Industrial Electronics (in the early 1960s)--Introduction and Contents


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Introduction (this page -- see below)

  1. Industrial Electronics--What is it? Where is it?
  2. Comparing Communications and Industrial
  3. Industrial Generators
  4. Preventing Interference
  5. Counting and Counters
  6. Counter Use and Maintenance
  7. Industrial Controls
  8. Static Control Systems
  9. The Nor System, Static Switches and Program Control
  10. Industrial Recorders
  11. Transducers and Industrial Electronics Applications
  12. Service Instruments and Practices


THE face of industry is changing because of the introduction of electronic devices, spurred by the demands of automation.

Electronic processes, controls, recording and measuring are beginning to find their way into all the likely places in industry, and into some not so likely.

Electronic measuring devices in industry are not new, nor are electronic processes. Some of them have been in use for decades, without being especially noticed. Only when they are applied to new situations where such equipment was not used before, is our attention focused upon them.

Even electronic control is not new in industry. For many years photoelectric controls, thyratron-welding controls of many kinds, rectifiers, oscillators and servo -amplifiers have played their part in the industrial scheme of things.

Never before has the demand for technicians familiar with these kinds of devices been as great; and this demand can be expected to grow steadily from now on, as an increasing number of machines and control devices replace the human element in industrial processes, calling in turn for even higher human intelligence, skill and experience to keep the complicated machinery working. For no matter how rapid, precise and untiring the new controls are, they are not infallible and, without proper supervision, considerable money could be lost in unexpected breakdowns.

The purpose of this volume is to familiarize the reader with some of the characteristics which industrial electronic devices have in common with other electronic and radio equipment, and with some of the special requirements unique to industrial equipment.

These characteristics must be familiar to the technician who intends to service such equipment.

It is impossible to cover all facets of industrial-electronics servicing in one volume adequately. The best we can hope to do is to provide the reader with an insight, a general understanding of the special problems to be met in this kind of service work, the nature of such service, the instruments and procedures used and the dangers to be avoided. Although reading this guide will not qualify the reader as an industrial service technician, at least it will give him an idea of what the field consists of so that he can determine for himself whether the servicing of industrial electronic equipment would provide him with a satisfying and lucrative career.


Many companies cooperated in supplying photographs. We acknowledge with thanks material supplied by:

  • Allied Radio Corp.
  • Beckman Div.
  • Berkley Inst.
  • Brown Instrument Div.
  • Eitel-McCullough, Inc.
  • Foxboro Co.
  • General Electric Co.
  • General Radio Co.
  • Gianinni Corp.
  • The Girdler Company Heath Co.
  • Hewlett-Packard Co.
  • Hickok Electrical Instrument Co.
  • Minneapolis-Honeywell Potter Aeronautical Corp.
  • Raytheon Corp.
  • Simpson Electric Co.
  • Sylvania Electric Products, Inc.
  • "Fetronix, Inc.
  • Triplet Electrical Instrument Co.
  • Ungar Electric Tool, Inc.
  • Westinghouse Electric Corp.

(Note: This guide based on the 1961 book, INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MADE EASY by Tom Jaski)


Also see: Electronic Probes (in the mid 1950s)

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