---- William A. Verno, New Rochelle. Another compact installation with
McIntosh amplifiers and tuner. Turntables are Rek-O-kut RS4 and Dual 1019--both
with Shure V15 cartridges. Speakers are Bozak B-303A's and the headphones are
Koss Pro-4A's.

----- Leo F. Montague, Rochelle Park, N.J. Shows how a lot of equipment
can be housed in a very small space by using shelves and tension poles. On
the third shelf are two JBL "Athena" speakers and on the shelf below
are two Sony cassette tape recorders (one for business, one for the family).
Below them is a RCA Color TV set and a Marantz 18 stereo receiver and hanging
on the wall are 2 Koss ESP6 electrostatic earphones which are connected to
a Koss T10 control unit. Under the phones is a ReVox A77 tape recorder and
above the deck to the right is a Switchcraft 307 4channel mixer unit and right
next to it is a Nordmende 16band short-wave receiver. On the lower right shelf
is a Miracord 50H turntable with a Shure M91E cartridge and on the floor are
four microphones--2 Shure Unispheres and 2 Sony ECM22 FET condenser types.
The cabinet under the Marantz holds records and tapes, and more tapes are stored
inside the two hassocks. Mr. Montague now wants to know just where he can put
a transcription turntable, another tape deck and two more speakers!

---- Robert Desalvo, New York. Here is an unusual but very practical system.
The cabinet is made by A and O Custom Furniture of New York and the idea was
to combine the advantages of a studio-type control console with the looks and
finish of a fine piece of custom furniture. It is very heavily braced with
steel plates plus a slab of solid marble! The turntable on the left is a Fairchild
412 single-speed unit and the arm is a SME with an ADC1 cartridge. The right
hand turntable is a Fairchild 4speed unit fitted with a modified SME arm and
Weathers PS11K pickup system. The tape recorder is a Magnecord Professional
728 and the tuner is a Marantz 10B. A Marantz model 8 amplifier is used with
a model 7 preamp. The speaker system (not shown) is a James B. Lansing "Ranger

---- James Lehman, Kelly Music Store, Texas. James is an organ lover and
he was determined to build a system that could faithfully reproduce organ music.
Four University 15" woofers take care of the extreme bass (each side)
and they cross over at 150 Hz to a University C15W, then a Cobraflex horn,
an Altec 802D and two University H600's for the high frequencies. A Sony electronic
crossover is used and the amplifiers are two McIntosh 240's, a 275 and a C20
preamp. The turntable is a Thorens TB150 with a Shure V15 type II cartridge.
Two tape decks--a Sony 630D and an Ampex 350--complete the installation. The
dog is a Great Dane: rated output--probably +100dB)
(Audio magazine, Feb. 1970)
Also see:
The Listening Room (Apr. 1970)
Speaker Q's and A's Mainly for Beginners (Mar. 1972)
Q's and A's on Loudspeakers (Mar.
How to Choose a Loudspeaker
(Mar. 1970)
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