receiver operated from an AC power supply
is shown in FIG. 10. The receiver uses two pentodes in the RF section, one
triode operated as a plate detector and two pentode AF amplifier stages to
feed the loudspeaker.
From previous discussions, the various circuits may be identified and the
signal may be traced from the antenna-ground system to the loudspeaker. The
dotted lines indicate that the three main tuning capacitors are ganged on a
single shaft. Across each of the main tuning capacitors is connected a trimmer
capacitor to enable circuit alignment. The ground circuit and the various decoupling
circuits may be readily identified. The power supply voltage is obtained from
a conventional full-wave rectifier. Rectifier and tube filament cur rents are
obtained from two low-voltage windings on the power transformer.

FIG. 10. Circuit of a complete trf receiver.
Characteristics of the trf Receiver
The principal disadvantage of the trf receiver is that its selectivity, or
its ability to separate signals, does not remain constant over its tuning range.
As the set is tuned from the low-frequency end of its tuning range to the high-frequency
end, its selectivity decreases.
Also, the amplification, or gain, of a trf receiver is not constant over the
tuning range of the receiver. The gain depends on IF transformer gain, which
increases with frequency. In order to improve the gain at the low-frequency
end of the band, RF transformers employing high-impedance (untuned) primaries
are designed so that the primary inductance will resonate with the primary
distributed capacitance at some frequency slightly below the low end of the
tunable band. Thus, the gain is good at the low end of the band because of
the resonant buildup of primary current. The near- resonant condition of the
primary at the low end more than offsets the effect of reduced transformer
action. However, the shunting action of the primary distributed capacitance
lowers the gain at the high-frequency end of the band. To make up for the resultant
poor gain at the high end of the band, a small capacitor is connected between
the plate and grid leads of adjacent RF stages to supplement the transformer
coupling. At the low end of the band, the capacitive coupling is negligible.
The superheterodyne receiver was developed to overcome many of the disadvantages
of the trf receiver. The essential difference between the trf receiver and
the superheterodyne receiver is that in the former the RF amplifiers preceding
the detector are tunable over a band of frequencies, whereas in the latter
the corresponding amplifiers are tuned to one fixed frequency called the intermediate
frequency (IF). The principle of frequency conversion by heterodyne action
is here employed to convert any desired station frequency within the receiver
range to this intermediate frequency. Thus, an incoming signal is converted
to the fixed intermediate frequency before detecting the audio signal component,
and the IF amplifier operates under uniformly optimum conditions throughout
the receiver range. The IF circuits can then have uniform selectivity, uniformly
high voltage gain and uniform, satisfactory bandwidth to contain all of the
desired sideband components associated with the amplitude modulated carrier.
The block diagram of a typical superheterodyne receiver is shown in FIG. 11.
Below corresponding sections of the receiver are shown the waveforms of the
signal at that point. The RF signal from the antenna passes first through an
RF amplifier (preselector) where the amplitude of the signal is increased.
A locally generated unmodulated RF signal of constant amplitude is then mixed
with the carrier frequency in the mixer stage. The mixing, or heterodyning,
of these two frequencies produces an intermediate frequency signal which contains
all of the modulation characteristics of the original signal. The intermediate
frequency is equal to the difference between the station frequency and the
oscillator frequency associated with the heterodyne mixer. The intermediate
frequency is then amplified in one or more stages called intermediate-frequency
(IF) amplifiers and fed to a conventional detector for recovery of the audio

FIG. 11. Block diagram of a superheterodyne receiver and waveforms.
The detected signal is amplified in the AF section and then fed to a headset
or loudspeaker. The detector, the AF section and the reproducer of a superheterodyne
receiver are basically the same as those in a trf set, except that diode detection
is generally used in the superheterodyne receiver. Automatic volume control
or automatic gain control also is commonly employed in the superheterodyne
RF Amplifier
If an RF amplifier is used ahead of the mixer stage of a superheterodyne receiver,
it is generally of conventional design. Besides amplifying the RF signal, the
RF amplifier has other important functions. For example, it isolates the local
oscillator from the antenna ground system. If the antenna were connected directly
to the mixer stage, a part of the local oscillator signal might be radiated
into space and cause interference. For this reason and others, superheterodyne
receivers are provided with at least one RF amplifier stage.
Also, if the mixer stage were connected directly to the antenna, unwanted
signals, called images, might be received, because the mixer stage produces
the intermediate frequency by heterodyning two signals whose frequency difference
equals the intermediate frequency. (The heterodyne principle is treated later
in this chap ter.)

FIG. 12. Relation of image frequency to station frequency in a superheterodyne
The image frequency always differs from the desired station frequency by twice
the intermediate frequency. Image frequency is the station frequency plus or
minus two times intermediate frequency. The image frequency is higher than
the station frequency if the local oscillator frequency tracks (operates) above
the station frequency ( FIG. 12A). The image frequency is lower than the station
frequency if the local oscillator tracks below the station frequency ( FIG.
12B). The latter arrangement is generally used for the higher frequency bands,
and the former for the lower frequency bands.
For example, if such a receiver having an intermediate frequency of 455 kHz
is tuned to receive a station frequency of 1500 kHz ( FIG. 12A), and the local
oscillator has a frequency of 1955 kHz, the output of the IF amplifier may
contain two interfering signals—one from the 1500 kHz station and the other
from an image station of 2410 kHz (1500 + 2 x 455 = 2410 kHz). The same receiver
tuned near the low end of the band to a 590 khz station has a local oscillator
frequency of 1045 kHz. The output of the IF amplifier contains the station
signal (1045 — 590 = 455 kHz) and an image signal (1500 — 1045 = 455 kHz).
Thus, the 1500 kHz signal is an image heard simultaneously with the 590 kHz
station signal.
It may also be possible for any two signals having sufficient strength, and
separated by the intermediate frequency to produce unwanted signals in the
reproducer. The selectivity of the preselector tends to reduce the strength
of these images and unwanted signals.

FIG. 13. Construction of variable-mu tubes and plate-current-versus-grid
voltage curves.
The ratio of the amplitude of the desired station signal to that of the image
is called the image rejection ratio and is an important characteristic of a
superheterodyne receiver. Better super heterodyne receivers are therefore equipped
with one or more preselector stages, a typical example of which is shown in
FIG. 14.
The amplification of a tube may be controlled by varying the bias voltage
applied to the grid, but normally the range of this control is limited by the
cutoff bias and the permissible distortion. In receivers employing automatic
volume control (AVC) in the RF amplifier section, the amplification is varied
over a wide range so that strong or weak signals may be accommodated. To permit
this increased range of volume control, the variable-mu tube was developed.
This tube is also known as the super-control or remote cutoff type.
The only difference in construction between variable-mu tubes and normal,
or sharp cutoff, tubes is in the spacing between the turns of the control grid.
In sharp cutoff tubes the turns of the grid wires are equally spaced, while
in remote cutoff types the grid turns are closely spaced at the ends and widely
spaced in the center. The construction of variable-mu tubes is shown in FIG.
With a small bias voltage, electrons flow through all the spaces of the grid
and the amplification factor is relatively large because of the close spacing
of the end turns of the control grid. As the bias is increased, the electron
flow is cut off through the narrow spaces at the ends of the grid structure.
However, they are still able to pass through the relatively large spaces at
the center of the grid. The increased bias causes a decrease in the amplification
due to the coarser turns in the central portion of the grid. A much greater
value of bias is required to cut off the plate current flow in this type of
tube. The remote-cutoff tube is so named because the cutoff bias value is greater
than (more remote from) the value required to cut off plate current flow in
tubes of evenly spaced turns.
FIG. 13B shows the ip:eg (plate versus grid voltage) curves for both a conventional
sharp cutoff tube and a variable-mu or remote-cutoff tube. The cutoff bias
for the normal tube is —5 volts, and because the slope is almost constant,
any change in bias produces little change in amplification. Contrasted with
this characteristic, the curve for the variable-mu tube has a pronounced change
in slope as the grid bias is increased from —10 volts to —15 volts and a small
value of plate current is still flowing at a bias of —25 volts. The changing
slope of this curve indicates a variation of amplification with bias. Thus,
if a variable-mu tube is used with a bias source that varies with the signal
strength, (AVC bus in FIG. 14), the output signal can be made substantially
independent of the input signal strength.
The preselector stage shown in FIG. 14 employs a variable-mu tube and cathode
bias. L1 is the antenna coil, L2 and C1 make up the tuned input circuit and
C2 is the trimmer used for alignment purposes. The dotted line indicates ganged
tuning capacitors. Usually these are the tuning capacitor of the mixer input
tank circuit and the local oscillator tuning capacitor. C3 provides low-impedance
coupling between the lower end of the L2 and the grounded end of C2, thus bypassing
the decoupling filters in the automatic volume control (AVC) circuit. (Automatic
volume, or automatic gain, control is treated later in this Section.) The RF
transformer in the output circuit consists of an untuned high-impedance primary,
L3, and a tuned secondary, L4, which resonates with tuning capacitor C5 at
the station frequency. The RF bypass capacitor, C6, serves a function similar
to that of C3.
First Detector
The first detector, or frequency-converter, section of a superheterodyne receiver
is composed of two parts—the oscillator and the mixer. In many receivers, particularly
at broadcast frequencies, the same vacuum tube serves both functions, as in
the pentagrid converter shown in Fig.11-15. The operation of the tube may be
simplified somewhat if both stages (oscillator and mixer) are considered as
exerting two different influences on the stream of electrons from cathode to
plate. These electrons are influenced by the oscillator stage (grids 1,2 and
4) and also by the station input signal on grid number 3. Thus, coupling between
the input signal and the oscillator takes place within the electron stream

FIG. 14. Typical superheterodyne preselector stage.
There is a tendency for the local oscillator to synchronize with the station
frequency signal applied to grid 3. At high frequencies where the two signals
have nearly the same frequency, the pentagrid converter is replaced with a
mixer tube and a separate oscillator tube. This type of circuit provides frequency
stability for local oscillator.
The oscillator stage employs a typical Hartley circuit in which C5 and the
oscillator coil make up the tuned circuit. C4 is the trimmer capacitor used
for alignment (tracking) purposes. C3 and R2 provide grid-leak bias for the
oscillator section of the tube. Grid 1 is the oscillator grid, and grids 2
and 4 serve as the oscillator plate. Grids 2 and 4 are connected together and
also serve as a shield for the signal input grid, number 3.
Grid 3 has a variable-mu characteristic and serves as both an amplifier and
a mixer grid. The tuned input is made up of L1 and C1, with the parallel trimmer
C2. The dotted lines drawn through C1 and C5 indicate that both of these capacitors
are ganged on the same shaft (in this example with the preselector tuning capacitor).
The plate circuit contains the station frequency and the oscillator frequency
signals, both of which are bypassed to ground through the low reactance of
C6 and C7. The heterodyne action within the pentagrid converter produces additional
frequency components in the plate circuit, one of which is the difference frequency
between the oscillator and the station frequency. The difference frequency
is the intermediate frequency and is developed across C6 and L2. This signal
is coupled to the first IF amplifier grid through the desired band-pass coupling
which is wide enough to include the sideband components associated with the
amplitude-modulated signal applied to grid 3 of the pentagrid converter.
The conversion gain in a pentagrid converter is:
u=V_d x S_c
where Vd is the AC plate resistance with the station RF carrier applied, and
Sc is the conversion transconductance (30 percent to 40 percent of the gm of
the pentode amplifier). Conversion gain is the change in plate voltage at the
intermediate frequency divided by the change in grid voltage at the RF station
frequency for equal changes in plate current at the intermediate frequency.
Expressed as a formula:
conversion gain = IF output volts/RF input volts

FIG. 15. First detector employing a pentagrid converter.
The conversion gain of a typical pentagrid converter used in broad cast receivers
ranges between 30 and 80.
Heterodyne Principle
The production of audible beat notes is a phenomenon that is easily demonstrated.
For example, if two adjoining piano keys are struck simultaneously, a tone
will be produced that rises and de creases in intensity at regular intervals.
This action results from the fact that the rarefactions and compressions produced
by the vibrating strings will gradually approach a condition in which they
reinforce each other at regular intervals of time with an accompanying in-
crease in the intensity of the sound. Likewise, at equal intervals of time,
the compressions and rarefactions gradually approach a condition in which they
counteract each other, and the intensity is periodically reduced.
This addition and subtraction of the intensities at regular intervals produces
beat frequencies. The number of beats produced per second is equal to the difference
between the two frequencies.
The production of beats in a superheterodyne receiver is somewhat analogous
to the action of the piano, except that with the receiver the process is electrical
and the frequencies are much higher. FIG. 16 indicates graphically how the
beat frequency (intermediate frequency) is produced when signals of two different
frequencies are combined in the mixer tube. The resultant envelope varies in
amplitude at the difference frequency, as indicated by the dotted lines.

FIG. 16. Simplified graphical analysis of the formation of beats.
In this example, one voltage, es, has a frequency of 8 cycles per second and
the other voltage, eo, has a frequency of 10 cycles per second. Initially,
the amplitudes of the two voltages add at instant A but at instant B the relative
phase of eo has advanced enough to oppose es, and the amplitude of the resultant
envelope is reduced to a value dependent upon es. At instant C the relative
phase of eo has advanced enough to permit the amplitudes to add again. Thus,
one cycle of amplitude variation of the envelope takes place in the time interval
that eo needs to gain one cycle over es. From FIG. 16 it may be seen that eo
gains two cycles in the interval A to E. Therefore, the beat or difference
frequency is 2 cycles per second. In the superheterodyne receiver the amplitude
of the oscillator signal is designed to be greater than that of any received
I-F Amplifier
The IF amplifier is a high-gain circuit commonly employing pentode tubes.
This amplifier is tuned to the frequency difference between the local oscillator
and the incoming RF signal. Pentode tubes are generally employed with one,
two, or three stages, de pending on the amount of gain needed. As previously
stated, all incoming signals are converted to the same frequency by the frequency
converter, and the IF amplifier operates at only one frequency. The tuned circuits,
therefore, are permanently adjusted for maximum gain consistent with the desired
bandpass and frequency response. These stages operate as class-A voltage amplifiers,
and practically all of the selectivity of the superheterodyne receiver is developed
by them.
FIG. 17 shows the first IF amplifier stage. The minimum bias is established
by means of R1 C1. Automatic volume control can be applied to the grid through
the secondary of the preceding coupling transformer.

FIG. 17. First IF amplifier stage.
The output IF transformer, which couples the plate circuit of this stage to
the grid circuit of the second IF stage, is tuned by means of capacitors C2
and C3. Mica or air-trimmer capacitors were used in old-time radios. In newer
radios the capacitors are fixed, and the tuning is accomplished by means of
a movable powdered-iron core. This method is called permeability tuning. In
special cases only the secondary is tuned (single tuned). The coils and capacitors
are mounted in small metal cans that serve as shields, and provision is made
for adjusting the tuning without removing the shield.
The input IF transformer has a lower coefficient of coupling than he output
transformer in some receivers in order to suppress noise from the pentagrid
converter. The output IF transformer is slightly over-coupled with double humps
appearing at the upper and lower sideband frequencies. The overall response
of the stage is essentially flat, and in typical broadcast receivers has a
voltage gain of about 200 with a bandpass of 7 to 10 kHz and an IF of about
456 kHz.
The chief characteristic of the double-tuned band-pass coupling is that at
frequencies slightly above and slightly below the intermediate frequency, the
impedance coupled into the primary by the presence of the secondary is reactive.
This cancels some of the reactance existing in the primary, and the primary
current in creases. Thus the output voltage of the secondary does not fall
off, and the response is uniform within the pass band.
Demodulation of Waves
Demodulation, or detection, is the process of recovering the intelligence
from a modulated wave. When a radio carrier wave is amplitude-modulated, the
intelligence is imposed on the carrier in the form of amplitude variations
of the carrier. The demodulator of an amplitude-modulated (AM) wave produces
currents or voltages that vary with the amplitude of the wave. Likewise, the
frequency- modulation (FM) detector and the phase-modulation (PM) detector
change the frequency variations of an FM wave—and the equivalent phase variations
of a FM wave—into currents or voltages that vary in amplitude with the frequency
or phase of the carrier.
The detector in the receiver must therefore be designed so that it will be
sensitive to the type of modulation used at the transmitter, and generally
insensitive to any other.
Most collectible radios are designed for amplitude modulation. A dear understanding
of the mechanism of AM detection is there fore very important.
AM modulators and demodulators are nonlinear devices. A nonlinear device is
one whose current to voltage relationship is not a straight line. Because the
ratio of current to voltage is not constant, the device has a nonlinear impedance—for
example, in one of the electron-tube detectors to be considered later, the
average output current is the difference between each successive positive and
negative swing of the output signal current, as shown in FIG. 18. The average
output (signal component) follows the envelope of the incoming modulated wave
more or less closely, depending on the shape of the nonlinear curve. Because
the envelope of the incoming AM wave contains the desired audio frequency,
a nonlinear device demodulates the AM wave.
For an understanding of the difference in the output frequencies of the various
detectors, it is necessary to examine the frequencies involved in both modulation
and demodulation.

FIG. 18. Results of impressing an AM wave on a nonlinear device.
Comparison of Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation
If at the transmitter, an RF carrier and a single-frequency audio-modulating
signal of sine waveform are impressed on a linear device, the output waveform
from the linear device will contain the same RF and AF signal frequencies.
The tuned RF amplifiers in the transmitter will amplify the RF carrier but
will eliminate for all practical purposes the AF component. Under these circumstances,
only the carrier will be radiated, and it will be ineffective in carrying the
intelligence component.
A very different result is obtained if an RF carrier and a single- frequency
audio-modulating signal of sine waveform are impressed on a nonlinear device.
In this instance distortion is introduced and, as a result, additional frequencies
are produced. In addition to the original frequencies, sum-and-difference frequencies
are generated, and a zero-frequency, or DC component, is added. The tuned circuits
at the transmitter now respond to the carrier and the upper and lower sidebands.
As before, though, the AF modulating signal is discriminated against. However,
this AF component is replaced, or generated, by the demodulator in the receiver.
In the receiver the carrier and the two sidebands are impressed on a second
nonlinear device called the demodulator. If the demodulator has an ideal nonlinear
curve, it will distort the incoming waveform (the positive halves of the cycle
will be different from the negative halves). Therefore, in addition to the
RF carrier and the two sidebands, the signal frequency—the difference between
the upper sideband and the carrier or the difference between the carrier and
the lower sideband—and a zero-frequency, or DC component will be produced.
This DC component may be used for automatic volume control.
If the demodulator used in the receiver does not have an ideal nonlinear curve
but has a practical realizable curve such as the square-law curve, additional
frequencies will be produced. These frequencies will be harmonics of all frequencies
present in the input. They are produced because input voltages having larger
amplitudes are distorted differently from input voltages having smaller amplitudes.
The RF harmonics may be filtered in the output of the demodulator, but the
AF harmonics are not easily eliminated.
Thus, modulation and demodulation are essentially the same in that the waveform
is distorted in each case and new frequencies are produced.
Types of AM Detectors
Detectors are classified according to the shape of their current-voltage (characteristic)
curve. If the curve is smooth, as in FIG. 18, the detector is called a square-law
detector. It is called a square-law detector because, for a first approximation,
the output voltage is proportional to the square of the effective input voltage.
If the current voltage curve of the detector is shaped like an obtuse angle,
as in FIG. 19A, the curve is still nonlinear because of the abrupt change in
shape at the knee. Because the detector action takes place on the linear portions
of the curve on both sides of the voltage applied to the plate on the next
cycle exceeds the potential at which the capacitor holds the cathode (point
B), diode current again flows and the capacitor charges up to almost the peak
value of the second positive half cycle at point C.
So the voltage across the capacitor follows very nearly the peak value of
the applied RF voltage and reproduces the AF modulation. The detector output,
after rectification and filtering, is a DC voltage that varies at an audio
rate, as shown by the solid line in FIG. 20E. The curve of the output voltage
across the capacitor is shown somewhat jagged. Actually, the RF component of
this voltage is negligible and, after amplification, the speech or music originating
at the transmitter is faithfully reproduced.

Fig. 19. Linear detectors.
The correct choice of R and C2 ( FIG. 20A) in the diode- detector circuit
is very important if maximum sensitivity and fidelity are to be obtained. The
load resistor, R, and the plate resistance of the diode act as a voltage divider
to the received signal. Therefore, the load resistance should be high compared
with the plate resistance of the diode so that maximum output voltage will
be obtained. The value of C2 should be such that the RC time constant is long
compared with the time of one RF cycle. This is necessary because the capacitor
must maintain the voltage across the load resistor during the time when there
is no plate current. Also, the RC time constant must be short compared with
the time of one AF cycle in order that the capacitor voltage can follow the
modulation envelope.
The values of R and C2 therefore place a limit on the highest modulation (audio)
frequency that can be detected. FIG. 20F shows the type of distortion that
occurs when the RC time constant is too large. At the higher modulation frequencies,
the capacitor does not discharge as rapidly as required, and negative peak
clipping of the audio signal results.
The efficiency of rectification in a diode is the ratio of the peak voltage
appearing across the load to the peak input signal voltage. The efficiency
increases with the size of R compared with the diode plate resistance, because
R and the diode are in series across the input circuit and their voltages divide
in proportion to their resistance. With audio frequencies, a large value of
R may be used (of the order of 100,000 ohms), and consequently the efficiency
is relatively high (95 percent). When high modulation frequencies are necessary,
the value of R must be reduced to keep the RC time constant low enough to follow
the envelope. Consequently, the efficiency is reduced.
The diode detector can handle large signals without overloading, and it can
provide automatic volume control voltage without extra tubes or special circuits.
However, it has the disadvantage of drawing power from the input tuned circuit
because the diode and its load form a low-impedance shunt across the circuit.
Consequently, the circuit Q, the sensitivity and the selectivity are reduced.
The interelectrode capacitance of the diode detector limits its usefulness
at high carrier frequencies, and the bend in the lower portion of current-voltage
characteristic indicates that it distorts on weak signals. Therefore, considerable
amplification is needed before detection.
Grid-Leak Detector
The grid-leak-detector functions like a diode detector combined with a triode
amplifier. It is convenient to consider detection and amplification as two
separate functions. In FIG. 21A, the grid functions as the diode plate. The
values of Cd and Rd must be so chosen that Cd charges during the positive peaks
of the incoming signal and discharges during the negative peaks. The time constant
of Rd Cd should be long with respect to the RF cycle and short with respect
to the AF cycle.
An approximate analysis of the waveforms existing in the diode (grid) circuit
is shown in FIG. 21B. Part 1 shows the input waveform, which is also the waveform
in the input tuned circuit. Because RF current g flows in only one direction
in the grid circuit, part 2 shows a rectified current waveform in this circuit.
Part 3 shows the waveform developed across Cd. This audio waveform is produced
in the same way as the audio waveform in the diode detector. However, the waveform
shown in part 3 is not the output voltage. In the grid-leak detector, the waveform
produced across Cd is combined in series with the RF waveform in the tuned
circuit to produce the grid-to-cathode waveform shown in part 4.
An approximate analysis of the waveforms existing in the triode plate circuit
is shown in FIG. 21C. Part 5 is the plate-current waveform, and part 6 is the
plate-voltage waveform.
Capacitor C discharges on the positive half cycles of grid input voltage (points
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and so forth). The discharge path is clockwise through
the circuit including the tube and capacitor. The time constant of the discharge
path is the product of the effective tube resistance and the capacitance of
capacitor C. This time constant is short because the effective tube resistance
is low. The increase in plate current is supplied by the capacitor rather than
the B + supply, thus preventing any further increase in current through the
RF choke and plate load resistor RL. Therefore, any further change in plate
and capacitor voltage is limited.
Capacitor C charges up as plate voltage rises on the negative half cycles
of RF grid input voltage ( FIG. 21C, points 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and so forth).
The charging path is clockwise through the circuit containing the capacitor,
RF choke, load resistor RL and the B+ supply. The rise in plate voltage is
limited by the capacitor charging current that flows through the RF choke and
through RL. The plate current decrease is approximately equal to the capacitor
charging current so the total current through the RF choke and R_L remains
nearly constant, and the plate and capacitor voltage rise is checked.
Positive grid swings cause sufficient grid current flow to pro duce grid-leak
bias. Low plate limits the plate current on no signal in the absence of grid
bias. Accordingly, the amplitude of the input signal is limited, since with
low plate voltage the cutoff bias is low, and that portion of the input signal
that drives the grid voltage below cutoff is lost. The waveform of the voltage
across capacitor C is shown by the solid line in part 6 of FIG. 21C. The plate
voltage ripple is removed by the RF choke (RFC). Part 7 shows the output- voltage
waveform. This waveform is the difference between the voltage at the junction
of R and RFC with respect to the negative terminal of Eb and the voltage across
coupling capacitor Cc, which for most practical purposes is a pure DC voltage.
Because the operation of the grid-leak detector depends on a certain amount
of grid-current flow, a loading effect is produced which lowers the selectivity
of the input circuit. However, the sensitivity of the grid-leak detector is
moderately high on low- amplitude signals.
Plate Detector
In a grid-leak-detector the incoming RF signal is detected in the grid circuit
and the resultant AF signal is amplified in the plate circuit. In a plate detector,
the RF signal is first amplified in the plate circuit, and then it is detected
in the same circuit.
A plate detector circuit is shown in FIG. 22A. The cathode bias resistor,
R1, is chosen so that the grid bias is approximately at cutoff during the time
that an input signal of proper strength is applied. Plate current then flows
only on the positive swings of grid voltage, during which time average plate
current increases. The peak value of the AC input signal is limited to slightly
less that the cutoff bias to prevent driving the grid voltage positive on the
positive half cycles of the input signal. As a result, no grid current flows
at any time in the input cycle, and the detector does not load the input tuned
circuit, LC1.
Cathode bypass capacitor C2 is large enough to hold the voltage across R1
steady at the lowest audio frequency to be detected in the plate circuit. C3
is the demodulation capacitor across which the AF component is developed. R2
is the plate load resistor. The RF choke blocks the RF component from the output.
R2R3 has a long time constant with respect to the time for one RF cycle so
that C3 resists any voltage which occurs at the RF rate. R2C3 has a short time
constant with respect to the time for one cycle so that the capacitor is capable
of charging and discharging at the audio rate.

FIG. 22. Plate detector and waveforms.
The action of the plate detector may be demonstrated by the use of the ip-eg_curve
in FIG. 22B. On the positive half cycle of RF input signal (point 1), the plate
voltage falls below the B+ supply because of the increased drop across R2and
the r f choke. Capacitor C3 discharges. The discharge current flows clockwise
through the circuit including the tube and C rather than the B supply. The
drop across R2 and the RF choke is limited, and the decrease in plate voltage
is slight.
On the negative half cycle of RF input signal (point 2) plate current is cut
off and plate voltage rises. Capacitor C3 charges. The charging current flows
clockwise around the circuit, including the RF choke, R2 and the B + supply.
The drop across R2 and the RF choke contributed by the charging current of
C3 checks the rise in plate voltage.
Thus, C3 resists voltage change at the RF rate. Because C3R2 has a short time
constant with respect to the lowest AF signal, the voltage across C3 varies
at the AF rate.
The plate detector has excellent selectivity. Its sensitivity (ratio of AF
output to RF input) is also greater than that of the diode detector. However,
it is inferior to the diode detector in that it is unable to handle strong
signals without overloading. Another disadvantage is that the operating bias
will vary with the strength of the incoming signal and thus cause distortion
unless a means is provided to maintain the signal input at a constant level.
This is why AVC or manual RF gain control circuits usually precede the detector.
Second Detector
Most superheterodyne receivers employ a diode as the second detector. This
type of detector is practical because of the high gain as well as the high
selectivity of the IF stages. The diode detector has good linearity and can
handle large signals without overloading. For reasons of space and economy,
the diode detector and first audio amplifier are often included in the same
envelope in modern superheterodyne receivers.
A simple diode detector is shown in FIG. 23. The rectified voltage appears
across R1, which also serves as the volume control potentiometer. Capacitor
C2 bypasses the RF component to ground, and C3 couples the output of the detector
to the first audio amplifier stage. The tuned circuit, L2C1 is long compared
to the time for one IF cycle but short compared to the time for one AF cycle,
if the intermediate frequency is 456 kHz, the time for one IF cycle in microseconds
1/0456 =2.19 us
If R1 is 250K and C2 is 100 pF, the time constant in microseconds is 0.25
x 100 = 25 ps

FIG. 23. Diode detector.
The demodulation capacitor, C2, discharges through R1 in one-half the time
for one AF cycle, 1/2f. The time required to discharge C2, is 5R1C2 seconds.
1/2f = 5R/f
= 1/10 xR1x C2
=1/10 x 0.250 x 106 x 100 x 10_12
= 103/0.250
= 4000Hz
So the highest audio frequency that C2 is capable of following without distortion
is, in this example, 4000 Hz. In order to increase the response of the diode
detector, the time constant of R1C2 is reduced, for example, by decreasing
R1 to 100K. The highest audio frequency now becomes
f= 1/10xR1xC2
= 1/10
= 10000Hz
Demodulation capacitor C2 cannot discharge rapidly enough to follow modulation
frequencies higher than 10,000 Hz (in this case), and clipping results with
all higher audio frequencies.

FIG. 24. Circuit diagram of a superheterodyne receiver.
Circuit of a Superheterodyne Receiver
The complete circuit of a superheterodyne receiver is shown in FIG. 24. In
this circuit one RF amplifier (preselector) stage is used. Tube V2, a pentagrid
converter, serves both as the mixer tube and oscillator tube. Three tuning
capacitors (one each in the preselector, mixer and oscillator stages) are ganged
on a common shaft to assure proper tracking. Trimmers are connected in parallel
with each capacitor to permit alignment. The oscillator tuning capacitor is
smaller than the tuning capacitor in the preselector or the converter stages.
The oscillator operates above the station frequency and tracks closely at three
points on the dial—the low end, the middle and the high end. The oscillator
tuning capacitor split-rotor plates allow closer adjustment for tracking at
the low end and at the middle of the band. Shunt trimmer capacity adjustments
on the oscillator tuning capacitor provide close tracking of the oscillator
at the high end of the band.
Tube V3 is the IF amplifier with input and output IF transformers tuned to
the receiver intermediate frequency.
Tube V4 serves as the second detector and first audio amplifier. Conventional
automatic volume control is tapped off at the end of the volume control potentiometer
farthest from ground. Plate and screen potentials are obtained from the B+
supply through the cones ponding voltage-dropping resistors. The power supply
is a conventional full-wave rectifier.
The final stage in the receiver contains a power amplifier; it may be single
ended or push-pull. FIG. 24 shows a complete power amplifier stage containing
V5, associated resistors and capacitors, a transformer and a speaker. The stage
operates as a class A amplifier in this case, since it is single ended. If
push-pull is used, the stage can operate as class A, AB or B. In any case,
the energy is transformer- coupled to the load—the speaker in FIG. 24—for better
impedance matching.