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BOOKS Antenna Manual, Woodrow Smith , Editors and Engineers, Ltd., Santa Barbara, Calif. Cathode-Ray Tube in Television, I. G. Maloff and D. W. Epstein, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York Electron Optics in Television, I. G. Maloff and D. W. Epstein, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. Electronic Television, George H. Eckhardt, Wilcox & Follett Co., Chicago, Ill. Farnsworth Television Handbook, Farnsworth Television & Radio Corp., Fort Wayne, Ind. 4000 Years of Television, Richard W. Hubbell, G. P. Putnam Sons, New York Frequency Modulation, Vol. I, R. C. A. Review, Princeton, N. J. Future of Television, Orin E. Dunlap, Jr., Harper Bros., New York Get Ready to Sell Television, Caldwell Clements, Inc., New York Here Is Television, T. H. Hutchinson, Hastings House, New York Introduction to Television, C. T. Rylander and Robert Harding, Macmillan Co., New York Modern Practical Radio & Television, C. A. Quarrington, Caxton Pub. Co., London, Eng. Modern Radio, Kingdon S. Tylor, Harcourt, Brace & Co., New York New Television, R. F. Yates, Didier, Toronto, Canada Practical Radio--Including Television, Mayer and Wostrel, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York Practical Television, R. C. A. Service Division, Camden, N. J. Principles of Radar, Members of Staff, Radar School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York Principles of Television Engineering, Donald G. Fink, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York Radio at Ultra-High Frequencies, Vol. II, A Collection of R. C. A. Papers, R. C. A. Re view, Princeton, N. j. Radio Broadcasting & Television Bibliography, O. Rose, Ed., H. W. Wilson Co., New York Radio Engineers' Handbook, Frederick Emmons Terman, Sc. D., McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York Telecasting and Color, K. S. Tyler, Harcourt, Brace & Co., New York Television, W. C. Eddy, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York Television, M. G. Scroggie, Blackie & Son, London, Eng. Television, V. K. Zworykin and G. A. Morton, John Wiley 61. Sons, New York Television, Volf I, II, ill and IV, R. C. A. Re view, Radio Corp., of America, Princeton, N.J. Television and F-M Receiver Servicing, Milton S. Kiver, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York Television Antennas--Design Construction, Installation and Trouble Shooting, Donald A. Nelson, Howard W. Sams &. Co., Inc., Indianapolis, Ind. Television as a Profession, J. T. Southwell. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York Television Broadcasting: Production, Economics, Technique, Lenox R. Lohr, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York Television Encyclopedia, Stanley Kemper, Fairchild Pub. Co., New York Television Explained, W. E. Miller, Trader, London, Eng. Television for Beginners, J. R. Cameron, Cleaver-Hume, London, Eng. Television for Radiomen, E. M. Noll, Old York Road Pub. Co., Jenkintown, Pa. Television--How It Works, John F. Rider Publisher, Inc., New York Television Primer on Production and Direction, Louis A. Sposa, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,· New York Television Production Problems, J. F. Royal, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York Television Programming, Richard Hubbell, Murray Hill Books, Inc., New York Television Receiving Equipment, W. T. Cocking, Iliffe, London, Eng. Television Show Business, Judy Dupuy, General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Television Simplified, Milton S. Kiver, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York Television Simply Explained, Pub. by Chapman, London, Eng. Television St and a rd s 61. Practice, Donald G. Fink, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York Television Techniques, Bettinger, Harper Bros., New York Television--The Eyes of Tomorrow•, Captain Wm. C. Eddy, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York Television: The Revolution, Robert W. Lee, Essential Books, New York Television Today, R. C. Norris, Rockliff, London, Eng. Television, Today and Tomorrow, Lee De Forest, Dial Press, Inc., New York · The A. R. R. L. Antenna Book, The American Radio Relay League, Inc., West Hartford, Conn. The Mysteries of Television, A. F. Van Dyck, The House of Little Books, New York The Servicing of Television Receivers, Philco Service Div., Philco Corp., Philadelphia, Pa. The Story of Electronic Television, Farnsworth Television & Radio Corp., Fort Wayne, Ind. Understanding Television, O. E. Dunlap, Greenberg, New York We Present Television, John Porterfield and Kay Reynolds, W.W. Norton & Co., New York PAMPHLETS FARNSWORTH TELEVISION & RADIO CORP., Fort Wayne, Ind.: Television--Let's Understand It (Series) Damping Circuits FM Detection Pre-emphasis in FM & Television Smearing in Television Production Television Antennas Television History & Books to Read Television Terminology & Definitions GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Syracuse, N. Y.: Television--Principles and Practice, Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4, K. Fowler and H. Lippert, Technical Service Section INSTITUTE OF RADIO ENGINEERS, New York, N. Y.: Standards on Television--Definition of Terms Standards on Television--Methods of Testing Television Receivers P. R. MALLORY & CO., Indianapolis, Ind.: Inductuner--A variable inductance unit designed for continuous tuning of the entire Tele vision-FM Band PHILCO CORP., Philadelphia, Pa.: Television Trouble Shooting--8 Lessons in 4 Pamphlets RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA: An Analysis of Modern Antennas for FM & Television, M. Kaufman, R. C. A. Radio Ser - vice News, June -1uly, 1947, ( Harrison, N. j.) Explanation of the Ratio Detector as an Aid in FM Servicing, R. C. A. Radio Service News, Part 1, March--April, 1947, Part II, June -July, 1947, ( Harrison, N. j.) How the Image Orthicon Works, R. C. A. Radio Service News, Sep.--Oct., 1948 (Harrison, N.J. New Practical Method of Curing T.V.I. (Reducing Harmonic Power Output of Amateur Transmitters) 1ohn L. Reinartz, R. C. A. Ham Tips, Nov.--Dec., 1948 ( Harrison, N. j.) Television Antennas and Transmission Lines, john R. Meagher, R. C. A. Radio Service News, Part 1, Nov.--Dec., 1948 (Harrison, N. j.) Television Service, john R. Meagher, R.C.A. Radio Service News, Part 1, May--June, 1948, Part II, july--August, 1948, Part m, September-November, 1948, (Harrison, N. j.) Television Trouble Shooting and Alignment, john R. Meagher, R.C.A. Service Company, Inc., Camden, N. j. The Use of Wave Traps as a Remedy for Interference in Video Reception, Staff Article, R. C. A. Radio Service News, August--September, 1947 SYLVANIA ELECTRIC PRODUCTS, Emporium, Pa. Electromagnetic Cathode Ray Tubes, Sylvania News, August, 1948 Fundamentals of Television, Sylvania News , September, 1948 Intercarrier Method of Sound Reception, Sylvania News, January, 1949 Making Sylvania Television Picture Tubes, Stratovision Broadcast, Sylvania News--Technical Section, Vol. 15--No. 7 Television DC Reinsertion with Germanium Diodes, Sylvania Electric Engineering News Letter #5 Television Fundamentals, Sylvania News , Technical Section, Vol. 15--No. 8 Television Mixer, Oscillator and AFC, Sylvania News, Technical Section, Volume 15--No. 10 Television Needs Better Tubes, Sylvania News, Technical Section, Volume 15--No. 10 Television R. F. Amplifier, Sylvania News, Technical Section, Volume 15--No. 9 Television Video Detection with Germanium Diodes, Sylvania Electric Engineering News Letter #4 Television Video IF Amplifier, Sylvania News, Technical Section, Volume 15--No.11 The Crystal Diode Dynamic Limiter for Frequency Modulation Receivers, Sylvania Electric Engineering News Letter #2 The Germanium Diode FM Ratio Detector, Sylvania Electric Engineering News Letter #3 MAGAZINE ARTICLES ANTENNAS: All-Channel TV, Gardiner Greene, FM & Television, june, 1948 Antenna Design for Television and FM Reception, F. A. Kolstes, Proceedings of the I. R. E., October, 1948 Antennas FM and Television, Milton Kaufman, Radio Maintenance, Part 1, March, 1947, Part 2, April, 1947 Antennas for Apartments, Donald G. Fink. Electronics, May, 1947 Antennas for Television, Part 1, Edward M. Noll and Matt Mandl, Radio-Electronics, January, 1949 Broadband Television Array, E. G. Bills, Tele Tech, December, 1948 Cathode-Follower TV-Antenna System, E.G. Hills, Communications, January, 1948 Indoor Television Antenna, John B. Newitt, Electronics, August, 1948 Master TV Antennas vs. Indoor Antennas for Multi-set Applications, Ir a Kamen , Radio Service Dealer, January, 1948 Stacked Array--Table of Spacing of Elements, Edward M. Noll, Radio News, October, 1948 TV Antenna Installation, Ira Kamen, Service, July, 1948 TV Antenna Installation Tools, Ira Kamen, Service, May, 1948 TV Antenna-Receiver Installation Methods , Edward M. Noll, Service, March, 1948 TV Installations in Fringe Areas, Ira Kamen, Service, December, 1948 Television and FM Antennas, H. Winfield Secor, Radio-Craft, January, 1948 Television Antenna and RF Distribution Systems for Apartment Houses, Heinz E. Kall man, Proceedings of the I. R. E., September, 1948 Television Antenna Installations, Giving Multiple Receiver Outlets, j. H. Ehret, Tele-Tech, June, 1947 Television Receiving Antennas, G. P. Krease, Electronics, November, 1948 The Corner Reflector Antenna, John D. Kraus, Proceedings of the I. R. E., November, 1940 Triplex Antenna for Television & FM, L. J . Woll, Electronics, July, 1947 Transmission Lines and Antennas for FM and Television, M. Kaufman, Radio Maintenance, March, April, 1947 Wide-Range Dual-Band TV Antenna Design, Lester L. Libby, Communications, June, 1948 CAMERA TUBES: The Iconoscope, Video Storage by Secondary Emission from Simple Mosaics, Robert A. MhzConnell, Proceedings of the I. R. E., Nov ember, 1947 The Image Orthicon--A Sensitive Television Pickup Tube, Albert Rose, Paul K. Weimer and Harold B. Law, Proceedings of the I. R. E., July, 1946 DC RESTORATION: DC Restorer Circuit Operation, Emmanual Last, Electronics, September, 1945 Television DC Component, K. R. Wendt, R. C. A. Review, March, 1948 COLOR TELEVISION: An Experimental Simultaneous Color-Television System, Part 1- Introduction, R. D. Kell, Part 2--Pickup Equipment, G. C. Sziklai, R. C. Ballard and A. C. Schroeder, Part 3 - RF 6 Reproducing Equipment, K. R. Wendt, G. L. Fredenhall and A. C. Schroeder, Proceedings of the I. R. E., September, 1947 Color Television, Dr. P. C. Goldmark, Proceedings of the Radio Club of America, May, 1946 DEFLECTION AND SYNCHRONIZATION: Automatic Frequency and Phase Control of Synchronization in Television Receivers, K. R. Wendt and G. L. Fredendall, Proceedings of the I. R. E., January, 1943 Automatic Frequency-Phase Control in TV Receivers, A. Wright, Tele-Tech, February, 1947 Checking Video and Synch Waveforms Using a CRO, Radio Service Dealer, Part I--December, 1948 Clipping and Clamping Circuits, N. W. Mather, Electronics, July, 1947 Controlled and Uncontrolled Multivibrators, Eugene R. Shenk, Proceedings of the Radio Club of America, February, 1946 Current Oscillator for Television Sweep, G. C. Sziklai, Electronics, September, 1946 Magnetic Deflection Circuits for Cathode-Ray Tubes, 0. H. Schade, R. C. A. Review, September, 1947 Magnetic Deflection of Kinescopes, Kurt Schlesinger, Proceedings of the I. R. E., August, 1947 Multivibrator Circuits, M. V. Kiebert and A. F. Inglis, Proceedings of the I. R •. E., August, 1945 TV Sync and Inter -sync Systems, Edward M. Noll, Service, Part 1- September, 1948, Part 2--October, 1948, Part 3--November, 1948, Part 4--December, 1948 Television Deflection Circuits, A. W. Friend, R. C. A. Review, March, 1947 Television Receivers, Flywheel Sync, Morton Scheraga, Radio Maintenance, 1uly, 1947 The horizontal Sweep, Morton Scheraga, Radio Maintenance, April, 1947 The Vertical Sweep, Morton Scheraga, Radio Maintenance, March, 1947 Sweep Circuit (Cathode Coupled Multivibrator), 1. L. Potter, Proceedings of the I. R. E., June, 1938 DETECTORS: TV Video Detectors, Edward M. Noll, Service, November, 1947 The Ratio Detector, S. W. Seeley & S. Avins, R. C. A. Review, June, 1947 Video Detectors, S. L. Marshall, Radio Ser vice Dealer, May, 1948 GENERAL: ABC's of Home Television Servicing, Morton C. Shore, Radio News, August, 1948 Cathode-Coupled Wide-Band Amplifiers, G. C. Sziklai and A. C. Schroeder, Proceedings of the I. R. E., October, 1945 FM & TV Boosters, W. H. Buchsbaum, Radio Service Dealer, August, 1948 How to Clear up the Picture, Max Alth, Radio Maintenance, December, 1948 Individualized Television Installations, B. Taber, Radio News, September, 1948 Modern Television Receivers, Milton S. Kiver, Radio News- April, 1948, 2--May, 1948, 3--June, 1948, 4--July, 1948, 5 -August, 1948, 6--September, 1948, 7--October, 1948, 8--November, 1948, 9--December, 1948, 10 - January, 1949 Progress in Television , Dr. Vladimir K. Zworykin, Radio-Craft, January, 1948 Resolution Test Chart, R. M.A. Staff, Electronics, December, 1947 TV Receiver Installation Pointers, W. H. Buchsbaum, Service, November, 1948 Television Handbook, Madison Cawein, FM & Television, December, 1946, January, 1947, February, 1947, March, 1947, April, 1947, June, 1947, August, 1947, September, 1947, April, 1948, May, 1948, August, 1948 Television Installation, W.W. Waye, Radio News-- September, 1947, 2--October, 1947, 3--November, 1947, 4--December, 1947, 5--January, 1948, 6--February, 1948 Television Production Line Testing, M. S. Kiver, Radio News, Part 1- December, 1948, Part 2--January, 1949 Television Receivers, A. Wright, R. C. A. Re view, March, 1947 Television Remote Viewers, Vin Zeluff, Electronics, December, 1948 IF AMPLIFIERS: Automatic Gain Controls for Television Receivers, K. R. Wendt and A. C. Schroeder, R. C. A. Review, September, 1948 Simplified Wide Band Amplifiers, F. L. Bur roughs, Radio News, October, 1948 . Stagger Tuned Video IF Systems, Staff Article, Radio News, October, 1948 TV IF Systems, Edward M. Noll, Service, October, 1947 TV Wide-Band Amplifiers, Edward M. Noll, Service, September, 1947 Television Receiver Intermediate Frequencies, P. F. G. Holst, Electronics, August, 1948 Video IF Circuits and Applications, S. L. Marshall, Radio Service Dealer, April, 1948 INPUT SYSTEMS: Inductive Tuning at Ultra-high Frequencies, B. V. K. French, Electronics, April, 1941 Inductive Tuning System for FM-Television Receivers, Paul Ware, Proceedings of the Radio Club of America, May, 1946 Local Oscillator Radiation, E. W. Herold, R. C. A. Review, March, 1946 RF Input Circuits for TV Receivers, Frank R. Norton, Tele-Tech, October, 1948 Radio-Frequency Performance of some Receiving Tubes in Television Circuits, R. M. Cohen, R. C. A. Review, March, 1948 Simplified TV Receiver Channel Switching Mechanism, J. A. Hansen, Tele-Tech, Dec ember, 1948 TV Variable Inductance Tuning, John B. Led better, Service, December, 1948 Television Front Ends, A. D. Sobel, Electronics, September, 1947 Television RF Amplifiers, Edward M. Noll, Service, April, 1947 The Television Receiver, RF Tuning Systems, Morton Scheraga, Radio Maintenance, October, 1947 Variable Inductance Tuning for TV Receivers, Myron F. Melvin, Communications, April, 1947 INTERFERENCE: Cause and Cure of Spurious TV Receiver Oscillations, R. T. Cavanaugh, Tele-,Tech, May, 1948 Curing Interference .in TV Receivers, M. Seybold, Q. S. T., August, 1947 Interference Traps for Television, Stanley N. Finley, Radio News, March, 1948 TV Interference--Causes and Remedies, Ira Kamen, Service, October, 1948 Trap Circuits for Television Receivers, Staff Article, Radio News, September, 1948 PICTURE TUBES: TV Picture Tubes, Samuel L. Marshall, Radio Service Dealer, Part 1, October, 1948 Tele vision Receivers--Cathode Ray Tube, Morton Scheraga, Radio Maintenance, May, 1947 The Negative-Ion Blemish in a Cathode-Ray Tube and its Elimination, R. M. Bowie, Proceedings of the I. R. E., December, 1948 POWER SUPPLY: High Frequency Power Supplies, Morton Scheraga, Radio Maintenance, August, 1947 New Television Power Supplies Use Selenium Rectifiers, George Eannarino, Radio News, September, 1948 Pulsed Rectifiers for Television Receivers, I. G. Maloff, Electronics, August, 1947 R. F. Operated High voltage Supplies for Cathode-Ray Tubes, 0. H. Schade, Proceedings of the I. R. E., April, 1943 Selenium Rectifiers for Television Receivers, George Eannarino, Electronics, February, 1948 TV and Picture Tube Voltage and Signal Systems, Edward M. Noll, Service, Part 1- June, 1948, Part 2--July, 1948, Part 3--August, 1948 Television High Voltage RF Supplies, R. S. Mautner and 0. H. Schade, R. C. A. Review, March, 1947 Television Power Supplies, M. Kaufman, Ser vice, July, 1947 Television Receivers--Power Supply, Morton Scheraga, Radio Maintenance, June, 1947 PROJECTION RECEIVERS: Home Projection Television, Part 1- Cathode Ray Tube & Optical System, H. Rinia, J. de Gier and P. M. van Alphen; Part 2--Pulse type High Voltage Supply, G. J. Siezen and F. Kerkhof; Part 3--Deflection Circuits, J. Haantjes and F. Kerkhof; Proceedings of the I. R. E., March, 1948 Projection Television, Allen Lytel, Radio Ser vice Dealer, Part 1- October, 1948, Part 2 - December, 1948 Projection Television, Dr. I. G. Maloff, Proceedings of Radio Club of America, May, 1946 Projection Type Television Receivers, E. L. Clark, Radio News, September, 1947 Protelgram--A New Projection Television System, Staff Article, Radio News, April, 1948 Reflective Optical System for Projection Tele vision, V. K. Zworykin, R. C. A. Review, September, 1947 Television Projection System, H. G. Boyle and E. B. Doll, Electronics, April, 1948 SERVICE: Faster TV Trouble-Shooting, Walter H. Buchs baum, FM and Television, January, 1948 New R. C. A. Test Equipment, S peed s Video Servicing, Art Liebscher, Radio News, July, 1948 TV Receiver Visual Alignment Techniques, Lester L. Libby, Service, Part 1- October, 1948, Part 2--November, 1948 Tele-pad & Tel-adjust, Alden C ape n, Radio Maintenance, October, 1948 Television Test Equipment, Morton Scheraga, Radio Maintenance, November, 1947 Television Trouble Chart, Staff of National Radio Institute, Radio-Craft, January, 1948 The Television Test Pattern, M. S. Kay, Radio News, January, 1949 SOUND: Carrier-Difference Reception of Television Sound, R. B. Dome, Electronics, January, 1947 F. M. Detectors, M. S. Kay, Radio News, August, 1948 Television Intercarrier Sound Design Factors, S. W. Seeley, Electronics, July, 1948 The Sound Channel, Morton Scheraga, Radio Maintenance, February, 1947 VIDEO: Low-Frequency Compensation of Video Frequency Amplifiers, M. J. Larsen, Proceedings of the I. R. E., October, 1945 TV Receiver Video Amplifiers, Edward M. Noll, Service, January, 1948 TV Video Amplifiers and A. G. C. System, Service, February, 1948 Video Amplifiers, Samuel L. Marshall, Radio Service Dealer, July, 1948 Video Amplifiers--DC Component, S. j. Marshall, Radio Service Dealer, August, 1948 What's New in Video Sections? Morton Scheraga, Radio Maintenance, January, 1948. |