Synergistics -- Speakers (ad, 1978) (Feb. 1978)

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The NEW "A" Series From Synergistics!

Eight new high accuracy, high efficiency speakers, all designed to maximize the total performance of your component system.

When you buy a stereo system, choosing the best possible speakers is your most important decision because your speakers largely determine your system's overall sound quality. But how can you be sure which speakers are the best for the system you have in mind? One manufacturer has the answer: Synergistics.

Designed by one of the most respected research teams in the industry, all eight "A Series" Synergistics models offer maximum musical accuracy, without the tonal coloration found in other high efficiency speakers.

Our speakers not only excel in their own right, they also dramatically enhance the sound quality of today's amplifiers and receivers.

Match your favorite popularly-priced low or moderately powered receiver to the Synergistics model recommended for it, and your receiver can operate at lower power levels, with more power in reserve to handle sudden musical peaks without distortion.

Thanks to Synergistics, you no longer hove to spend so much of your total system budget on electronics to get the sound quality you want. Instead, you can invest more on better speakers, where you'll easily hear the improvement in sound.

Synergistics has taken the guesswork out of selecting the best speakers for your system, so you'll get the maximum overall sound quality possible within your total system budget.

Synergistics: Cooperative interaction in a system where the total effect is greater than the sum of its parts.

For More Information Write To:

Synergistics P.O. Box 1245 Canoga Park, California 91304, USA



Also see:

Jensen Sound Laboratories

Teledyne Acoustic Research (AR)

Source: Stereo Review (USA magazine)

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