Low-power transmitters are made up of the same basic circuits as any
other transmitters. Some of the circuitry, though, such as modulators,
power supplies, and power amplifiers, differ in size and operating voltages
and currents. Generally, certain features found in larger transmitters,
such as metering, safety and protection circuits, modulation limiting,
and other monitoring functions, may be omitted or are provided in simplified
form. Safety and protection are usually not issues because the power
is too low to result in damage to components under fault conditions,
and operating voltages are 1.5 to possibly 24 volts, with 6 to 12 volts
being the most commonly used DC supply voltages. Ten watts of RF output
would mean about 1 to 2 amps at 12 volts, so the current levels are not
high either; however, at power levels of 1 watt, painful RF burns to
the skin are possible, and even lower powers may be hazardous under certain
conditions, but for most Part 15 applications, we are working with a
few milliwatts at most.
Solid-state circuitry is almost universally used, but some experimenters
may work with vacuum tubes, especially at the 1- to 10-watt RF power
levels, which pose a shock hazard from the 100- to 250-volt plate (B+)
supplies necessary for vacuum tube work. In this guide, we are not concerned
with vacuum tubes, but we mention them anyway because they still have
some application in transmitter work. At very high RF power levels (1000
watts or more), they are still considered by many engineers to be the
technology of choice. In the areas of reliability, fault tolerance, efficiency,
physical size, and cost, vacuum tube technology still has the edge for
high power RF work. A 1000-watt vacuum tube RF amplifier can generally
be made smaller, lighter, and cheaper than a 1-kW solid-state amplifier
because no bulky heat sinking is needed for the transistors.
The basic building blocks to be discussed are as follows:
· Oscillators
· Amplifiers
· Multipliers
· Modulators
· Frequency synthesizer (PLL) circuits
These components are discussed regarding their application in low-power
transmitters and their relative merits and drawbacks. For detailed theory
of these circuits, we refer you to any good reference text on the subject.
Oscillators are necessary in any low-power transmitter because they
are a means for generating the necessary RF signal. Oscillators come
in many forms, but we are mainly concerned with those suitable for RF
signal generation at frequencies higher than 100 kHz. A good oscillator-as
far as low-power transmitter use is concerned- has the following desirable
1. Good frequency stability: Ideally, temperature and voltage variations,
together with inevitable circuit component tolerances, should not have
too serious an effect on the oscillator frequency. Only certain components
should affect the frequency of oscillation. The load placed on the oscillator
should not change or "pull" the oscillator frequency.
2. Adequate power output: Signal output should be adequate to drive
the load or following stage, even at the minimum expected supply voltage.
The oscillator should start up reliably at low supply voltages and temperatures.
3. Spectral purity: This means that the oscillator output should have
a single, monochromatic spectral line, with absolutely no energy present
at any frequency other than that desired. This characteristic can be
related to frequency stability.
4. Ability to be modulated: Direct FM is often used, in which an audio
or other modulating waveform is applied to a varactor diode, which is
connected to the frequency-determining elements in the oscillator circuit.
This requirement conflicts with those of stability and purity, and in
a specific application, design compromises must be made.
5. Simplicity: To keep size and cost down, circuits with as few components
as possible are preferred, but other performance requirements may dictate
the exact circuitry needed.
Frequency-determining elements are those elements in an oscillator circuit
that affect or are intended to determine the oscillator frequency, such
as an LC tank circuit or a crystal. These elements must have as high
a Q factor as possible. The stability of an oscillator is proportional
to the rate of phase change with frequency in the oscillator loop, which
consists of an amplifier and a feedback network. Stability is often broken
down into long term and short term. Long term is, for example, the ability
of an oscillator to maintain its set frequency within satisfactory limits
over a long period, such as a week, month, or year. Component aging and
long-term physical changes in components determine this ability. Short-term
stability consists of such factors as warmup drift, drift caused by temperature
changes normally incurred during operation of the circuit, on-off cycling,
and so forth. Timeframes of up to one day would be applicable. Oscillator
phase noise consisting of frequency changes of very short duration, less
than 1 second, can be considered as a very short-term drift.
All oscillators exhibit phase noise caused by spurious modulation of
instantaneous frequency by various forms of noise effects in circuitry
and individual components, such as flicker noise in transistors and the
inevitable thermal noise in resistors.
This noise may have spectral components out to several hundred kHz or
more, but it generally falls off with increasing frequency, and a typical
figure might be 60-100 dB down or better at 1 kHz away from the main
frequency. This performance figure is normally specified in dBc, meaning
the number of decibels the noise power is down with respect to the carrier
(oscillator frequency), generally at 1 kHz or another specified frequency
away from it, as measured in (usually) a 1-hertz bandwidth. The better
oscillators in this regard have high Q frequency-determining elements
that dominate the loop characteristics. Crystal-controlled oscillators
are the best, and simple RC oscillators, such as NE555 timers, are the
In low-power transmitter work, crystal control is preferred, either
directly in the master oscillator or indirectly as in a PLL synthesizer.
This is especially true if narrowband modulation is to be used, such
as AM, narrowband FM, or single sideband (SSB). These emissions have
occupied bandwidths of 15 kHz or less. The receiver should ideally have
no more bandwidth than necessary for the particular type of modulation,
for the best signal-to-noise ratio, which translates into the best range,
lowest usable transmitter power, and smallest antennas, all of which
are important considerations. This has a direct bearing on the frequency
stability requirements for the low-power transmitter. Typical transistor
LC oscillator circuits that would be used in low-power bugs and surveillance
transmitters, and also in consumer-grade AM and FM receivers, might have
an overall stability (combined long and short term) of 0.1 percent or
so, and as poor as 1 percent of the nominal (center) oscillator frequency.
For an AM receiver and a small surveillance transmitter operating at,
say, 1500 kHz, this would be 1.5 kHz. Because the AM receiver has about
10 kHz of bandwidth, a transmitter drift of 1.5 kHz would at worst cause
a little audio distortion, depending on the exact shape of the receiver
bandwidth curve (i.e., sharp or broad response). This problem is not
serious and is easily corrected by a slight retuning of the receiver,
if this is possible. A poor transmitter oscillator with 10 or 15 kHz
of drift would be a nuisance, but the signal would still be easily found
because at worst it would have moved up or down one channel, as long
as the channel it drifted into was unoccupied by a strong station.
If the transmitter was operating at, say, 150 MHz, however, this would
be another story. The transmitter now may have moved as much as 150 kHz
or even 1.5 MHz with a poor design. The signal would now be much harder
to find initially, and once found, it may keep wandering around, making
it difficult to keep the receiver tuned to it. This would be a pretty
bad situation when a recording is being made or in any other situation
in which signal interruption is not allowable. In this case, crystal
control of the transmitter frequency would be mandatory.
The better free-running LC oscillators can achieve about 0.01 percent
short-term stability (i.e., 1 part in 10000). This stability is adequate
for standard AM and short wave broadcast reception over the 150 kHz to
30 MHz range. This was also typical of the AM ham receivers, transmitters,
and variable-frequency oscillators (VFOs) built in the 1950s and early
1960s, but it proved to be inadequate for serious continuous wave (CW)
and SSB work. With careful design and choice of components, voltage
and temperature compensation, and rigid mechanical design with temperature
compensated corrected materials, somewhat better than 1 part in 100,000
(0.001 percent) can be achieved. This feat of engineering is not often
achieved, though, and is almost impossible in any type of transmitter
we will be working with. Good amateur radio VFO designs for SSB use achieve,
after a warmup period, 100 Hz short term stability at frequencies typically
in the 5-MHz range. This is a stability of .002 percent. In modern ham
gear (post 1985), this stability is still not very good, especially when
digital frequency readouts to 10 Hz are commonly used and expected. A
mediocre crystal oscillator circuit, on the other hand, can easily perform
an order of magnitude better than this in the area of short-term stability.
In the previous example, to get a short-term stability of 1.5 kHz at
150 MHz, we would need 1 part in 10 million, or .0001 percent stability.
This goal is easily achieved with a crystal and a properly designed oscillator
circuit. Modern scanner receivers cover up to as high as 2000-2500 MHz,
and frequencies this high are increasingly being used for narrowband
work. Therefore, high-frequency stability is important. The use of PLL
techniques allows variable-frequency operation with one or sometimes
two fixed crystal oscillators. Therefore, free-running oscillators should
be used only in low-power transmitter work, where the occupied bandwidth
of the transmitted signal is 0.1 percent or more, and if some frequency
drift can be tolerated. These instances include garage door openers,
FM wireless mikes, and certain toy applications. A few projects and circuits
in this guide use this approach. Some representative oscillator circuits
that have application in low-power transmitters are shown in FIG. 1.
FIG. 1 Typical Oscillator Circuits for Low Power FM Transmitter Use
Amplifiers used for low-power transmitters may be either of IC or discrete
transistor construction. For most small low-power transmitter applications,
small-signal bipolar and FET discrete transistors of the appropriate
type, having Ft ratings of 3 to 10 times the operating frequency, are
adequate. Modern RF silicon NPN types come in both conventional plastic,
metal, and surface-mount packages, and even audio types sometimes have
Ft ratings of more than 100 MHz. We use the 2N3563 for many RF applications,
but many other types, such as the 2N918, 2N2857, 2N5179, and 2N2369,
are also usable. These types have been around for more than 20 years,
are widely available from the surplus market, are inexpensive, and have
been manufactured by several sources. Many other types are suitable,
but these are our personal favorites, not because they are necessarily
the best, but because of our long experience with them. For amplifiers
that must supply a little more power, the 2N3866 and 2N5109 are excellent,
and for UHF, the MRF559 X lead package is good for a half watt at 800
MHz, or the BFR96. In addition, higher-powered TO39 types, such as the
2N4427 and MRF630/SD1444, are good for more than 1 watt at 150 and 450
MHz, respectively, and are easy to work with, with no fragile beryllium
oxide pack age to worry about damaging.
RF power ICs (actually monolithic modules) that take all of the work
out of designing RF power amplifiers are available from several manufacturers.
They are flat assemblies that operate from popular supply voltages and
frequency ranges, and some have provisions for RF power output control,
which can be used for amplitude modulation. They normally must be mounted
on a heatsink; however, these modules generally are designed for specific
frequency ranges and power levels, and using them may tie you down to
a specific manufacturer. In case of failure, they are more expensive
to replace than a discrete RF device, and the manufacturer may discontinue
them, with no future availability of a replacement unit. They are useful,
but they have associated tradeoffs, both in design freedom and future
Today, RF transistors with 500-MHz Ft ratings are inexpensive, and ratings
of more than 5 GHz are common, with devices available to 25 GHz and higher.
Typical 3-5 GHz types in this category are the MRF901, BFR90, and the
NEC25139 dual gate FET. It does not pay to use a transistor with a much
higher frequency rating than you need, and this practice may actually
cause you trouble because of parasitic effects. It is common to have
a 5-GHz transistor generate spurious UHF signals because of stray inductances
and capacitances of common components intended for use at lower frequencies.
We had an amplifier that was intended for 220 MHz generate a 1-GHz signal
(1000MHz), with the 220-MHz tuned circuit having no effect whatever.
The collector-tuning capacitor had a resonance at 1 GHz, with the emitter
inductance and collector emitter capacitance of the transistor acting
as a feedback network at 1 GHz. This problem was cured by using chip
components for the capacitors, but without a spectrum analyzer, the problem
would not have been so easily spotted. A 500- or 1000-MHz transistor
(2N3563) did not exhibit this effect and worked fine.
Several IC devices are sold for RF amplifier use. The Motorola MC1350
is an 8 pin IC that works well up to 100 MHz. The MAR-1 (Mini Circuits
Corporation) is a monolithic microwave IC (MMIC) that works well if limited
output power is satisfactory, and is good to 2000 MHz with gains of around
8-17 dB, depending on frequency. The ERA series from the same company
works up to 8-10 GHz. These ICs use a 4-pin X package and a single 5-
to 12-volt supply, and are 50 ohms in and out, simplifying interfacing.
For the common 10- to 20-dB gain stage usually needed, however, ICs offer
little or no advantage and save very little. They are best used when
special requirements or very high RF gains are needed that are unavailable
from a single amplifier stage using discrete transistors, or when several
functions must be performed, such as in an FM receiver limiter-detector
or a multistage gain controlled IF system that must supply automatic
gain control (AGC) AFC, meter and squelch functions, and so forth. ICs
of this type often provide performance far superior to an equivalent
discrete component design, with much less circuitry, fewer adjustments,
and simpler setup and testing. They may also offer "deluxe" features
that are not easily supported by traditional discrete component designs,
such as logarithmic meter output for signal-strength monitoring, synchronous
AM detection, digital volume and tone controls, multi-standard operation
capability, and the opportunity for microcontroller interfacing.
Many RF devices in conventional TO92 plastic and X lead packages are
being phased out by their primary manufacturers because they are being
replaced with surface-mount types; however, other manufacturers are picking
up many of these discontinued types, so they will be available in the
future and can be obtained surplus.
There will always be a need for these devices for maintenance and replacement
purposes because they have become "industry standards." The
2N2222, 2N2905, and 2N3055 devices, for example, which date back to the
1960s but have been improved, are still useful in new designs and are
still popular for experimenters. In many regards, some transistors are
fairly "generic" because proper circuit design using feedback
techniques can cancel the effect of wide variations in parameters. With
10 or 20 well-chosen devices, you can do almost anything you want to.
A few representative RF amplifier circuits are shown in FIG. 2.
FIG. 2 Representative RF Amplifier Circuits
Frequency multipliers are basically nonlinear circuits that produce
harmonics of the operating frequency. A filter, which usually comprises
tuned circuits, picks out the desired harmonic and rejects the input
frequency and all other harmonics. Multipliers are normally used to double
or triple the input frequency, but higher orders of multiplication are
often performed. Multipliers may consist of discrete transistor amplifier
stages, Schottky (hot carrier) diodes, varactors, and snap diodes. In
low power transmitter work, the discrete transistor stage is often used.
The output net work is generally a double-tuned circuit tuned to twice
or three times the input frequency. This allows higher frequency output
from a lower-frequency oscillator and acts as a buffer to reduce interaction
of the load and oscillator stages.
A multiplier stage must be driven into nonlinearity to produce harmonics,
and the output power is often no more than the input power, and sometimes
less, especially when multiplications of 4 or 5 are performed. A multiplier
stage should be driven from a low-source impedance, both at the input
and output frequencies, for best performance. RF efficiency (the ratio
of RF out to DC power input) tends to be poor, with 20 percent for a
doubler and 5-10 percent for a tripler being typical. Some circuit approaches
use specific transistors that exhibit a collector "varactor effect," and
these circuits exhibit much better efficiency as frequency multipliers.
These circuits use idler-tuned circuits in the input networks and work
well when properly tuned, but they are prone to spurious outputs and
instability. A spectrum analyzer is necessary when working with these
circuits. In the case of multipliers that are strictly overdriven amplifiers,
however, the rest of the (unwanted) output is dissipated in the transistor
and output network loss resistances as heat.
In addition, the fundamental component appears in the output along with
unwanted harmonics and is, along with lower-order harmonics, usually
larger in amplitude than the desired harmonic output. The output network
must reject everything except the desired harmonic. Double-tuned circuits
are a must for doublers and triplers, with triple- or quadruple-tuned
circuits often needed for higher orders of multiplication. Therefore,
it may be better to use two doubler stages instead of one quadrupler.
The same transistors that are used for RF amplifiers can be used as multipliers,
and output frequencies approaching the Ft of the transistor can be produced
with reasonable efficiencies. You should not use frequency multipliers
to pro duce power outputs of more than 50 mW, and less than 20 mW is
even better, to reduce levels of unwanted harmonics. You should never
use the output stage of a transmitter as a frequency multiplier-as was
often done back in the vacuum tube days-because this is asking for problems
with spurious emissions. Representative multiplier circuits are shown
in FIG. 3.
FIG. 3 Representative Frequency Multiplier Circuits
A modulator, for our purposes, is a circuit used to superimpose information
on a carrier waveform. The amplitude of the carrier (usually, but not
necessarily, a sine wave) may be modulated with this modulating waveform
(AM or SSB), or the instantaneous frequency (frequency modulation, FM)
or phase (phase modulation, PM) of the carrier wave can be modulated
with it. Another possibility is that the carrier wave may be simply turned
on and off (pulse or CW). Combinations and variations of these methods
may be employed as well. The modulating waveform can be audio, video,
digital pulses, or combinations of these methods. In most low-power work,
audio is used, and video is used for TV transmissions.
Digital waveforms are used for control purposes or data transmission
and for digital audio and video. In addition, a hand-operated key switch
may be used to turn on and off the carrier to form Morse code characters,
the oldest form of digital communication, and the only digital communication
method readable by humans without special equipment. Morse code is one
of the best weak-signal communications modes in use, with performance
exceeded only by sophisticated digital techniques such as binary phase
shift keying (BPSK) requiring sophisticated equipment and phase coherent
transmitters and receivers operating at slow data rates.
Morse code still gives the best results for weak-signal long-distance
communication with low-power equipment. Amateurs have made two-way intercontinental
contacts with 100 mW or less power on the HF bands, between 2-30 MHz
unit cost of all modulation modes using Morse code (CW). Despite the
easing and elimination of the code requirements for a ham license, Morse
code is still often used and is popular, often getting through when all
else fails. The ability of Morse code to use 100 Hz receiver bandwidths
really helps because it allows signals 10-20 dB weaker than SSB voice
to be plainly audible. It is not and will never be obsolete, contrary
to what anyone says, until the day we humans are obsolete.
Modulators for AM are generally audio amplifiers that superimpose their
output on the DC supply to the output amplifier or another amplifier
in the transmitter signal path. The instantaneous voltage supplied to
the stage by the modulator deter mines the output of that stage. In many
cases, the DC supply to the RF stage is in series with the modulator
output. The modulator must provide a power output (audio or video) equal
to half of the DC input to the RF stage being modulated, for 100 percent modulation. For low-power transmitters, powers of at most a few
watts are needed, and simple transistor or IC audio amplifiers make good
audio AM modulators. Video modulators for conventional (AM) National
Television Standard Committee (NTSC) video need to handle bandwidths
of up to 4-5 MHz, and most audio ICs will not handle this high of a frequency,
so a discrete audio amplifier design using high-frequency transistors
must be used. Clamping circuits are also needed to ensure proper DC video-level
relationships because the sync pulse tips must always produce constant
maximum transmitter RF output levels, regardless of the rest of the video
waveform. In addition, support is needed to add a low-level audio subcarrier
(FM) at 4.5 MHz if audio transmission is needed.
Frequency modulation is generally accomplished with a varactor diode
connected to the frequency-determining elements of a low-power transmitter.
In addition to a varactor (also called varicap) diode, several other
approaches, such as a reactance modulator, are possible but are seldom
used in low-power transmitter work and therefore are not mentioned. The
varactor diode method cannot be beat for simplicity and reliability.
The audio, pulse, or video waveform is coupled to the varactor through
RF isolation components (RF chokes or high-value resistors). This setup
varies the instantaneous capacitance of the diode, causing the frequency
of the oscillator circuit to change in accordance with the modulating
signal. FM can be narrow band (deviation 15 kHz or less), such as commercial
two-way radio and 2-meter amateur FM or wideband (25 kHz or more), such
as in commercial FM audio broad casting.
The deviation is a measure of how much the carrier frequency varies
under modulation and must not be confused with the modulating frequency,
which determines how often the carrier frequency is varied as a result
of modulation. The ratio of the deviation to the modulation frequency
is called the modulation index and is often designated by the Greek letter
ß (beta). The values of ß vary instantaneously. In an FM stereo transmission
with a 1-kHz audio signal and a 75-kHz deviation, ß is 75.
Increasing the audio modulation to 15 kHz produces a ß of 5. The larger
the value of ß, the better signal-to-noise ratio that an FM system can
potentially produce compared to an equivalent AM system. This is called
the FM improvement factor, but it is only valid at signal levels over
a certain threshold, in which the carrier-to-noise ratio of the received
signal is 7-10 dB, depending on system design and other factors. Below
this level, AM is superior, but in practice, we make sure the received
signal is above threshold at all times, so FM is quieter and cleaner
sounding than AM, as any radio listener knows. FM modulation is also
used by satellite television broad cast services, for microwave video
links, and for some amateur TV work, especially in Europe, on the 23-cm
(1300 MHz) band and higher. Deviations of several MHz are used for video,
with carrier frequencies usually in the microwave range (more than 1000
SSB is basically AM with the carrier and one sideband removed, leaving
a signal whose makeup can be likened to an audio signal arithmetically
shifted to a much higher frequency. Most SSB work is done in the HF range,
with some in the VHF and UHF bands, mainly amateur and military. Because
the carrier is not transmitted, it must be reinserted at the receiver.
Either the lower sideband (LSB) or the upper sideband (USB) can be transmitted,
and it is possible to use both for two different audio channels (independent
sideband [ISB]). In addition, audio subcarriers can be used for even
more audio channels. The sidebands are RF just like the carrier and therefore
do not need the carrier to be transmitted. The carrier has two-thirds
of the total power of an AM signal with 100 percent modulation, and the
remaining one third is equally divided between the LSB and USB. Therefore,
each sideband has one-sixth the total power.
A 40-watt carrier AM signal has 10 watts in each sideband, and because
only one sideband is needed, a 10-watt SSB transmitter would be equally
effective as a 40 watt AM transmitter. The advantage gained here is 6
dB, and because only half the receiver bandwidth is needed, another two
times (3 dB) advantage is gained at the receiver, for a total of eight
times advantage. A 40-watt SSB transmitter would theoretically have an
eight times advantage (about 9 dB) over a 40-watt AM transmitter, and
is smaller because of the elimination of the required heavy AM modulator.
Therefore, SSB has largely replaced AM in HF communications work; however,
SSB poses some strict frequency stability requirements. To sound natural,
the carrier frequency must be reinserted within 50 Hz of the original,
with 10 Hz preferred. As the carrier frequency increases, this goal becomes
increasingly difficult to achieve, and the extra circuitry needed to
generate and receive SSB, together with special filters to remove the
unwanted sideband, limit audio quality and frequency response.
AM is still used for broadcasting where strong signals are normally
available and reasonable audio quality is important, and simple low-cost
receivers must be made available. AM is still used at VHF (118-136 MHz)
and UHF (225-400 MHz) for ground-to-air communications by the military
and commercial airlines and is universally used worldwide for this purpose.
It also avoids the FM "capture effect," where a somewhat strong
signal may completely suppress another signal that is only 6-10 dB weaker.
This situation would be undesirable in aviation communications because
a weaker emergency signal or a signal from an aircraft, say, 10-20 miles
out from the airport could be totally suppressed by a stronger signal
from an aircraft on downwind or final approach. The air traffic controller
(ATC) could be totally unaware of and miss a transmission from a large
jet airliner carrying a hundred or more passengers, or from another aircraft
in trouble. This situation could obviously result in a serious accident.
With AM, the ATC still hears that someone else is attempting to communicate,
even if the message is garbled or unreadable, and they can request another
transmission. This is a good reason to stay with AM. (SSB is covered
further in a later section because it is a rather complicated subject.)
Frequency Synthesizer (PLL) Circuits
Frequency synthesizer circuits are feedback servo loops in which a voltage
controlled oscillator (VCO) generates a signal whose frequency is locked
to a fixed reference signal (see FIG. 4). A signal sample from the VCO
feeds a frequency that is suitable for the frequency divider circuit,
which can be made to have a fixed or variable divide ratio (generally
called N) and is compared to a crystal oscillator in both frequency and
phase. This is done with a frequency and phase detector, whose output
can go in either a positive or negative direction. The output-a DC voltage
at lock-controls the VCO to achieve a steady-state detector output. Because
the divider can be made variable, the VCO frequency varies and equals
the reference frequency multiplied by N, which can have almost any value,
and frequency resolution equals the reference frequency. Therefore, if
the reference frequency is made 1 kHz, and the value of N is 10000, the
VCO will produce a 10-MHz signal. If N is increased to 10001, the VCO
output will be 10001 kHz.
FIG. 4 Basic PLL Frequency Synthesizer System
All of the divider and phase detector circuitry, and often the reference
oscillator circuitry, is contained in an LSI IC chip, and surprisingly
few components are needed to build a simple frequency synthesizer. Motorola
makes chips specifically designed for this purpose, some operating as
high as 2 GHz. The VCO design is critical to good performance. Because
this is a feedback loop, loop constants must be carefully chosen in the
same manner as any other feedback system. In order to achieve low-phase
noise, good spectral purity of output, and stable lockup with reasonable
settling times (the time it takes for the frequency to settle within
specified limits), some design decisions and compromises must be made.
The programming of the variable divider and the reference frequency
is generally done via digital logic lines going to the synthesizer chip.
Data may be in parallel for mat, such as in the Motorola MC145151-2,
which allows easy programming via logic levels that can be obtained from
manually set external switches or a microcontroller. Data may also be
in serial format, which vastly reduces the number of data lines to the
synthesizer chip to only three-a clock, data, and a chip enable line.
The Motorola MC145170-2 is an example of this kind of PLL synthesizer
chip. Although requiring a microcontroller to interface to it, this chip
results in a simple synthesizer with little circuitry. A microcontroller
such as an 8051 or 8751 type or a PIC chip such as the 16C84 or 16F84
can easily provide this functionality and still have plenty of room left
to manage the digital display generally used with a synthesizer and per
form other overhead tasks. The serial approach using a microcontroller
is therefore preferable, and most of the commercially available PLL synthesizer
chips seem to use this approach. It is also possible to generate the
required serial data in a PC and use its serial port to program the synthesizer,
allowing computer control of the synthesizer frequency of the receiver
or transmitter, while providing a display of frequency on the monitor
screen, assuming the appropriate software is installed. Cards with wideband
receivers covering 500 kHz to 1300 MHz are available for installation
in your PC and contain a synthesizer chip similar to the ones previously
A PLL chip may also be set up to act as a frequency multiplier, enabling
elimination of a discrete transistor multiplier chain. The Motorola MC13176
one-chip transmitter does just this, and allows a crystal at 1/32nd of
the desired output frequency to control a VCO operating in the VHF or
UHF band. If a transmitter at, say, 440 MHz is wanted, you can use a
crystal at 13.75 MHz, add a few components, and get a few milliwatts
at 440 MHz. An FM and an AM modulator is built in, allowing production
of a modulated signal that only needs to be amplified to a suitable level
for trans mission. The advantages of this chip are its small size, simple
operation, and low cost. The disadvantages are its susceptibility to
mechanical FM modulation of the VCO caused by physical disturbances of
sensitive components, low power output, and rapid obsolescence because
of discontinuance of the chip by the manufacturer. It is also a rather
small surface-mount device that some experimenters may find difficult
to use; however, it would make a good small transmitter with crystal
stability for surveillance work. This chip and many others that have
been introduced for use in wireless devices are nice to experiment with,
but we wonder if they will still be avail able several years from now.
These so-called solutions may become problems at some future date. We
would not stake our life on any of these chips or make any long-term
production commitments unless a second source becomes available. For
a unique experimenter project or a limited production throwaway item,
however, it makes sense to consider using these chips.
The subject of PLL synthesizers is an extensive one that could occupy
an entire guide by itself. Our intent here is merely to introduce them,
and further specific details must be left to the construction projects
in which they are used. A representative circuit is shown in FIG. 4.