Drive System: Belt.
Motor Type: 24-pole synchronous, 300 rpm.
Speeds: 33 1/3 and 45 rpm.
Speed Accuracy: 0.1%.
Wow & Flutter: 0.05%.
Rumble: -75 dB, DIN weighted.
Dimensions: 17 1/2 in. W x 13 3/4 in. D x 5 1/2 in. H (445 mm x 349 mm
x 140 mm); height with lid open, 15 3/4 in. (400 mm).
Shipping Weight: 17.6 lbs. (8 kg), including arm.
Price: $425; $575 with Linn Basik arm.
Company Address: c/o Audiophile Systems, 8709 Castle Park Dr., Indianapolis,
Ind. 46256.

For years we heard most experts tell us that the loud speaker was the weakest
link in the sound reproduction chain. Other experts told us that the cartridge
was the most important element to consider when buying a system. When Ivor
Tiefenbrun of Linn Products Co. began to demonstrate that the seemingly
unobtrusive turntable could also color reproduced sound, most experts were
skeptical at first. He set up demonstrations and compared the Linn Sondek
LP-12 with other turntables of the day, and the coloration caused by these
turntables was apparent-but only be cause it was absent in the LP-12. I
think that Tiefenbrun can be credited with focusing, in recent years, more
attention on the turntable.

This data has been updated from that which appeared in Audio's original
Profile for the LP-12 (November 1983).
**Measured with the B & K 2010 test record, whose 3,150-Hz tone may
not be exact.
Accurate measurement not possible because of the turntable's low Q.
I am sure there are still many audio readers who wonder why such a fuss
is made about turntables. Even the editor of this magazine admitted to me
that he had been a bit skeptical about the relative emphasis to be assigned
to turntables, until a recent demonstration at which we both were present.
For Linn Products and Ivor Tiefenbrun in particular, it must have been
difficult to decide to bring out a turntable which would be lower in cost
than the LP-12. How could this be achieved? What could be done to make the
turntable less expensive without seriously compromising its quality? One
thing which helped to allow a lower cost turntable even to be considered
was the fact that the LP-12 has undergone a series of significant improvements
since its introduction.
Therefore, Linn set out to produce a turntable which provided a level of
performance at least equal to that of the original LP-12. Another goal was
that the new turntable should be" audibly better than other, competitively
priced turntables.
Thus the Axis was born. While many other companies appear to build turntables
for different price points, the price of the Axis was determined by the
cost necessary to produce a specified level of quality. Some insiders know
that Linn has aborted. at least a couple of times, the introduction of designs
which didn't quite meet their goals.
First Impressions
Whenever I receive an audio product to test, I form certain impressions
as I set it up and adjust it. Sometimes the high level of performance
of a product overcomes the negative feelings initially generated during
a difficult setup. Other times, the appearance of a product causes a positive
or negative prejudgment. In the case of the Linn Axis turntable, there were
some things which tended to make me think that it would provide a lower
level of performance than it actually did provide. After testing a number
of difficult-to-set-up turntables which provided excellent performance,
setting up the Linn Axis was so easy that I naturally thought, "How
can a turntable that is this easy to set up be capable of great performance?" The
simple styling and light weight also contributed to this false impression.
The Axis weighs only about 17V pounds with the arm, detachable line cord,
and phono cable included. I always attempt to keep an open mind when I evaluate
any product, but the fact that I rely on the aural judgments of a listening
panel helps considerably. In the case of the Axis, it was invaluable.
Because of its similarities to the Sondek LP-12 turntable, which was evaluated
in the November 1983 issue of Audio, it seemed logical to me that I should
compare the Axis to it, looking at each major part one by one. The spindle
and its associated thrust-plate bearing have always been considered by Linn
to be the principal feature of any turntable, and they have lavished attention
on these parts, machining and polishing them to a degree never even considered
by most turntable manufacturers. Rather than go into detail here about the
specific operations, I will say only that I have never seen anything comparable-except
in the aerospace industry.

Fig. 1 -Computer plot of wow-and-flutter spectrum, from 0 to 100 Hz. The
major output at 0.56 Hz is related to the rotational

Fig. 2-Speed drift over 42-S period.
 Fig. 3-Speed stability referenced to 3,150-Hz test tone on B & K 2010
test record. The tone may be a bit high (see text); speed stability is
The spindle on the Axis turntable is less complicated than that of the
LP-12, but the tip and the sides, which rotate against the thrust plate
and well bearings, are machined and polished to the same degree of perfection.
Linn engineers have found a way to eliminate some of the 14 steps necessary
in manufacturing the LP-12 spindle, by simplifying the way the Axis spindle
is attached to the turntable platter. Both spindles are made from hardened
steel. Rather than using a separate ball bearing, as some other turntables
do, they are machined to a conical shape with a precision radius at the
end. The advantage of this technique is that instead of having a flat spindle
bottom rotating on a ball which then rotates against a flat thrust plate,
only the tip of the spindle rotates on the thrust plate. This means that
the spindle tip must be perfectly centered so that it does a perfect pirouette
on the thrust plate, rather than engraving a circle. The thrust plate, also
made of hardened steel, is lapped and polished to a mirror finish. Such
precision ensures that rotationally related vibration, which would color
the reproduced sound, is reduced to an insignificant level.
The two-piece platter of the Axis is aluminum rather than the more costly
Mazak alloy used on the LP-12. Both parts of the Axis platter are gravity
cast and then machined, as is the LP-12 platter. The outer platter, 11
3/4 inches in diameter, rests upon an inner platter which is 6 3/8 inches
in diameter.
Both are covered by a felt record mat. The precision-ground, 3/16-inch-wide,
flat neoprene drive belt is looped around the inner platter and an aluminum
pulley which is mounted on the motor. The motor, a 24-pole a.c. type made
to order by Philips, runs at 300 rpm. This allows Linn to machine a large-diameter
pulley and press-fit it to the motor shaft. The motor's 300-rpm speed is
equivalent to 5 Hz; this low frequency, which is below the useful audio
range, is much easier to filter out than the 30-Hz vibration which is produced
by a four-pole a.c. motor running at 1,800 rpm.
While the main platform of the LP-12 is stainless steel with a separate
wood mounting board for the tonearm, the Axis uses a high-density, 1/2-inch-thick
fiberboard material which has a laminate veneer on both sides to eliminate
any tendency to warp. This base is less expensive to produce than the LP-12's,
and probably does change the character of the reproduced sound; the question
is whether the change is acceptable as a trade-off to achieve a lower cost.
The visible side of the platform is dark gray laminate.
The turntable base, made of particleboard with a vinyl laminate veneer,
is constructed using V-groove, fold-up techniques. The vinyl veneer is black
with a wood-grain pattern. This base is obviously less expensive than the
selected hardwood base of the LP-12.
Rather than employing the usual springs-with-damping type of suspension
system, the Linn Axis uses three silicone-rubber mounts which act as springs
with inherent damping. These are custom designed and molded and I have never
seen anything like them on any other turntable.
Each is cleverly designed as one long part, and together they act as the
suspension of the turntable/tonearm platform and as feet for the base.
Each mount consists of two thick walled rubber tubes, connected by a
thin rubber diaphragm, all parts of a single molding. The large, tubular
bottom section has a 2 3/4-inch outer diameter and a 2-inch inner diameter,
and projects 1/2 inch below the base to form the foot. This section is crowned
by a molded-on metal flange ring, which is held to the base by four screws.
The large tube is closed at the top by the molded-in diaphragm, to which
the smaller tube, with an outer diameter of 1 1/8 inches, is joined.
This tube, which is about 1% inches high, supports the platform on which
the arm and platter are mounted. The rubber diaphragm allows for up-and-down
motion of this platform while limiting any tendency to rock or sway.
Rocking and swaying are further limited by a bolt that passes through the
upper tube, through a 3 1/2-inch-diameter washer below the platform, into
a captive nut.

Fig. 4-Rumble spectrum.
The output is extremely low, except for that which is caused by the arm
cartridge resonance.

Fig. 5 Output vs. time for mechanical shock applied to edge of a stationary
record, with stylus resting in groove.
The felt mat causes a very smooth decay.

Fig. 6-Spectrum of output caused by a series of mechanical impulses applied
to edge of stationary record, with stylus resting in groove.
By molding each foot/suspension part as one continuous piece of the same
material, three things are accomplished.
First, energy transmitted from the turntable/tonearm platform to the surface
upon which the turntable rests flows through the material with no change
in velocity, which could result in reflection of energy back to the platform.
Second, using one solid part reduces the chance for assembly errors and
possible misadjustment. Third, the parts and assembly-time costs are reduced
The tonearm mounts directly to the platform. The bottom of the base has
a hole and slot, in the shape of a keyhole, to allow the exit of the tonearm
phono leads. The turntable can be supplied without a tonearm or with the
Linn Basik LXV.
The unit that I tested had the Basik LVX tonearm and a Linn K9 moving-magnet
cartridge. The a.c. power cord is an IEC standard detachable type with a
separate three-pin plug; it is 2 meters (6/2 feet) long. It appears that
a simple wiring change on the circuit board will allow either 110- or 220-V
operation. I am not sure about the motor speed for 50- or 60-Hz operation,
but I assume the electronic circuitry provides for this.
The most obvious feature of the Axis-and the one which most clearly indicates
that Linn is not just out to make a "cheap" turntable-is the large,
11-fin heat-sink which projects 3/4 inch from the rear of the base. This
heat-sink is for the two Class-A amplifiers which are used to drive the
motor coils. Seeing this heat-sink makes an inquisitive person like myself
want to get inside the turntable to see what is going on. Well, I wasn't
disappointed; there is a large p.c. board with many parts, including seven
ICs and four transistors.
There are also four power transistors mounted on the heat-sink and connected
to the p.c. board. This circuitry is designed to provide clean a.c. power
to the motor and to allow both 33 1/3- and 45-rpm speeds. A unique feature
of the electronic circuitry is that it provides 110 V for starting and about
20 V for steady operation, thus reducing the hum and vibration produced
by the motor. Pressing the button on the left front of the base lights a
red LED and causes the turntable platter to rotate at 33 /3 rpm. Holding
the button down for 2 S causes a green LED to light and changes the speed
to 45 rpm.
The Axis is very light, as I mentioned before, so finding a place for it
will not be the problem it is for some of the heavyweight turntables I have
tested. A clearance of 16 inches between the shelf upon which the turntable
is placed and the shelf above is necessary to allow the lid to remain open
on its spring-loaded hinges. The shelf should be about 16 inches deep.
Measurements and Listening Tests
The listening panel auditioned the Linn Axis as compared to my reference
system, and their comments apply to that comparison, but I also had a chance
to hear the Axis alongside a recent version of the Sondek LP-12. The LP-12
has an advantage over the Axis in terms of musical clarity and articulation
of detail. In the Measured Data table, for comparison purposes, I have included
data for the LP-12 (based on my original 1983 measurements) along with the
data for the Axis. (As originally published, some of the LP-12 measurements
were in error; they have been corrected here.) I have always felt that the
raw data shown in the Figures is much more valuable than single numbers
for such things as wow and flutter and rumble. Comparing the graphs of the
original report with the graphs in this report can be useful, but I wish
I had been able to run tests on a recent Linn Sondek LP-12.
Figure 1 shows the wow-and-flutter spectrum in the range from 0 to 100
Hz when reproducing the 3,150-Hz tone on the B & K 2010 test record.
The system was calibrated so that a 1% modulation of the test signal produced
an output at the top of the scale. Each division represents 10 dB, so 10
dB down represents 0.316%, - 20 dB is 0.1%, and so on to the bottom, which
is -80 dB or 0.0001%. (Figure 1 of the LP-12 is calibrated to show 3% at
the top of the scale, so you will have to make a visual adjustment if you
compare it to Fig. 1 here.) The major output is at the rotational-speed
related frequency of 0.56 Hz, with some additional output in a broad range
around the tonearm/cartridge resonance, which was about 8.75 Hz. Piano recordings
seem to be the most revealing of wow and flutter, and the Axis elicited
no adverse comments by the listening panel when reproducing them.
Figure 2 shows the drift in speed over a 42-S interval with the Axis running
at 33 1/3 rpm. The cyclical speed variation is related to the rotational
speed of the turntable platter and is within ±0.18%. The overall drift
over the 42-S period shows a variation of only ±0.11%. This is better than
other, higher priced turntables that I have measured, but the jaggedness
means that the speed is not changing in a smooth manner. I don't think this
effect was discernible when the Axis was compared to the reference system,
since I found no comments by the listening panel which I could correlate
to it.
Figure 3 analyzes changes in speed in another way. The spectrum shown is
due to the frequency variation of the 3,150-Hz test tone, graphed with
a Nicolet 660-2D Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analyzer in zoom mode with
a window 80 Hz wide. The data was taken over 16 samples with the Axis running
at 33 1/3 rpm. The cursor was set at 3,158 Hz because either the Axis
is 0.254% fast or the tone on the B & K 2010 test record is not precisely
3,150 Hz.
Comparing this data with data on other turntables that I have tested, I
have to say that it shows excellent speed stability. This was an advantage
during the listening tests, when I would synchronize the reference turntable
with the Axis to allow simultaneous playing of copies of the same record
on both. The Axis stayed synchronized with the reference turntable over
the whole side of an LP. Very nice.
Figure 4 shows the rumble spectrum for the Axis; except for what is contributed
by the tonearm/cartridge resonance, the output is extremely low. If the
Q of the tonearm/cartridge resonance were lower, then the rumble would be
reduced considerably. In any case, the contribution to the total rumble
caused by the turntable is negligible. I am certain that this is due to
the precision polish of the shaft and its bearings, and the main bearing
and its thrust plate.
While other turntable manufacturers have implemented various methods of
removing internally reflected or delayed energy from records, Linn has continued
using a simple felt mat on the Sondek LP-12. The same felt mat is supplied
with the Axis. The output caused by a mechanical impact to the edge of a
stationary record (Fig. 5) shows a sharp rise with a smooth decay of energy.
The total time window is 2.05 S.
(For those of you comparing this with Fig. 6 of the LP-12 report, I noticed
that the caption on the latter says the time window is 0.205 S. This is
incorrect; it should say 2.05 S.) This curve for decay versus time is very
distinctive, and have seen it only when a felt mat is used. The only comments
made by listening panel members which I could correlate to the felt mat
were that certain instruments such as trumpet and violins were brighter,
and that individual piano notes during staccato passages were not as clearly
defined on the Axis as on the reference turntable.
Figure 6 shows the spectrum of the output caused by 16 mechanical impulses
like that of Fig. 5. The value of such a spectral analysis is in the fact
that peaks and dips can be seen even though the impulse in Fig. 5 might
not indicate that they are present. The energy which appears in the spectrum
between 11.25 and 28 kHz might be related to panel members' comments about
brightness in the sound. It should be emphasized that these comments were
made when comparing the sound with that produced using the reference turntable.
 Fig. 7 Output vs. time for mechanical shock applied to heavy platform on
which the turntable rested. Isolation was impressive.

Fig. 8-Spectrum (to 5 kHz) of the vibrations caused by mechanical shock
applied to platform supporting the turntable.

Fig. 9-Spectrum (to 100 Hz) of the vibrations from a 100 dB SPL acoustic
field at the surface of a record.
Stylus is resting in a groove near the middle of the record.
I was able to listen to a large number of recordings using the Axis over
long periods of time. I do this with all the turntables that I test to
check for "listening fatigue." The
Axis passed this test easily.
Figures 7 and 8 show the reaction of the Axis to a mechanical shock applied
to the heavy platform upon which the turntable rested. The isolation was
impressive, and remained so during numerous repetitions of this test.
Figure 9 shows the spectrum of the output generated by a slow sweep of
frequencies from 20 to 100 Hz, which produces an acoustical level of 100
dB SPL at the surface of a record on the turntable. I am not sure what produced
the sharp increase in output at 12.75 Hz, and I don't want to speculate.
There was nothing strange in the sound during any listening tests which
I could correlate with this 12.75-Hz output. The output at higher frequencies,
up to 100 Hz, is similar to that seen in other reports, and shows that the
Axis has good isolation from external sound fields.
Conclusions It is apparent that both Linn Products Co. and its U.S. distributor,
Audiophile Systems, are dedicated to the enjoyment of reproduced music via
records. I think the Axis is a very good turntable, especially when its
price is considered, and anyone thinking of purchasing a turntable should
audition it. In fact, if Audio had a "best buy" rating I would
vote that it be awarded to the Axis, because of its combination of high
performance and low cost.
--Edward M. Long
(adapted from Audio magazine, May 1987)
= = = =
Also see:
Linn Basik LVX Tonearm and K9 Cartridge
(Nov. 1987)
Linn Sondek LP12 Turntable (Nov. 1983)