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![]() You have a receiver. You have a turntable. You have your speakers. You think you have it made. Well, think again. Think about the cartridge, because your pick-up pan make or break the performance of your audio system. It's the part too many stereo beginners forget. That important fourth part where the music begins. You may not realize it, but your cartridge and its stylus has first contact with the music in the grooves of your records. But it doesn't just plod along round and round producing all that sound. It's actually vibrating along the sides of the grooves in an incredibly complex dance that represents all the music on the record. And all too quickly for your eye to see, but not for your ear to hear. Because if your cartridge is faulty, no amount of expensive equipment ... speakers, turntable or receiver ... will make up for the distortion it can produce. That's why you need a cartridge you can depend on. One that's the best your money can buy. Specifically, a Pickering: Because a Pickering cartridge has the superior ability to "move in the groove" ... from side to side and up and down without shattering the sound of your music ... on your records. Because a Pickering cartridge possesses low frequency tracking ability and high frequency tracing ability (which Pickering calls traceability) It picks up the highest highs and the lowest lows of musical tones to reveal the distinctive quality of each instrument. Because only a Pickering cartridge can be individually and easily suited to your music system. Each is rated with a Dynamic Coupling Factor which tells the dealer immediately what kind of turntable or separate arm the pick-up needs whether your system is stereo or discrete quad. Your stereo cartridge. It's the fourth part of your music system that's too important to forget. And so is a Pickering. Pickering & Co., Inc. Dept A, 101 Sunnyside Blvd. Plainview, N. Y. 11803, USA. PICKERING
(Audio magazine, Dec. 1975) Also see: Pickering XSV/3000 phono cartridge (Feb. 1979) Pickering phono cartridges (Oct. 1977) = = = = |
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