This Section shows how to adjust a radio to get all the performance that
was designed into it. The tune-up procedure for a receiver is known as alignment.
Not all restorers of antique radios will wish to try this procedure, especially
when they are first getting into restoration, because it can be tricky and
does require additional test equipment beyond the basic VOM or multimeter.
Furthermore, it is at the very bottom of the list of things to do in restoring
a receiver. For these reasons it is presented last in this guide. However,
alignment is a very useful procedure to know about. Alignment is often necessary
to get top performance out of a radio and is occasionally necessary to get
even acceptable performance.
The tuned circuits of a radio receiver must be accurately adjusted to work
together if the set is to achieve its maximum degree of operational efficiency.
When the circuits are thus correctly related to one another, they are said
to be in alignment.
The fixed frequency difference between the RF signal carrier and the heterodyne
oscillator must be maintained with a high degree of accuracy over the entire
tuning range of the receiver. Simultaneous tuning of the RF and oscillator
circuits is achieved by ganging the tuning capacitors ( FIG. 1) and/or inductors
( FIG. 2) of the separate circuits and making them responsive to a single control.

FIG. 1 Ganged tuning capacitor, showing trimmers that are adjusted
during alignment.
In some difficult troubleshooting problems, it may be necessary to attempt
alignment to locate the trouble; for example, a shorted trimmer capacitor across
a low-resistance coil. Resistance readings are difficult to interpret in a
circuit such as this, but failure of the circuit to respond to peaking during
alignment will show that there is something definitely wrong with the tuned
Another reason for alignment is the replacement of one or more tubes in critical
circuits, such as oscillators. This illustrates the point that when slightly
weak tubes are replaced with new ones, the circuit characteristics can change
because of the different interelectrode capacities of the original and new
tubes. This can detune the grid circuits and cause low sensitivity.
The several capacitors or inductors are said to track if they retain their
proper frequency relationships throughout the tuning range.
The aging of parts, the changing of the characteristics of tubes, climatic
conditions and vibration are some of the reasons for mis alignment. Also, haphazard
attempts at alignment and tinkering often do more harm than good, and may increase
the time spent on relatively minor repairs.
Every receiver that is operating poorly requires maintenance, but it does
not follow that every receiver that needs maintenance needs alignment. Repairs
which require replacement of components or the redressing of wiring especially
in high-frequency circuits, often make subsequent alignment necessary.
The usual indication of the need for alignment is low sensitivity and volume
even though everything else is definitely good. Alignment is also needed if
the RF circuits do not track properly; that is, if the dial reading does not
agree with the frequency of the incoming signal.
Before alignment is attempted, you should read carefully and follow all available
service literature on the radio. There have been many instances where a receiver
has been thrown out of alignment by tampering.

FIG. 2. The ganged tuning inductors of a Sears Silvertone battery- operated
No adjustments of any kind should be made before it has been definitely established
that component part troubles are not causing the abnormal operation. Attempting
alignment when other troubles are present can lead to complete realignment
after finding the other fault. Alignment is at the very bottom of the list
of operations performed after troubleshooting.
The alignment procedures and adjustments recommended in this Section are not
meant to be used for all receivers; they are general. Use them only as a guide.
The specific information on any receiver is contained in the service instructions
written for that receiver. If the particular manual is not available, the general
procedure in this Section may be used.
Signal Generator. An accurately calibrated RF signal generator is a prime
necessity both for checking the alignment of a set and for aligning the circuits.
It is possible to do a rough job of alignment without a signal generator.
Thus, trimmers and padders can be tuned for maximum output from the receiver,
but the results obtained from this method are likely to be accurate.
Output Indicators. For best results, an output indicator should be used. This
can be the AC scale of a multimeter or VTVM.
The loudspeaker of a receiving set can be used as an output indicator as a
last resort. With such a device, however, the results obtained will depend
on the accuracy of the restorer’s ear, and the human ear is not very sensitive
to small changes in the level of sound. If a loudspeaker must be used, its
output should be lowered as far as possible, and the weakest possible input
signal should also be used. The signal should be weak in order to minimize
or eliminate automatic gain control action, and the output should be lowered
because the ear is best able to detect changes of sound level in the low-level
In general, circuit alignment is best begun in the circuits that are farthest
from the antenna. Adjustment then proceeds toward the antenna, with the antenna
circuit proper usually being the last one adjusted.
In some receivers, it is necessary to disable the high-frequency oscillator
so that unwanted beat frequencies cannot cause misleading signals. The oscillator
tube can be removed from its socket, or the tuning capacitor can be shorted
out to stop oscillations. This applies only to IF alignment.
The AGC circuit may be used or may be cut out of service during the alignment
of the set. If the AGC circuit uses a separate tube, and it cannot be removed
from its socket, the circuit can be disconnected at the common point to the
stages that are AGC controlled, or the AGC bus can be grounded.
Output Measurements
The signal output level at the detector is an effective measure of circuit
alignment. This output can be measured by connecting an electronic multimeter
across the detector load resistor ( FIG. 3). An electronic multimeter is specified
because a meter with a high sensitivity is required.
If the level at the detector is not strong enough to give a good reading on
DC scale of the multimeter, an output meter, or the multimeter connected as
an output meter by using the AC scale, may be connected to the audio output
circuit. The meter test leads are connected to the voice coil ( FIG. 4).
The signal output may be at a low level at this point also, depending on the
sensitivity of the receiver. In this case, the connection shown in FIG. 5 can
be used at the highest point of signal voltage in the receiver. A DC blocking
capacitor should be connected in the hot lead to protect the meter. If a regular
output meter is available, the external capacitor need not be included because
there is one connected internally.
Most IF stages have double-tuned transformers; that is, the primaries and
secondaries are separately tuned. Either adjustable capacitors or tuning slugs
may be used as trimmers. The IF trimmers of old radios are usually small, adjustable
mica capacitors that are located in a metal can along with the IF transformer
(see FIG. 6). Generally, both adjustment screws (primary and secondary) are
located at the top or bottom of the IF can. In some cases, one may be at the
top and the other at the bottom of the can, both maybe at the side of the can,
or both may be on the chassis. In some cases, it is necessary to use a special
nonmetallic screwdriver or hex wrench to adjust the screws since the inductive
effect of a metallic screw driver or hex wrench might affect circuit tuning.
Special alignment tools are available from any electronics distributor.

FIG. 3. Signal voltage measurement at the detector load.

Fig. 4. Signal voltage measurement at the voice coil.
Before discussing alignment procedures, we assume that all alignment adjustments
are not in their normal positions.
Alignment is begun at the final IF stage. Set the signal generator to the
desired frequency and turn on the modulation switch. Connect a blocking capacitor
in the hot lead between the signal generator and the grid of the last IF amplifier
tube and ground. Connect the output meter or multimeter.
Turn the receiver gain controls on full, and set the signal generator attenuator
to produce a midscale reading on the output meter. Adjust the primary and secondary
trimmers in the output IF amplifier for maximum output.
Move the signal generator connection to the grid of the next IF tube toward
the antenna, and adjust the trimmers of the stage for maximum output. The output
of the signal generator must now be decreased because the signal strength has
been increased by the additional amplification of this stage.
Other IF stages, if any, are aligned in the same manner. It is very important
not to change the frequency of the signal generator during the alignment.
Mixer Output Alignment
Because the frequency of the mixer output signal is the same as the IF frequency,
the same signal frequency that was fed into the IF stages can be fed into the
mixer. Feed the signal into the grid of the mixer. Adjust the trimmers in the
IF transformer between the mixer plate and the first IF grid for maximum indication
on the output meter.
In some receivers, it may be very difficult to get at the under side of the
mixer tube socket, especially in vhf circuits. Connect the signal generator
hot lead to a metal tube shield. Push the shield down over the tube, but not
so far that it touches the chassis. The signal will reach the grid by capacitive
coupling. If a suitable shield is not available, wrap the signal generator
lead around the mixer tube.
All of the circuits that are tuned to the IF frequency have now been aligned.
At this point, the stages that were aligned previously can be touched up, with
the signal generator connected to the mixer circuit. The purpose of this touching
up or retuning procedure is to compensate for the slight change in frequency
that often takes place because of interaction between stages during alignment.

FIG. 5. Signal voltage measurement in the plate circuit.
Aligning the RF amplifier stages, local oscillator and the mixer grid circuit
is similar to aligning the IF circuits to track with the tuning dial. The RF
trimmers are usually built into the main tuning capacitor ( FIG. 1). The other
trimmers and padders are often small, adjust able mica capacitors, as shown
in FIG. 7. (A padder is a trimmer capacitor in the oscillator circuit that
is used for calibration at the low-frequency end of the tuning dial).
Set the receiver tuning dial to the highest frequency on the dial (on multiband
receivers, the highest frequency of the band being aligned). Connect the signal
generator to the antenna input and tune it to the same frequency as the receiver.
Connect an output indicator and adjust the trimmer of each circuit for a maximum
output indication as above.
Check the accuracy of the tracking. Set the signal generator to a frequency
near the middle of the tuning range of the band under alignment. Tune the receiver
to this frequency. If the signal from the generator produces a maximum output
indication when the receiver is tuned to exactly the same frequency as the
generator, then the receiver dial is tracking properly. If these results are
not obtained, however, you will need to repeat the whole procedure. (Sometimes
the adjustment of the padders will affect the alignment of the high-frequency
end of the dial.)
Some receivers have adjustable inductors or capacitors only on the oscillator
circuit for the low end of the dial. In these cases, it is still necessary
to check the tracking of the dial at one or more intermediate places.
Receivers with more than one tuning range are aligned in the same way as one-band
receivers. Each band is aligned beginning with the highest frequency.
The signal generator and receiver are set to the frequencies that are designated
in the instructions. After one band is aligned, the next one is aligned in
the same way, but the frequencies involved are different.
If there is not information on the location of the adjusting screws, they
can be found by experimentation. Tune the receiver to a high frequency and
set the signal generator to the same frequency. Note the band in use at the
time. Turn the trimmers or other adjustment screws—one at a time—until the
one that affects the output is found. Return all adjusting screws as closely
as possible to their original positions. The fact that one affects the output
means that the adjustment is in the circuit of the band in use. In some higher
frequency units, the mere touching of a trimmer with an alignment tool can
cause a change in the output. Because a given change in capacitance will be
noticed more readily at higher frequencies, it is best to make the test at
the high-frequency end of each band.

FIG. 7. Some trimmers take the form of small variable mica capacitors such
as this one.

FIG. 8. A view of the chassis of the Silvertone Model 7108, showing the unusual
ganged tuning inductor and foil-lined cardboard tube shield.
Trimmers in a multiband receiver are usually located in groups near the coils
they tune. The trimmer associated with the band in use can be identified by
the relative number of turns on the coil. Because the coil for the lowest frequency
band will have the greatest number of turns, the coil in use can be identified
by the number of its turns as compared with the turns on the other coils.
One of the wonderful things about antique radios is the diversity of them.
It’s surprising the things you find in them. The Silvertone (Sears, Roebuck
and Company) Model 7108, for example, had a three-stage ganged tuning inductor
( FIG. 8) instead of the usual tuning capacitor. Unusual circuit features such
as this can complicate alignment procedures. Servicing information provided
by the manufacturer or a publisher such as Gernsback, Rider, or Supreme is
very helpful in such cases. This radio, by the way, had a No. 625 camera battery
(small button type) in the circuit, though not in the schematic. Apparently
it was added by a serviceman for some reason that now escapes me. This set
also had cardboard tube shields ( FIG. 8). The inner surface of the shield
was metal foil, which contacted the tube base when the shield was pushed down
over the tube.
The Zenith Model 6G601M was an early portable. Like portables made by Zenith
for quite a number of years, it had a detachable loop antenna called a Wavemagnet.
Apparently the manufacturer didn’t want to leave too much to the radio buyer’s
imagination at this point, because the antenna actually had a giant horseshoe
magnet printed on it ( FIG. 9). This antenna didn’t have any special capability
for pulling in stations—it was really just a loop antenna—but the printed magnet
did suggest the way to point the antenna for best reception. Loop antennas
in later Zenith models were without the printed magnet, but they were still
called Wavemagnets. |