Koss CM Loudspeaker (ad, 1978) (Feb. 1978)

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Introducing the Koss Theory of loudspeaker design and the three new Koss CM speaker systems that prove it.

Here for the first time is the culmination of a world wide search for the ultimate in loudspeaker design within the limitations of today's technology and within affordable price restrictions. Indeed it represents a breakthrough in loudspeaker technology of such significance that it heralds the second major revolution in loudspeaker design.

By utilizing a complex series of audio engineering formulas and the precise knowledge of computer science, Koss engineers are now able to derive and produce the optimum system parameters for any loudspeaker. The incredible result of this engineering achievement is the new Koss CM 1977 Koss Corp 1010, 1020, and 1030 loudspeaker systems. Each represents the ultimate speaker system available in its price range. And each represents a listening experience you'll have to hear to believe.

Ask your Audio Dealer to let you hear this new, incredibly beautiful, Sound of Koss and 'to show you how the Koss Theory of loudspeaker design has created a whole new generation of loudspeakers. And if you'd like to have our full-color brochure telling all about the Koss Theory, write for it, c/o Fred Forbes. Once you've heard these revolutionary new loudspeakers, we think you'll agree: hearing is believing.

KOSS CM LOUDSPEAKER SYSTEMS hearing is believing.

KOSS CORPORATION, 4129 N. Port Washington Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212 USA

Koss International/London, Dublin, Paris, Frankfurt Amsterdam

Koss Limited/Ontario Koss K.K./Tokyo


Also see:

Jensen Sound Laboratories

Synergistics -- Speakers

Technics by Panasonic

Source: Stereo Review (USA magazine)

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