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With this new line of tuners and amplifiers, Pioneer presents many ingenious innovations in circuitry that are being used for the first time. However, this exclusiveness is only secondary. While each new circuit can be considered revolutionary by itself, what is even more important is that their combined capabilities achieve precision and performance heretofore unattainable. The Tuners: TX-9100, TX-8100, TX-7100 FM front end an engineering triumph: The height of sophistication, the TX-9100's stabilized, drift-free front end replaces printed circuit boards with completely metallized construction. The same used in high precision communications equipment. Employing three dual gate MOS-FET's and a buffer circuit in the local oscillator, there's exceptionally which gain with extremely low noise. Two tuned RF stages with a 5-gang variable tuning capacitor contribute to the highest selectivity (90dB) and astonishing FM sensitivity (1.5uV)
IF section--the epitome of advanced research: In the pursuit of excellence, significant new IF section Technology was developed. The result is optimum selectivity with minimum phase distortion, plus substantially better stability with four double tuned phase linear ceramic filters and four monolithic IC's in the IF section. 6-stage limiters The IF section includes 6-stage limiter circuits. Used in conjunction with differential amplifiers in monolithic IC's, noise interference is completely eliminated with a signal to noise ratio of 75dB. Exclusive Phase Lock Loop (PLL) IC circuitry in the TX-9100 multiplex section Developed and used for the first time by Pioneer, the Phase Lock Loop (PLL) circuit is actually an electronic servomechanism. It maintains continuous and precise phasing between the pilot signal and the subcarrier, supplying optimum channel separation. Completely drift free, no alignment is ever required. The PLL cannot be affected by humidity or temperature since there are no coils or capacitors to be detuned. This provides complete stability and reliability. New pulse noise suppressor in the TX-9100 operates with computer control This circuit operates automatically when it is switched on. It effectively blocks radiated noise from airplane and auto ignition systems, neon and traffic lights, etc. It does not interfere with frequency response and stereo separation. Whether the signal is weak or strong, this automatic 'brain' decides when the PNS gate circuit is to operate. Unique muting control A 2-position variable muting control uses electronic switching as well as reed relay switching. This eliminates interstation noise and the popping noise of tuning and detuning. Complete command with a wide variety of controls Whether it's for AM, FM or headset output levels, Pioneer provides greater operating precision with three independently operated output level controls. A headset may be used without a following power amplifier. Precision tuning is achieved with the aid of signal strength and tuning meters. AM section highlights IC's: The entire AM section, following the front end, is a unitized IC. A monolithic IC replaces 84 individual components plus a ceramic filter. By using a differential amp circuit and a balanced mixing circuit, there are better spurious characteristics and special AGC amplification. Great specs for great performance ======= ========
The Amplifiers: SA-9100, SA-8100, SA-7100 Two separate power supplies utilize 30,000 uF total capacitance: You read it right. The power supply in the SA-9100 uses a total capacitance of 30,000 uF. 15,000 uF each for the balanced positive and negative power supplies. This completely eclipses anything now available in integrated amplifiers. This super high capacitance results in an absolutely pure DC voltage supply. There's constant DC voltage regulation regardless of line voltage changes and signal input. Even at extremely low frequencies there's stable power output, excellent transient response and minimum distortion -- only 0.1% at any frequency between 20-20,000Hz for 60 watts output per channel. ==================== Critics Acclaim ...![]() ==================== These positive and negative power supplies provide absolute stability in all stages, even in the equalizer amp and proceeding to the control and power amps. Therefore, the signal lines become zero potential to completely eliminate the usual (and annoying) click noise of operating controls and switches. Stability is increased even further by the differential amplifier used in the first stages of the equalizer and control amplifiers (also the power amp.) 100% DC negative feedback supplies excellent stability and transient response; it also eliminates distortion. To further increase stabilization, special electronic regulator circuits are used. Transient response is also improved with a superb damping factor of 70. The unique equalizer amplifier: To make certain that extraneous signals do not interfere with the input signal, the equalizer amp is totally enclosed and sealed to shield it against leakage. There's also extra assurance of precision with special low noise metal film resistors and styrol capacitors. Both are manufactured under continuous computer control to highest laboratory test equipment tolerances:-±1% for resistors; ±2% for capacitors. Until now such precision has been unheard of in hi-fi equipment. Deviation from the ideal RIAA curve is only ±0.2dB. Since a direct-coupled SEPP complementary circuit is used in the equalizer amplifier, virtually any dynamic phono cartridge can be accommodated without overloading or distortion. For example, with 2.5 mV sensitivity, the overload at 1 KHz is an unbelievable 250mV, and 1200mV at 10KHz! The control amplifier: Twin stepped tone controls custom tailor your listening. Now you can make the most critical bass and treble adjustments with supreme ease. In fact, there are 5,929 tonal combinations to suit your listening room acoustics and to compare or compensate for component frequency response. On the SA-9100 and SA-8100 four tone controls (two for bass, two for treble) make 2dB (2.5dB with SA-8100) step adjustments for the entire audio spectrum. Working together with the tone controls is a buffer amplifier with 100% negative DC feedback. The main bass control governs ± 10 dB at 100 Hz; the sub-bass, ± 6dB at 50 Hz. The main treble control governs ±10 dB at 10KHz and the sub-treble, ± 6dB at 20 KHz. This, plus the tone defeat control (described in the next paragraph) makes the SA-9100 the most exciting-to-use amplifier that has ever powered any hi-fi system. New tone defeat switch Because of the extremely wide variety (5,929) of frequency adjustments made possible by the twin tone controls, the tone defeat switch adds extra flexibility. Adjusting the tone controls to your satisfaction, you can flip the tone defeat switch. Bass and treble responses instantly become flat. When it is switched off you return to the original tone control settings. The power amplifier To sustain the ultra sophistication of the equalizer and control amp sections, the power amp has a direct-coupled pure complementary SEPP circuit, double differential amplifiers and two constant current loads. The combined effect is the achievement of wide power frequency range and excellent transient response. 100% negative DC feedback is supplemented by 66dB dynamic negative feedback for minimum distortion and absolute stability. The pre and power amps can be used independently with a separation switch. Exclusive direct-coupling in all stages Until now direct-coupling has been used only with the power amplifier. Pioneer takes it a dramatic step further in the SA-9100 and SA-8100. Direct-coupling in all stages from the equalizer amp to the control amp to the power amp. More effective? Absolutely. It achieves the finest transient response, wider dynamic range, THD and IM distortion of only 0.04% (1 watt). It's an incredible achievement. Level set, volume and loudness contour controls adjust to listening preference. Three controls working together adjust to any degree of loudness. The level set control is the primary volume control. Its maximum loudness setting is 0 dB. Successive settings of-15dB and-30dB result in lower gain. Once the desired volume is obtained, the volume control is used for fine adjustments within the given range. While the loudness contour boosts bass and treble, it may also be used with the level set control. The more advanced the position of the level set control, the lower the effective range of the loudness contour. The original and positive speaker protector circuit Since the signal is fed directly to the speakers because of direct-coupling, an automatic electronic trigger relay system is incorporated into the power amplifier. This protects the speakers against damage from DC leakage which can also cause distortion. It also prevents short circuits in the power transistors. Maximum convenience for program source selection While there is a multiple function rotary switch for microphone, phono 2 and two auxiliaries, Pioneer has included an additional convenience. A separate flip type lever control for instant switching between the more widely used tuner and phono 1 and any other single program source. Incidentally, both switches are shielded to protect the input against undesirable extraneous signal pickups. Two-way tape duplicating and monitoring There are two separate flip type switches on the front panel of the SA-9100 for tape-to-tape duplicating and monitoring. Two tape decks can be connected for recording, playback and duplicating in either direction, with simultaneous monitoring. Level controls for phono 2, aux 2 In order to match the level of various inputs, individual level controls are provided for phono 2 and aux 2. Speaker B control--This special control helps in the use of two pairs of speaker systems of different efficiencies. There is no sacrifice of damping or distortion when switching from one pair to the other. Impedance selector for phono 2--An easy-to-use switch allows you to employ any phono cartridge input (25K, 50K, 100K ohms). Two-position high & low filters--The low filter switch on the SA-9100 and SA-8100 has subsonic (below 8Hz) and 30Hz positions. The high filter switch has 12KHz and 8KHz positions. This new lineup of Pioneer tuners and amplifiers is unquestionably the most advanced available today. Yet despite this overwhelming sophistication, they're sensibly priced. See your Pioneer dealer. He'll show you how this series of fine instruments can outperform any units in their price range. All prices include walnut cabinets. SA-9100-$449.95; SA-8100-$349.95; SA-7100-$249.95 TX-9100-$349.95; TX-8100-$249.95; TX-7100-$199.95 While not discussed here, Pioneer is also introducing the SA-5200 stereo amplifier and the TX-6200 stereo tuner for high quality hi-fi on a low budget. Only $139.95 each, with walnut cabinet. U.S. Pioneer Electronics Corp., 75 Oxford Drive, Moonachie, New Jersey 07074 West: 13300 S. Estrella, Los Angeles 90248 / Midwest: 1500 Greenleaf, Elk
Grove Village, Ill. 60007 (Source: Audio magazine, May. 1974 ) Also see: Pioneer electronics "State-of-the-Art" (Aug. 1981) Pioneer PL-510 turntable (May 1977) = = = = |
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