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AMAZON multi-meters discounts AMAZON oscilloscope discounts CONTENTS:SECTION 1 BASIC CONCEPTS OF REGULATED POWER SUPPLIES Current-Regulated Power Supplies-Output Resistance -- Regulated Supplies as Seen by the Load-Ripple-Components Employed for Regulation-Basic Types of Automatic Regulation-Some Considerations About the Rectifier Filter System SECTION 2 OPEN-Loop CIRCUITS USING VR TUBES General Considerations-Voltage Stabilization in Open Loop Circuits-The VR Tube and Its Applications SECTION 3 OPEN-Loop CIRCUITS USING ZENER DIODES Operating Voltages-Dynamic Impedance-Stabilization of Small Voltages-Temperature Coefficient-AC Regulation with Zener Diodes SECTION 4 THE CLOSED-Loop REGULATING CIRCUIT Shunt Voltage Regulators-Current Regulators-Error Signal Amplification-DC-Amplifier Problems-Oscillation Suppression SECTION 5 TYPICAL CLOSED-Loop REGULATED SUPPLIES Operation and Design-Remote Sensing of the Load-Positive Regulation-A Voltage Regulator Using Complementary Symmetry SECTION 6 SPECIAL TECHNIQUES IN CLOSED-Loop REGULATORS Chopper Stabilized Supplies-Converter-Type Voltage-Regulated Power Supply-Voltage Regulation with Silicon Controlled Rectifiers-DC Switching-Type Voltage Regulator-Overload Protection for Series Losser Regulators Appendix ![]() PREFACEPresent demands make it impractical to use power supplies merely capable of delivering nominal voltages and currents. Rather, the modern trend is toward the use of power supplies that provide a constant output despite variations in input voltage or load characteristics. The regulated power supply accurately establishes stable operating conditions, thus enhancing the performance of the equipment it powers. Unregulated supplies have a number of shortcomings which cannot be tolerated even in simple electronic systems, to say nothing of complex precision equipment. Although more common devices such as television receivers have often dispensed with such refinements, the higher quality performance obtained through their use would generally offset the additional cost of having a regulated power supply included. Since the trend is moving toward the use of regulated power supplies to improve the operation of various electronic devices and systems, the subject of regulation is of major interest to all technical personnel in electronics. Service technicians will encounter these regulated power supplies in numerous pieces of equipment which they are called on to repair. Engineers instinctively will include them in their basic design in order to comply with rigid performance specifications. Even radio amateurs are no longer satisfied with merely any type of communications. They want the stability that regulated power supplies can give to their equipment which include transmitters, receivers, modulators and VFO's. Precision measuring instruments and many other quality devices depend on the high degree of stability and increased life span which are obtained through the use of such supplies. Observation of a wide variety of equipments leads to the conclusion that an understanding of regulated power supplies is a necessary supplement to the knowledge of amplifiers, modulators, oscillators, and other functions that are elementary in applied electronics. It should be understood that the circuits included herein are primarily prototype designs accompanied by nominal component values. These values will provide guidance in the breadboard design of preliminary models. However, in the final design it may become necessary to depart from these values in order to comply with the specific voltage and current demands of the equipment. -IRVING M. GOTTLIEB ![]() 20333 DESIGN AND OPERATION OF REGULATED POWER SUPPLIES by Irving M. Gottlieb, P. E. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mr. Gottlieb has been writing articles and books on electronics for more than a decade, and his authoritative works have been read and used by hundreds of thousands of technicians, engineers, radio amateurs, hobbyists, and experimenters. He is a California-registered engineer, and holds a B.S.E.E. degree from the University of Southern California. Most of his endeavors have involved electronic circuit designs, primarily in the development of power supplies. In this guide he combines his own first-hand knowledge of regulated power supplies with that developed by others in the industry to provide an authoritative guide for anyone interested in the subject. Frequency Changers is another popular SAMS book by Mr. Gottlieb. Much of today's electronic equipment-precision measuring devices, electronic control systems, and VFO equipment, to name only a few, require precise voltage and current sources for proper operation. Such operation can be achieved only when the voltage and current output of the power supply remain relatively constant despite normal variations in line voltage and toad values. The regulated power supply is designed to meet this demand. In this guide the basic concepts of regulated power supplies are given, and the reasons why regulation is necessary are explained. Discussions also cover positive and negative regulation as well as how voltage regulator tubes, semiconductor diodes, and other components are used in various configurations, Open- and closed-loop regulators, as well as the series losser voltage regulators are thoroughly discussed, including their applications and theory of operation. Component values for the various types of circuits are also given, thereby providing the reader with all the data needed to build regulated power supplies to fit his needs. HOWARD W. SAMS & CO., INC. THE BOBBS-MERRILL CO., INC. $3.75 (In Canada $4.75) Also see: Using Scopes in Transistor Circuits (1968) USING YOUR METER: VOM and DVM Multitesters (Radio Shack, 1985)
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