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![]() How to make a STUNNING IMPROVEMENT in Your present SOUND SYSTEM for PRACTICALLY NOTHING! THE NEW Walco EXTENDED RANGE REPLACEMENT STYLUS INTRODUCING A NEW AUDIO COMPONENT Now there is a new audio component you can buy, to make a fantastic improvement in the phono cartridge you are now using. It's the Walco "ER" Extended Range Replacement Stylus assembly, designed to fit into your present cartridge just like the original. The dramatic difference is a reduction in tip mass--for the lowest tip mass of any stylus. What can you expect? A remarkable number of improvements that all add up to total better sound. Immediately you notice that records are clearer, purer, more listenable than ever before. The sound is more "open," and more effortless. There is less harshness, so you can listen longer without suffering from "distortion fatigue". Why The Walco "ER" Is Better Than Your Original Look at the illustration below. The one on the right is the Walco "ER" Replacement Stylus Assembly fitted into one of the most popular and most expensive cartridges you can buy. The center illustration is that same cartridge with its original stylus.
You don’t have to be an engineer to know that the one, on the right, is closer to the pure square wave: more accurate, less distorted, a noticeable improvement in reproduction. The difference is lower mass at the stylus tip. Any stereo or four-channel cartridge can be improved by reducing the effective mass at the tip. But until now the diamond tip had to be the size it is, so it could stick up through a hole in the cantilever (arm) where it is cemented in place: Walco Achieves An Engineering Breakthrough. But now Walco Electronics has perfected a way to reduce the size and mass of the diamond tip more than 32%! This technological breakthrough is available as a replacement stylus for top quality magnetic cartridges .... whether two or four-channel. In the new assembly method, a tiny, naked diamond at least 60% smaller than ever before-is bonded to the underside of the cantilever only. No mounting hole needs to be drilled, so a lighter and smaller arm can be used, for full compliance with greater strength. The net result is the lowest total tip mass of any stylus! The unique tip mounting method plus lower tip mass, also permits the center of gravity of motion, between stylus and fulcrum to be held closer to the centerline--extending high frequency response to an amazing 50,000 Hz! Channel separation (distance between up- per and lower curves in graph illustration) is greatly improved, and dramatically increased to 20 db even out to 40,000 Hz!
Walco "ER" response (solid line) 40- is flatter, more extended, has better separation than original stylus in KHz same cartridge! TESTED AND PROVEN -LEN FELDMAN REPOR, MAR. 77 "Walco has managed to come up with a line of re placement styli which not only can be purchased with out the user's fear of degraded cartridge performance but which can actually result in improved record reproduction." TYPICAL EXCERPTS--from among hundreds of endorsements received. "The results were quite surprising--Noticeably (by its absence) is less surface noise. A fuller type of response from both stereo and older mono discs. Together with evident reduced distortion." "I have used the WALCO "ER" styli in a number of fine cartridges to check our test pressings against our master tapes. The quality of your company's styli are audibly superior to the original manufacturer when they were brand new." "As a composer of classical music, my turntable gets very heavy use. The WALCO "ER" needle provides better high end response, transient response, and a more vivid image." "Again let me say I am delighted- your stylus performs better. Yes it outperforms the ADC-XLM-MK11 Cartridge, and I have had 2 of them complete with styli." A Stunning Advance in Sound Reproduction. You can only improve your present cartridge, no matter how good it is now, with the Walco "ER" Lowest Mass Stylus. It's guaranteed to fit perfectly, and you can install it easily as any replacement. It is warranted for two years. Yet it costs no more- and probably less- than a conventional elliptical replacement from the original manufacturer. Send for complete list of cartridges for which units are presently available. Or ask your dealer. The Walco "ER" Replacement Stylus is available from fine Audio and Record shops nationwide. Specific data regarding cartridges used in these tests, test records and other information, will be sent on request. WRITE TODAY FOR FREE BROCHURE. *Complete report on request. Walco ELECTRONICS DIV., WALCO-LINCK CORP., CLIFTON, NJ 07015 ( Audio magazine, Dec. 1977 ) Also see: Shure phono cartridges (Nov. 1978) Shure V15 Type IV phono cartridge (May 1978)
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