Acoustic Research speakers (ad, Sept 1975)

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New from Acoustic Research

Seiji Ozawa chose the AR-19-π for listening at home Seiji Ozawa is Music Director of both the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the San Francisco Symphony. He listens to music 'live' almost every day. At home he continues his listening with AR-10-pi speakers. We believe that a high fidelity speaker system could receive no greater compliment.

Acoustic Research 10 American Drive, Norwood, Massachusetts, 02062

Telephone 617 769 4200

Please send me a complete description of the AR-10n Name Address Please send me the AR demonstration record 'The Sound of Musical Instruments' (check for $5 enclosed) SR9


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PERFECTING SOUND REPRODUCTION--Are discs, tapes, and FM broadcasts as good as they might be?

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