Manufacturer’s Specifications
Frequency Response: Line inputs, 1 Hz to 500 kHz, +0, —3 dB; MM and MC phono
inputs, RIAA, 20 Hz to 20 kHz, ±0.2 dB.
Maximum Output: 10 V.
THD (New IHF Standard): 0.005%.
TIM Distortion: 0.0022%. Phono Input Sensitivity: MM, 0.5 mV; MC, +26 dB
setting, 0.025 mV; MC, +32 dB setting, 0.01 25 mV, all for 0.5-V output at
1 kHz.
Phono Input Overload: MM, 300 mV; MC, +26 dB setting, 15 mV; MC, +32 dB
setting, 7.5 mV.
S/N Ratio: 82 dB, A-weighted, for 5- mV signal at MM input.
High-Level Sensitivity: 31.5 mV. Phono Input Impedance: MM, 47 kilohms paralleled
by 150 pF; MC, 10/30/100 ohms, selectable.
Dimensions; 18-7/16 in. (468 mm) W x 6¾ in. (171 mm) H x 15-9/16 in. (396
mm) 0.
Weight: 39.8 lbs. (18.1 kg).
Price: $3,550.00. [1984]
Power Output: 300 watts rms per channel, 8 ohms. (For other ratings, see
Table 1.)
THD: 1 to 2 ohms, 0.02%; 4 to 16 ohms, 0.01%.
IM Distortion: 0.01% at rated out put.
Frequency Response: 0.5 Hz to 250 kHz, +0, -3 dB, for 1-watt output at
maximum level-control position.
S/N Ratio: 125 dB, A-weighted, with inputs shorted.
Damping Factor: Stereo, 300; mono, 150, both at 50 Hz into 8 ohms.
Input Impedance: Unbalanced, 20 kilohms; balanced, 600 ohms, switch-selectable.
Input Sensitivity: High-impedance setting, 2.0 V; low-impedance set ting,
1.0 V; bridged mono, high-impedance setting, 1.83 V; bridged mono, low-impedance
setting, 0.91V.
Dimensions: 18 in. (480 mm) W x 91/s in. (232 mm) H x 18¾ in. (476 mm) D.
Weight: 84.7 lbs. (38.5 kg).
Price: $3,550.00.[1984]
Company Address: c/o Madrigal Ltd., P.O. Box 781, Middletown, Conn. 06457.
Accuphase’s P-600 amplifier and C-280 preamplifier, the company’s flagships,
offer knockout cosmetics with high performance to exacting specifications.
Their designs do not follow the American high-end audio trend towards minimalistic
circuit topology and few user controls. Rather, these two products have an
unusual level of circuit complexity and control flexibility. No fewer than
11 power ratings are listed for the amplifier, including a rating of 450
watts per channel into a 1-ohm load! High performance is most certainly the
name of the game here—but not without a few quirks, which became evident
during our testing procedures.

Preamplifier Layout
The C-280 preamplifier comes in an imposing 39-pound chassis with a visually
stunning, persimmon-finished wood exterior. The wood has a glossy finish
and lovely grain with a unique reddish-black, ebony-mahogany color. Underneath
the wooden housing, aluminum sheet-metal panels form the sides, front, and
rear of the chassis. The front panel and hinged access door are gold-anodized
extrusions bolted to the chassis. Additional sheet-metal channels support
the two power transformers and a large motherboard. The assembly is quite
rigid, with good support for all heavy components, and service accessibility
is maintained. Self-tap ping screws are used, which could leave small metal
particles inside the chassis, although none were found.
At first glance, the four controls on the C-280’s faceplate make it resemble
a minimalist preamp design. The push-to-open subpanel door, however, drops
down to uncover switches for a.c. power, subsonic filter, and mono/stereo
mode. These are followed by selectors for moving-coil input impedance, tape
monitor, and tape-output defeat, as well as gain trimmers for each channel
and a two-position Compensator” (loudness) selector. When the subpanel is
closed, all that remains are two large rotary controls, for source selection
and volume, which bracket rotary switches labeled Head Amp” gain (“Off/MM,”
+26 dB” and “+ 32 dB”) and Attenuator” (full mute, attenuation “Off,” “—20
dB” and “—30 dB”). A central window above the subpanel has red LED status
displays for a.c. power, loudness compensation, high-pass filter, mono mode,
tape monitor, and record out. Tone controls have been eliminated, Accuphase’s
only concession to minimalism. The C-280’s rear panel features seven inputs
(two phono, three line, and two tape) and four outputs (two tape and two
main) with an additional XLR output jack, rated at 600 ohms impedance, for
each channel.
LEDs confirm the settings of all pushbutton switches, and a nonvolatile
(battery backup) logic circuit stores the set tings when the unit is off.
All controls, except for the volume and gain trimmers, activate relays. An
effective mute circuit operates for 1 S each time a selector is changed.
The detented controls, ticking relays, status indicators, and muting produce
a feeling of precision when operating the Accuphase C-280.
Internally, a total of 14 smaller circuit boards plug vertically into the
motherboard. This profusion of circuit boards provides the necessary surface
area to house the 225 transistors, 16 FETs, 33 ICs, and 167 diodes used in
the C- 280’s design. Many separate parts are used, as if complex IC op-amps
were being synthesized from discrete transistors on every p.c. board. One
of these boards, holding 21 reed relays, runs parallel to the rear panel
to control pro gram selection as close as possible to the input/output connectors.
Relays are sealed inside pressurized nitrogen- gas housings and utilize either
gold-plated or silver-palladium alloy contacts. Just behind the front panel
sits the relay- controlling logic board with its nickel-cadmium battery backup
system. In between these upright boards are six extruded aluminum-chimney
amplifier modules, each housing two small circuit boards. Small LEDs, used
as voltage- dropping diodes for setting bias, glow inside the boxes like
tube filaments. The C-280’s three gain stages—a pre-pre amplifier, phono
amp, and line amp for each channel—are assembled from these modules.
The C-280’s dual power supplies maintain this separation of function. Separate
transformers for each channel have three center-tapped windings feeding 24
rectifiers and 12 filter capacitors. This gives separate unregulated d.c.
lines for each of the six amplifier modules. Final d.c. regulation in this
unusually complex power supply is performed inside the amplifier modules.
Every element of the C-280’s construction is superb. Circuit boards are
glass-epoxy, 0.002- and 0.031-inch thick, with finished edges. Signal traces,
solder mask and component designations appear on both sides. Soldering quality
is excellent, and the extensive hand wiring is done with skill and care.
Low-loss, foam-core coax running between the C-280’s input relays and low-level
modules is soldered cleanly (foam’s low melting point has resulted in sloppy
wiring in other audio components). Some internal wiring ends in multi-pin
circuit-board connectors which are all gold plated. It is refreshing and
unusual to find high-end units having gold plating inside, rather than only
on the external connectors where the customer will see it.
Preamplifier Circuit Highlights
Each of the six modules in the C-280 employs a dual-differential input stage
which feeds a common-base, complementary push-pull Class-A output amplifier
in cascode connection. A d.c. servo-control IC is incorporated in each of
these amplifiers to allow the C-280 to be d.c-coupled, from moving-coil phono
input to main output, with negligible d.c. offset.
The line amplifiers are duplicated, with polarity inversion, to produce
balanced outputs, ostensibly to allow for low noise pickup over long cable
runs to the amplifier. While this could be useful in hostile environments,
Accuphase’s selection of a 600-ohm output impedance for the C-280 preamp
and the P-600’s 600-ohm input impedance (at their balanced XLR connectors)
is based on a Bell Laboratories/ Western Electric standard, developed in
the ‘30s, for use with telephone transmissions. Although present-day professional
audio equipment utilizes balanced lines, professional line outputs are designed
with much lower output impedance (on the order of 50 ohms) so they can drive
multiple amps without loading losses.
Amplifier Layout
The P-600’s great size and weight are very impressive; its 99-pound shipping
weight far exceeds current United Parcel Service limits. This power amp,
therefore, must be shipped by a freight service. The front panel is flanked
by massive handles and a rack-mount frame. A large window provides multicolored
status readouts: A large, digital peak- power display for each channel, running
from 0.001 to 999 watts; a set of blue display-hold-time indicators, and
LED status annunciators for each channel (‘Bridge Connection,” flashing power-display
“Reset Indicator,” and “Load Impedance”). The display is bright and, set
against the panel’s black background, is easily visible across a brightly
lit room.
Below the display window, the P-600 has large rotary knobs, styled like
the C-280’s, controlling “Input Level” to left and right channels in calibrated
steps from 0 to —30 dB (and then off). At panel center, large “On/Off” switches
for “Power” and “Speakers” flank two rows of small pushbuttons. The upper
row’s controls display “Hold Time” (“Off,” “3 Sec’ or “30 Mm”) and the “Subsonic”
filter (10 Hz, 12 dB/ octave). The lower row sets the range of the digital
display (x1, x0.1, x0.01, and x0.001).

Fig. 1—Partial schematic of P-600 amplification stages.
On the test bench, with more than 1,500 watts being dissipated, the P-600
amp was only slightly warm, and totally silent.
The back panel features selector switches for choosing stereo or bridged
mono operation, normal (2 to 16 ohm) or low-impedance (1 to 2 ohm) operation,
power-display impedance (to yield power readings based on 2-, 4-, 8-, or
16- ohm loads), and balanced (600-ohm) or unbalanced inputs. The unit’s nonstandard
binding posts will not accept dual or single banana-plug speaker-cable terminations.
(Unfortunately, these posts also eliminated using the very convenient Monster
Cable locking speaker connectors favored by co-author Greenhill.) A circuit
breaker, switched and unswitched a.c. outlets, RCA phono and XLR input jacks,
and a non-detachable a.c. line cord with a two-pronged plug— somewhat undersized
for a high-current amplifier (30 amps/channel)—make up the remainder of the
back panel.
Like the C-280, the P-600 chassis achieves its strength and accessibility
from a complex sheet-metal structure fastened together with self-tapping
screws. Mechanical construction quality is first-rate, but the use of self-tapping
screws in an expensive amplifier with many heavy parts seems out of place.
Externally, the P-600 has a lightweight, gold-colored, extruded-aluminum
frame. This serves mainly to dress up the chassis and provides mounting points
for the removable sides, top and bottom. Internally, the expected massive
heat radiators for the 28 output transistors run vertically, parallel to
the side covers. From front to back, between the heat radiators, is a heavy
“U” section that carries the transformer and other heavy power-supply components.
Most amplifiers conduct heat from the output devices to the entire chassis
to radiate heat effectively. The P-600 exterior, however, always runs relatively
cool because it relies only on internal radiators and the air passing through
them via the liberally vented top and bottom covers. On the test bench, with
more than 1,500 watts being dissipated, the P-600 remained slightly warm
to the touch and totally quiet. (We have not yet found any fan-cooled amplifier
quiet enough for listening-room use.)
The main amplifier p.c. boards run vertically, parallel to the heat radiators.
Each channel’s 14 power transistors, two MOS-FET drivers, and thermal-sensing
diode are mounted to the heat radiators, with all leads attaching to the
top and bottom edges of the circuit boards. To replace a small part on the
board, half of these components would need to be removed for the board to
be swung away. Flat copper bus bars parallel the groups of seven transistor
collectors and emitter resistors. The power-supply and output lines are soldered
to the board but terminate in ordinary quarter-inch push-on connectors at
the chassis. Hot-running components are held above the board by insulating
spacers, although the P-600 amp has a few electrolytic capacitors (rated
at 85° C) placed only 1/32-inch away from hot-running emitter resistors.
Other capacitors in the P-600 were rated at an unusually high 105° C.
Several other circuit boards—for the metering, logic and power-supply regulation
functions—are seated near the front and rear panels. Two of these circuit
boards, positioned vertically just behind the front panel, handle the digital
power-meter system (using a 12-bit ND converter and a 4-bit microprocessor)
and logic control for switching of impedance ranges.
The P-600 has many pro” features, but it is rather expensive for most professional
applications and also fails to meet pro standards in other ways. For instance,
the ‘rack-mount” flanges cannot be used to mount the amplifier. Not only
does the manufacturer warn against this installation, but the mounting holes
are round, not oval or notched, as demanded by EIA rack specs. The front
plate is held to the chassis with four small self-tapping screws, and the
unit’s heavy toroidal transformer sits at the back of the chassis, not behind
the faceplate (where it could be best supported by rack mounting). The rack-mount
flanges are obviously a styling gimmick to evoke a “heavy-duty” image. Such
gimmicks are not necessary: The P-600 is a lavish home amplifier, and we
would prefer that it look like one.

Fig. 2—RIAA response of C-280 preamp for MC at +32 dB setting (top curve) and
MM (bottom), for 0.5-V out at tape output.

Fig. 3—Characteristics of preamp loudness and filter controls. From top
to bottom: Loudness compensation setting 2 (note treble and bass boost),
loudness setting 1 (bass boost only), flat response, and subsonic- filter
The P-600’s meters are beautiful to observe but are more entertaining than
helpful. For power-amplifier use, a clipping or distortion light—which this
amp lacks—is the single most valuable indicator. The meter peak-hold system
is annoying:
When it is switched on, the meter is reset to 0 every 3sec. or 30 minutes
(depending on the “Hold Time” selected), with only higher readings registering
between resets. If the 3-S period is chosen, the “Reset Indicator” LEDs flash
so frequently that they may be easily confused with clipping indicators,
even when the amplifier is not clipping. Given the peak-hold and reset action
of these meters, it might be better if each new peak reading started a new
3-S interval till reset, so one would always have time to read each update.
The 30-minute hold time (intended to show the peak cutting level on one side
of a record) does stop the flashing, but, with the meters storing the highest
peak in the past half hour, they effectively cease to function in real time.
The P-600’s digital power meters do not sense power (voltage times current)
but voltage alone. Their power calibrations are based on the assumption that
what is being driven is a 2-, 4-, 8- or 16-ohm resistive load, not the more
complex reactive loads of actual loudspeakers. The voltage is sensed before
the P-600’s output-isolation network, which slightly degrades meter accuracy
at high frequencies. The meters, though labeled “Peak Output Power,” are
not peak- power indicators, nor do they read the rms value of peaks. Instead,
they have a time response requiring approximately 6 mS of continuous sine
waves to achieve an accurate reading. This approximates the BBC or European
PPM (peak program meter) standard. For example, using single- cycle sine-wave
pulses, 200 Hz was the highest frequency the meters would measure accurately.
At 2 kHz, they read 70% of actual single sine-wave power, and at 20 kHz,
only 6% of actual power. They were found to be accurate to within 5%, not
outstanding for such an elaborate meter design.
Amplifier Circuit Highlights
The P-600 features a very rugged seven-parallel complementary bipolar push-pull
output stage, for a total complement of 28 output devices rated at 200 watts
of dissipation each. Figure 1 is a partial circuit diagram, in which 019
to 032 form the output stage of one channel.
Output-stage rail voltage levels are determined by a user settable impedance
range switch, backed up by an auto- switch circuit (not shown). Either switch
drops the d.c. rails from 82.5 to 44.5 V. This lower voltage limits high
power dissipation when driving 1-ohm loads. (The Apt 1 amplifier uses a similar
transformer-switching design to drive low- impedance loads.) A pair of small
relays adjacent to the transformer perform the actual switching. They are
tripped by a current-sensing circuit or the rear-panel switch. Bias current
on the output devices does not change when the amp is switched to the low-impedance
position, and we found no evidence of crossover notch distortion or any change
in subjective sound quality at the lower setting.

Fig. 4—-Response of preamp to 1-kHz square waves with inverse RIAA equalization
through MC input (+32 dB setting). From top to bottom: Generator output before
equalization, signal at preamp’s tape output with no input filtration, and
signal at tape output after 200 filtration of input signal (see text). (Scales:
Vertical, top trace, 1 V/cm; vertical, middle and bottom, 0.5 V/cm; horizontal,
0.25 mS/cm.)
A series of additional protection circuits, including VI limiting, cuts
drive to the output stage or disengages the massive speaker relays if d.c.
offset is detected. User resettable ac-line circuit breakers are employed
instead of fuses. Power-supply parts, as well as the owner’s household circuit
breakers, are protected by a turn-on inrush-current surge limiter circuit.
Resistors in series with the line limit turn-on current; when the filter
caps are nearly charged, relays short these resistors.

Fig. 5—Amplifier response to 400-mS burst of 20-kHz, at level just below
clipping, into 4-ohm load. Note shrinking power envelope as mutual conduction
begins, as well as horizontal lines (beginning at 25 mS) indicative of “sticking.”
(Scales: Vertical, 20 V/div.; horizontal, 50 mS/div.)
Fig. 6—Amplifier large signal response to 20 square wave, driving 8-ohm
load: Input signal (top) and P-600 output (bottom), 312 watts/ channel (Scales:
Vertical, top trace, 1 V/div.; vertical, bottom, 50 V/div.; horizontal, 10
The drive current requirements of such an output stage could reflect back
through bipolar drivers to adversely load the input differential amp. The
P-600’s power MOS-FET drivers neatly solve this problem, since these drivers
require practically no drive current themselves. They do demand high drive
voltages, however, and this is provided by a regulated extra-high-voltage
supply and a Darlington/cascode pre-driver stage, shown as 011 to 016 in
Fig. 1. A Darlington circuit is formed by 011 to 014, providing a high input
The dual-differential amplifier input circuit uses FET and bipolar transistors.
It is formed by the 01 to 02 differential-amp FETs, the 03 to 04 circuit,
and the 01a, 03, 02a and 04 cascode amplifier. Conventional signal negative
feed back is supplemented by a low-frequency servo amp” for d.c. stability.
A differential input is provided, with profession al XLR connectors, but
is off the mark with its low 600-ohm input impedance. A 10-kilohm input impedance
would have been more useful.
Preamplifier Measurements
All gain measurements were somewhat lower than those claimed by Accuphase,
perhaps signifying that the manufacturer measures the C-280’s voltage gain
from input to output without using the IHF-specified standard source impedance.
(For example, the C-280’s MC input gain measured 6 dB less than claimed,
because the preamp’s 100-ohm maximum input impedance loads the 100-ohm IHF
source by 6 dB.) Gain from phono in to main out, including the line amps,
ranged from +50 dB for moving-magnet phono to + 76 dB for moving coil (at
the + 32 dB MC setting). All measurements of output level, noise, and distortion
confirmed the high level of performance claimed by the manufacturer.
The C-280’s frequency response measurements are just as impressive. Deviation
from the true RIAA response was ±0.1 dB (our measurement resolution), 20
Hz to 20 kHz, for all phono inputs (Fig. 2). Although no tone control circuitry
is used in this Accuphase preamp, Fig. 3 shows the low- frequency boost provided
by loudness control position 1, the additional high-frequency boost from
position2, and the sharp skirt of the very effective 18 dB/octave subsonic
filter used to prevent rumble from reaching the rest of the system.
Phono overload for the MM inputs was a very high 350 mV. The MC input’s
overload points were lower, in proportion to the pre-preamplifier gain selected
(i.e., 35.0 and 17.5 mV for the +26 and +32 dB positions). This indicates
that, at 1 kHz, the pre-preamplifier has more headroom than the RIAA section
that follows, as it should.
At very high frequencies, where the RIAA feedback equalization reduces the
phono section’s gain, the unequalized pre-preamplifier section overloads
first. This condition is shown in Fig. 4. The top trace is the 1-kHz square-wave
generator’s output, which is fed through a precision inverse RIAA equalizer
to produce a signal (not shown) having very high positive and negative spikes.
This corresponds to the output of an ideal phono cartridge playing back an
ideal recorded square wave. Although the 1-kHz sine-wave out put of this
source is well within the headroom limit of the MC input at the +32 dB setting,
the narrow spikes from the equalized square wave overload the pre-preamplifier.
It does not recover for about 0.25 mS. When this distorted signal passes
through the RIAA stage, it emerges with a rounded edge, as shown in the middle
trace of Fig. 4.

- - -Table 1—P-600 amplifier power performance (output before clipping,
20 Hz to 20 kHz).
Amp automatically reset to low-impedance setting.; One channel driven at
a time, due to test bench’s 30-ampere power limit.
If the designers had restricted the bandwidth of the pre preamplifier to
200 kHz, the nearly perfect square wave shown at the bottom of Fig. 4 would
have resulted. Here, bandwidth limiting would produce a “faster” preamp,
bizarre as that may sound. Perhaps even a mistracking MC cartridge might
not produce sufficient high-frequency noise to overload this wideband pre-preamp,
but when combined with r.f. interference, audible distortion might result.
Possible engineering solutions include bandwidth-limiting the C- 280’s pre-preamp
stage or the use of a high-gain RIAA feedback circuit which would connect
directly to an MC cartridge without the intervening amplification stage.
The owner can opt for a transformer step-up, which has, in practice, no input-overload
Amplifier Measurements
The P coasted through the FTC’s one-hour, one-third- power preconditioning
at 8 and 4 ohms without thermalling out. The front panel became only slightly
warm because it is not thermally connected to the heat radiators.
Though this amplifier is rated at 300 watts per channel, the actual steady-state
power output easily exceeded the manufacturer’s specifications, as shown
in Table I. The power supply did not perform like an ideal voltage source
(allowing the amplifier to double its power output each time the load impedance
was halved), but the P-600 was still able to deliver large amounts of power
into low impedances. Accurate testing of this amplifier required the services
of a very substantial Variac to maintain line voltage at 120 V. For the 2-ohm
stereo and the 4-ohm bridged mono measurements, it was necessary to test
only one channel at a time, because our test bench setup could deliver only
30 amps continuous; the P-600 was still not taxed, but our power lines were!
Unlike the C-280 preamp, the P-600’s large signal output of 300 watts allowed
for distortion measurements far above the noise floor. Signal-to-noise ratio,
sensitivity, and maxi mum THD plus noise readings (20 Hz to 20 kHz) confirmed
the manufacturer’s specifications. The P-600 provided 27.8 dB of signal gain,
higher than the standard 26.0-dB gain found in most other power amps. As
shown in Table I, measured THD plus noise exceeded the ratings very slightly
during tests of the amp’s low-impedance operation. There, the P-600 showed
maximum THD + N ratings of 0.021% for 300 watts output into 2-ohm loads and
0.034% THD + N for 450 watts output into 1-ohm loads.
Small-signal, high-frequency response of the amplifier extended from 5 Hz
to 170 kHz for a 1 -dB roll-off with 8-ohm loads, down only 2.0 dB by 250
kHz, well within the specifications. The frequency response varied slightly
with the loads, the 1-watt high-frequency —3 dB down point being over 350
kHz into 8-ohm loads, 170 kHz for 4-ohm loads, 125 kHz for 2-ohm loads and
70 kHz for 1-ohm loads.
The P-600 amplifier proved stable with both inductive and capacitive loads,
with no reduction of maximum rated power when a 2- capacitor was connected
across the 8-ohm load in each channel. The 300-Hz clipping test showed excellent
performance: The amplitude of harmonics fell as their frequency went up,
and, in addition, there was little sign of line harmonics or line-frequency
modulation products.
On the other hand, there was at least one condition which could cause the
amplifier difficulty, as shown in Fig. 5. With a test signal consisting of
a 400-mS burst of 20-kHz sine waves, at a level just under clipping into
a 4-ohm load, the amplifier starts out with its power-supply capacitors fully
charged, and approximately 560 clean watts (500 rated) available. After about
25 mS, however, the capacitor charge diminishes, and clipping begins. This
puts the output stage in a state of mutual conduction, with the complementary
halves of the output section conducting current simultaneously, thus working
against one another and behaving like a partial short circuit across the
power supply. More power is then consumed, further aggravating the condition
(25 to 200 mS). Evidence of the struggle is seen in the decreasing clip level
and the horizontal “sticking” lines below the clip level. By 200 mS of the
tone burst, current draw from the power line rises from an initial value
of 11 amps to about 25 amps, and line voltage falls. If the tone is not cut
oft at 400 mS, the P-600 hums loudly and eventually switches automatically
to the low-impedance transformer- tap position.
When driven by 20-kHz sine waves with even slight clip ping, the P-600 shows
signs of “sticking” (an amplifier’s tendency to continue clipping after the
input signal has fallen back below the level which would normally make it
clip) and mutual conduction at the same time. In fact, this latter condition
limits the P-600’s high-frequency power bandwidth (—3 dB or half-power frequency)
to 100 kHz. Mutual conduction occurs at 2 S/cycle about 10% of the time during
clipping at 20 kHz. At the lower frequencies, more typically found in music,
it will happen less often. Many power amps with bipolar transistors have
this tendency. Although the condition could shorten output-transistor operational
life, the large output stage of the P-600 promises long, trouble-free life
in normal use.
Figure 6 shows the large-signal rise-time, which was measured at a very
fast 2.0 uS. The maximum slew rate was 50 V/uS (symmetrical). The measured
HF slew factor, when rating the amp at 300 watts into 8 ohms, was 5. Figure
6 illustrates the P-600’s square-wave response for a 20-kHz input signal
driving the amplifier to just below clipping. The leading edge shows a small
amount of overshoot, with a slight bit of rounding on the trailing edge.
Both are within 10% of the square wave’s period, indicating artifacts only
above 200 kHz—an excellent performance.
Use and Listening Tests
In operation, this combination of preamp and powerful amplifier is as docile
as a table radio. Thanks to elaborate relay circuitry, there is never a turn-on
or turn-off thump, no mechanical 60-Hz buzz from the three power transformers,
and no annoying noise from a cooling fan. Even the amp’s turn-on surge drawn
from the power line is minimized by a slow charge and relay shunt circuit,
so house lights do not flicker when the P-600 is clicked on.
The only difficulty in using the C-280/P-600 combination is finding a place
large enough to put it. Installation requires a large, well-supported area
for the two units, about 38 inches wide and 24 inches deep. This space must
also permit unrestricted airflow to the power amp, support the combined 124
pounds of weight, and allow the preamp’s beautifully finished cabinet to
be seen. After setup, these units proved to be unequaled attention getters,
looking powerful and expensive. The large controls, digital display (on the
amplifier), and clear markings invite knob-twiddling and button-pushing.
How do these Accuphase components sound? Their wide dynamic range made the
most memorable first impression. The greater-than-normal gain in both preamp
and amp intensify this effect, and also make the loudness compensation boost
the frequency extremes more than usual. The P 600’s power reserves allowed
co-author Clark to get clean, undistorted sound from his highly efficient
reference monitors even at 11 7-dB levels—louder than acoustic instruments
playing in a concert hall, though still not as loud as a real drum set playing
10 feet away. The great dynamic range of Compact Discs could also be appreciated.
With the P-600 driving Greenhill’s modified Dahlquist DQ-10s, nominally rated
at 4 ohms impedance, its meters jumped from 2 to 840 watts during the explosive
entrance of the firebird on the Telarc CD of Stravinsky’s the “Firebird:
Suite” (CD-80039). This sonic peak possessed a degree of transient speed
and dramatic attack not heard before. It was clean and undistorted, with
a striking vividness, vitality and power. Even small loudspeakers, rated
for less powerful amplifiers, came alive with so much available power. At
milliwatt levels, the amp/preamp’s resolution of detail at low volume was
outstanding, rendering the full resonances of Willie Nelson’s throaty tenor
on Columbia’s exceptional Compact Disc, Always on My Mind (CK37951).
The P-600 amplifier was run in a number of gain-matched open comparisons
with Greenhill’s reference amplifier. Both amps demonstrated excellent depth
of imaging and retrieval of instrumental resonance, as well as rendering
a rich, full bass at both ends of the power range. The P-600 showed a wider
and deeper sound-stage image and a slight boost in the warmth region.
The preamp was compared subjectively to Greenhill’s reference solid-state
preamplifier, which has a gain structure similar to the C-280’s but an MC
phono input load impedance higher than the C-280’s 100 ohms. Using the F-
600’s meters, the two preamps were gain-matched to a test record (played
using a Marovskis MIT-i MC cartridge). After lifting the MC pickup off a
record, both preamps were dead quiet. Sonically, the Accuphase proved to
be slightly brighter, less dynamic, and not as revealing of instrumental
resonances. The reference preamp also had slightly better depth of imaging.
Crossovers and other electronics could not be placed on or near the C-280’s
cabinet without audible hum in the MC phono mode.
In another system, one C-280 preamplifier and two P-600 amplifiers were
used, with an electronic crossover, to power separate sections of Apogee
ribbon speakers. The amps, set to their low-impedance positions, drove the
1 .5-ohm (nominally rated) midrange ribbons and bass panels without difficulty.
However, the Accuphase amplifiers and preamplifier sounded more detailed,
but brighter and harsher, than the Krell KMA-100 amps and Mark Levinson ML-6A
preamp normally used in that system.
The C-280 preamplifier and P-600 amplifier impress us as an unusually complex
but highly competent amplifier system. The large number of electrical parts
and the mutual conduction at clipping generate a few concerns about reliability,
but the superb quality of parts and cool operation should ensure long component
life. Overall, the Accuphase approach achieves high performance here through
brute- force design—many quality parts with close tolerances, circuit redundancy,
and extremely high power—rather than through engineering innovation. Accuphase’s
conservatism relies little on cleverness or high-tech treatment of signal
flow, circuit topology or individual parts. Overall testing revealed pre-preamp
overload in the C-280 and mutual conduction in the P-600, but superb performance
in all other bench tests.
The Accuphase P-600 and C-280 are true high-end audio components with stunning
cosmetics, stringent specifications, and hot performance. Of the two units,
the P-600 stands out. Sonically, it is an outstanding amplifier, capable
of exceptional definition at all power levels. What Accuphase has created
in the very powerful F-600 is the synthesis of microprocessor logic, extremely
high current circuitry, and audio at all levels in a single chassis. The
intermixed technologies are made to work together as if they were designed
with one goal in mind.
Laurence L. Greenhill and David L. Clark [AUDIO/Aug. 1984]
[adapted from
Audio magazine]
Also see: Accuphase G-18 Third-Octave
equalizer (Apr. 1989) |