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![]() PART I CATHODE-RAY -- BEAM FORMATION AND CONTROL 1 The Beam Source (Electron Gun) -- Its Electrostatic Control 2 Magnetic Control of the Electron Beam PART II CATHODE-RAY -- BEAM DEFLECTION SYSTEMS 5 Resistance-Capacitance (RC) Circuit Characteristics 7 The Sawtooth Scanning Raster 8 Deflection Systems -- Commercial Applications PART III CATHODE-RAY -- BEAM MODULATION AND SYNCHRONIZATION 9 Sync Pulse Separation and Use 10 Television Receiver Controls -- Application and Adjustment 11 The Composite Television Signal 12 The Television Receiving Antenna 13 Television Input Tuning Systems 14 Television Intermediate Frequency Amplifier Systems 17 Contrast Control and A.G.C. (Automatic Gain Control) PREFACEThe Howard W. Sams' PHOTOFACT Television Course appeared originally in serial form available only to Photofact Service subscribers. Throughout the period of serialized publication, we were besieged by a consistent and pressing demand for the presentation of the Course material in a single, complete unit. Our analysis of this demand revealed that requests came from all sections of the electronic industry -- from the fields of engineering, manufacturing, distribution, broadcast, installation and service. The requirements of the servicing profession prompted our original undertaking of the Course project. That the Course has created so widespread and favorable an interest in fields not directly connected with service activities, is naturally gratifying to us. It is in answer to this interest and demand that the publication of the Course in the form of this present volume has become essential and inevitable. We have expended every effort and the best of our knowledge and skill to provide in the text of the Photofact Television Course, the most accurate, timely and complete information available on the subject. Our objective is plain; to familiarize those with experience and training in radio fundamentals with the basic principles of practical Television theory and operation. The method of treatment followed here differs from the conventional approach in Television instruction. We make the Cathode Ray tube our starting point for the following reasons: 1. Television circuits (other than those directly energizing or controlling the cathode-ray beam) are simply a further application of techniques already familiar to the service technician. These circuits are not radically different. They are more complex than those associated with conventional and well under stood broadcast, short wave, and FM receivers. 2. In the case of AM and FM receivers, the technician has in the past used the sound of the receiver for guidance when making his initial service analysis. Similarly, in the case of Television receivers, the technician will employ the picture for his first diagnosis. 3. By employing the cathode-ray tube as a diagnostic agent, the service technician can and will reduce the total number of service operations required, particularly on service calls away from the shop. In a surprising number of instances, the story told on the face of the cathode-ray tube will indicate the source of trouble. It follows clearly from these practical facts that a thorough understanding of cathode-ray tube operation is absolutely essential for grasping the subject and for success in service operations. Therefore, we have placed primary emphasis on the picture tube and have approached the whole subject from this vital starting point. To those who have a sound groundwork in basic radio training and practice, the Television Course will prove an excellent guide to a clear understanding of the TV art. This art is destined for phenomenal growth and expanding development. Our work will parallel that growth and development. We are in continuous operation both in the laboratory and in clinical practice, keeping abreast of developments. You can be assured that from these activities will come a steady flow of authoritative data to meet the full need of the industry for such material. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The editorial staff wishes to acknowledge its indebtedness to the many engineers, service managers, technicians, receiver and component parts manufacturers, on whom we have drawn for technical information or illustrative material. This assistance has been invaluable in assuring that the text is factual and current. We wish to express our sincere appreciation to the following: R. S. Burnap, Radio Corporation of America E. F. Carter, Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. Nelson P. Case, The Hallicrafters Co. Madison Cawein, Farnsworth Television & Radio Corp. George C. Connor, Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. Lewis M. Clement, Crosley Div., AVCO Mfg. Corp. Donald G. Fink, "Electronics", McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Inc. George W. Fyler, Motorola, Inc. Charles E. Honeywell, The Hallicrafters Co. Prof. John D. Kraus, Ohio State University Jerry Minter, Measurements Corp. Donald A. Nelson, Nelson Technical Enterprises F. B. Ostman, Farnsworth Television & Radio Corp. W. L. Parkinson, General Electric Company Richard Purington, The Amphenol Corp. John A. Rankin, Belmont Radio Corp. Robert W. Sanders, Farnsworth Television & Radio Corp. Stuart W. Seeley, Radio Corporation of America Paul Ware, Allen B. Dumont Laboratories, Inc. Anthony Wright, The Magnavox Co. American Phenolic Corp. Andrew Corp. A-1 Radio Tower Co. Belmont Radio Corp. L. S. Brach Mfg. Corp. Cole-Warner Corp. Allen B. DuMont Laboratories, Inc. Dielectric Products Co. Emerson Radio & Phonograph Co. Farnsworth Television & Radio Corp. General Electric Co. General Instrument & Appliance Corp. The Hallicrafters Co. King Electronics P. R. Mallory & Co., Inc. Meissner Mfg. Div., Maguire Industries The Motorola Co. The National Broadcasting Co. North American Phillips Co., Inc. The Philco Corp. Radio Corporation of America R.C.A. Service Co., Inc. R. M. A. Data Bureau The Rauland Corp. Sears, Roebuck & Co. The Senn Corp. F. W. Sickles Co. Sylvania Electric Products Co., Inc. Sarkes Tarzian Technical Appliance Corp. Telrex Co. Tricraft Products Co. Ward Products Corp. Wind Turbine Co. Workshop Associates PHOTOFACT TELEVISION COURSE Based on a series of lectures by ALBERT C. W. SAUNDERS, M. A. O. Member Institute of Radio Engineers: Founder and Director Saunders Radio and Electronic School; Founder Radio Technicians Guild Editor in Chief, B. V. K. FRENCH Senior Member Institute of Radio Engineers, Member The Radio Club of America, Inc. Editorial Staff ... W.W. Hensler, W. D. Renner, J. R. Ronk Illustrative Material ... Barnard Studios (TV-1) FIRST EDITION -- FIRST PRINTING -- JANUARY 1949 Also see: