It’s funny how lossy audio ( e.g., MP3/AAC) has become a taboo
format in the audiophile community. Indeed, the Kickstarter campaign for the
much-touted Pono player was centered around the premise that audio enthusiasts
deserve better quality. But, as the 1993 review below for DCC recorder clearly
demonstrates, compressed audio is not new. Additionally, these DCC recorders
(and its compressed PASC format) were generously praised by heavyweight reviewers
like Len Fledman and (see below) and J. Gordon Holt. It’s not like these reviewers
were unfamiliar with high-quality audio (e.g., high-quality vinyl playback
and analog open-reel tapes were just as good in 1993).
[Below review adapted from Audio magazine “EQUIPMENT PROFILE”. Jan.
It’s been well over a year [ca. 1991] since Philips announced their development
of the Digital Compact Cassette (DCC) for mat. While that giant European company
was introducing two models of this newest type of digital tape recorder, Tandy
Corporation, best known for their thousands of Radio Shack retail out lets
(and a strong supporter of DCC since it was announced), beat Philips in bringing
the first DCC deck to market. As David Ranada and I explained in our feature
articles (in the September 1991 and February 1992 issues, respectively), the
DCC for mat utilizes a digital data-reduction technique known as PASC (Precision
Adaptive Sub-band Coding). Simply stated, PASC reduces data rate by a factor
of approximately 4 to 1, based on well-documented psychoacoustic principles.
In essence, the PASC system does not record data that humans would not hear
in any particular case. This technique makes it possible to digitally record
music signals on a cassette whose tape moves at the same slow speed as that
of the familiar analog audio cassette. Furthermore, since the tape-drive mechanism
is basically the same as that in analog cassette decks, all DCC decks are able
to play back analog cassettes, although they cannot record signals in an analog
Digital Cassette (DCC):
Frequency Response: 5 Hz to 20 kHz, ±0.5 dB.
S/N: Playback, 110 dBA; record/play, 95 dBA via digital input and 90 dBA via
analog inputs.
THD at 1 kHz: Playback or record! play via digital input, 0.0035%; record/play
via analog inputs, 0.005%.
IM Distortion: -80 dB at -4 dB recorded level.
Channel Separation: Playback or re cord/play via digital input, 85 dB; record/play
via analog inputs, 60 dB.
Analog Cassette:
Frequency Response, ± 3 dB: Type I tape, 40 Hz to 16 kHz; Type II, 40 Hz to
17 kHz; Type IV, 40 Hz to 18 kHz.
S/N: Without noise reduction, 55 dBA; with Dolby B NR, 65 dB (CCIR-weighted);
with Dolby C NR, 75 dB (CCIR-weighted).
THD at 1 kHz: Maximum, 1%.
Channel Separation: Minimum, 45 dB at 1 kHz.
Wow and Flutter: 0.1% wtd rms.
General Specifications
Input Impedance: 47 kilohms, ± 10%.
Input Sensitivity: 600 mV, ± 1dB.
Line Output Impedance: Less than 1 kilo-ohm.
Line Output Level: DCC, 2 V rms; analog cassette, 700 mV rms.
Operating Temperature Range: 32° to 109° F (0° to 43° C).
Dimensions: 17/8 in. W X 5¼ in. H X 12¼ in. D (44.1cm X 13.3cm X 31.1 cm).
Weight: 14 lbs. (6.4 kg).
Price: $699.95.
Company Address: Radio Shack, 700 One Tandy Center, Fort Worth, Tex. 76102.
= = = =
The Optimus DCT-2000 (Tandy uses the “Optimus” label for its higher end audio
products) takes full advantage of just about all of the capabilities of the
DCC format. It permits you to connect a digital program source, such as a CD
player having a digital output (coaxial or optical), for direct single-generation
digital-to-digital dubbing. An ID cueing system lets you add ID markers to
a DCC tape for more control over tape playback, and an automatic search system
helps you quickly find the beginning of any track on a DCC tape. A time display
shows the elapsed time of an entire DCC tape or a single selection, in hours,
minutes, and seconds. Text display shows the album title, song title, and album
credits on prerecorded DCC tapes, if those tapes are encoded with such information.
Track programming lets you program the deck to play only selected tracks on
a DCC tape. Automatic reverse play lets you set the deck to play one or both
sides of a DCC tape or to play both sides continually, up to eight times. A
record mute function allows you to record a silent section on a DCC tape. And
besides playing stereo DCC tapes, the DCT-2000 can play prerecorded mono DCC
tapes, which reallocate the tape’s data space into four segments, doubling
the playing time (up to three hours) by using half as many channels.

Above: Large, two-page ad from Audio magazine, Jan. 1993.
For playing back analog cassettes, the DCT-2000 is equipped with Dolby B and
Dolby C noise-reduction circuitry. A re mote control lets you operate the deck’s
main functions from anywhere in your listening room. However, the remote does
not have number but tons, so you can’t access a given track of a DCC tape directly,
as you can on most CD or DAT machines. You must punch the controls for the
Automatic Search Music System (ASMS) the appropriate number of times to get
to a given track number. For example, if you are playing track 1 and want to
access track 7, you press the forward ASMS button (either on the front panel
or on the remote) six times. I noted that track access was no faster than what
we are accustomed to with analog cassette decks. Specifically, fast-winding
a 90-minute cassette from one end to the other took two minutes and six seconds!
===Control Layout===
The display at the upper left of the DCT-2000’s front panel provides all
sorts of information, including track number, time of cur rent selection, remaining
track time, remaining total time, and if you choose, an arbitrary numeric count.
Also shown are the type of tape being played (digital or analog), the direction
of tape travel, and whether a prerecorded DCC is a two-segment stereo or four-segment
mono recording. As mentioned, for prerecorded DCC tapes, text detailing the
name of the artist or the selection can be shown. The display also features
a bar-graph stereo level indicator, which is vital when you record via the
analog inputs, where “digital overload” might easily occur.
The tape compartment is in the center of the front panel. To its right are
a dozen transport controls: Six large buttons open and close the drawer, start
recording, and control “Pause, Play” and direction of tape travel; six smaller
keys handle auto reverse, record muting, fast forward and rewind, and for ward
and reverse track search.
The on/off switch and remote-control sensor are at the lower left, next to
a swing-down panel that discloses secondary controls. These include a three-position
input selector (Analog, Digital, and optical); a three-position “Dolby NR”
switch (off , B, and C) for playing analog tapes; buttons for enabling automatic
ID codes at the start of each selection; keys for writing and erasing start,
skip, and reverse ID codes, and a button for renumbering IDs. Other controls
here set the counter and display modes, the input balance, and recording level.
At the lower right corner of the front panel are a stereo headphone jack and
its level control.
The rear panel of the DCT-2000 has analog input and output jacks as well as
co axial and optical digital input and output terminals. The remote control
handles all functions of the 12 buttons on the upper right corner of the front
panel except for auto reverse and Open/Close. The remote also allows you to
select display and text modes.
In testing a DCC recorder for the first time, I was faced with many decisions.
Philips has pointed out that conventional single-tone measurements will not
properly depict the acoustic performance of a DCC machine; only subjective
listening tests will be meaningful, they have said. As an engineer devoted
to objective electronic measurement, I found this hard to accept. My aim was
to make some conventional measurements of the DCC deck’s performance and then
devise some additional tests that might show some of the deficiencies (if any)
of the PASC encoding system. In the future, as more studies are made of this
and other bit-rate reduction schemes, I hope to come up with additional objective
testing methods that will “separate the men from the boys” as far as both DCC
and MD (MiniDisc) products are concerned. For the moment, let’s take a look
at the results of the conventional measurements.

Fig. 1—Frequency response, for playback of Type 1(A) and Type 1 analog test
Fig. 2—THD + N vs. frequency for DCC record playback via analog inputs and
Fig. 3—Spectral distribution of tape noise for analog playback on Type I tape
and DCC record/play of “no-signal” digital input.

Fig. 4—Output vs. input linearity at 500 Hz, for playback only of pre-recorded
tape and for record/play.

Fig. 5—Spectrum analysis of 700-Hz sawtooth test signal at input to DCT-2000
(A) and from DCC playback (B); see text.
There turned out to be no point in showing frequency response curves for DCC
recordings made via the analog in puts. When I used single-frequency sweeps,
the curves were absolutely ruler flat from 20 Hz to 20 kHz—far flatter, in
fact, than the frequency response of most CD players. In an attempt to exercise
the PASC system more completely, I then tried wide-band white noise as a signal
source. The response was also essentially flat over the entire audio range,
but the curve was so full of fluctuations caused by random noise that it would
be misleading to show it. And it should be noted that all these tests were
run at maximum recording level; otherwise, the PASC psychoacoustic encoding
might have come into play to eliminate certain tones and frequencies during
the random-noise test.
Next I checked frequency response when the deck was playing back calibrated
analog cassettes supplied by BASF. These tapes have fixed tones extending from
31.5 Hz to 18 kHz. With a calibrated Type I tape, response is down about 3
dB at 18 kHz and, at 31.5 Hz, is down about 2.8 dB for the left channel and
2.5 dB for the right (Fig. 1A). Results are virtually the same with a calibrated
Type II analog tape (Fig. 1B).
Returning to the digital recording mode, I used the analog inputs to tape
signals from 20 Hz to 20 kHz at maximum (0-dB) level. During playback, I plotted
the DCT-2000’s THD + N as a function of frequency (Fig. 2). Over most of the
bass and midrange, the results hover around the 0,006% mark, increasing to
around 0.01% in the region near 10 kHz and decreasing above that frequency
to a level of 0.006% again at 20 kHz.
I recorded a "no-signal" track via the DCT-2000's coaxial digital
input and plotted the noise spectrum in playback (bottom curve, Fig. 3). Results
are far superior to anything I could have achieved with any analog tape recorder.
Measuring overall S/N with standard A-weighting, I came up with a figure of
90.34 dBA for the left channel and 90.03 dBA for the right channel, using the
same tape I had recorded via the analog inputs. Recording a “no-signal” condition
via the coaxial digital input resulted in a playback S/N ratio of just over
92 dBA.
By contrast, playing an analog cassette and using a reference level of 250
nWb/meter (upper curves in Fig. 3), I measured overall weighted S/N of approximately
57 dBA without noise reduction, 65 dBA with Dolby B NR, and 72 dB with Dolby
C NR. Both Dolby systems worked as expected, with Dolby B NR suppressing high-frequency
noise by about 10 dB and Dolby C NR extending its action down to somewhat lower
Figure 4 shows two tests of linearity. The “Playback” curve was made with
a test tape supplied by Philips that carries gradually decreasing levels of
a 1-kHz signal. This curve is reasonably linear down to around —80 dB, but
residual noise prevented me from getting a meaningful reading below that level.
On the other hand, a signal of decreasing level recorded (via the DCT 2000’s
coaxial digital input) and played back shows virtually perfect linearity down
past -100 dB.
For experiments with various signals designed to show the effects of the PASC
data-reduction system, I was advised by a correspondent that using a 700-Hz
saw tooth input signal might be worth trying. I therefore made a spectrum analysis
of the harmonics of such a waveform as applied to the DCT-2000’s analog inputs
(Fig. 5A). Note that both even and odd harmonics show up at gradually decreasing
amplitudes as higher and higher frequencies are plot ted. This sawtooth waveform
was then re corded onto a DCC tape and played back. A spectrum analysis of
the playback signal (Fig. 5B) reveals that the even harmonics, evident out
past 20 kHz for the input signal, are only present up to around 9 kHz when
the recording is played back. Clearly, the PASC system is “eliminating” the
higher order even harmonics, on the basis that such low-amplitude harmonics
should be inaudible, or masked, in the presence of the high-amplitude odd harmonics.
Also note in Fig. 5 that while odd-order harmonics of the input signal are
evident beyond 20 kHz when the input signal is analyzed, such odd-order harmonics
extend only to around 17.5 kHz in playback.
For my last bench test, I returned to the analog cassette mode to measure
wow and flutter of the deck’s drive mechanism. Of course, when playing either
prerecorded or home-recorded DCC tapes, wow and flutter is not a factor. However,
for analog cassettes, wow and flutter does need to be considered. For my DCT-2000
sample, wow and flutter hovered around 0.1% wtd. rms; the unweighted peak reading
was about 0.2%.
===Use and Listening Tests===
In addition to a supply of blank DCC tapes, I was armed with prerecorded cassettes
from such diverse labels as Arista, A&M, and London. One outstanding recording
I listened to was Mahler’s Symphony No. 1 ( London 425-718-5). The complete
absence of tape hiss when playing a tape is, in itself, remarkable, but I had
be come accustomed to that from DAT recorders. What impressed me most here
was the clean, distortion-free sound of the Cleveland Orchestra under the baton
of Christoph von Dohnányi, its music director. The symphony runs nearly 55
minutes, so the fourth movement played back in the reverse direction of the
tape. (As will be true in all DCC decks, tape reversal is automatic). Although
I have another version of this Mahler symphony, on a Denon CD, the two performances
are not identical so I saw little point in comparing the sound of the CD with
that of the DCC.
Subjectively, all of the recordings I had on hand sounded fine. I could detect
no audible anomalies caused by the PASC data-reduction system, but I had no
way to compare the DCC tapes with their CD equivalents. In earlier controlled
comparison tests of CDs versus DCCs, several of my colleagues and I were able
to detect minute differences in sound quality. Those differences, however,
did not lead any of us to express a preference for the CD over the DCC or vice
versa. All I could say during those tests was that I could detect very minor
differences when synchronized switching occurred.
Tandy is to be commended for bringing the Optimus DCT-2000 to market so quickly
and for executing its design so well. I must confess that the lack of “instant”
access to a given selection on a DCC tape bothered me a bit because I am so
used to the fast track access of DAT recorders, let along the even faster access
of CD players. I would repeat that this is only my first test report on this
new tape recording format. As I become more familiar with DCC and develop more
revealing test signals, I would hope that I will be able to explore this new
medium in even greater depth down the line.
-Leonard Feldman
Also see:
Marantz DD-92 DCC Recorder (Mar. 1993)
The ABCs of DCC (Jan. 1992)
A/B/Xing DCC (Apr. 1992)
Wikipedia on DCC |