RTR Industries -- Speakers (ad, 1978) (Feb. 1978)

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At last ... a flawless midrange built to take full power ... 300D 3-Way System


RTR resolves point-source radiation Originators of column loudspeakers in the United States, RTR has introduced the most meaningful statement of column design since 1970. The RTR 300D 3-Way Speaker System.

What makes the 300D immediately fresh, almost startling, is its "Resolved Point-Source Radiation Field" which projects a stable image regardless of frequency. Musical instruments are reproduced in a virtually stationary position- just as they were in live performance.

This positive move toward audio reality is the result of significant technological advancements in the design and positioning of each driver within the 3-way system. Primary is the new RTR soft dome midrange system- the first to successfully integrate smooth outstanding dynamic range and transient response. In consort with the two 10" woofers and solid state supertweeter, this milestone midrange reproduces music with the highest degree of audial integrity.

Packaged superbly in an acoustically transparent, Corinthian column and affordably priced. Audition the 300D at your RTR dealer.

RTR Industries

For dealer list, write: RTR, Dept. SR, 8116 Deering Ave.

Canoga Park, CA 91304 USA

Also see:

Jensen Sound Laboratories

Synergistics -- Speakers

Electro-Voice, Inc.

Source: Stereo Review (USA magazine)

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