Radio & Electronics: Projects and Experiments -- Contents and Intro


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1. Medium-wave receiver

2. Audio-frequency amplifier

3. Medium-wave receiver using a ferrite-rod aerial

4. Electronic organ

5. Experiments with the NE555 timer

6. Metronome

7. What is a resistor?

8. Waves -- Part 1

9. Beat-frequency oscillator

10. What is a capacitor?

11. Waves -- Part 2

12. LED flasher

13. Waves -- Part 3

14. Choosing a switch

15. Aerial tuning unit for a receiver

16. 2m receiver preamplifier

17. Receiving aerials for amateur radio

18. The Colt 80m receiver -- Part 1

19. Crystal radio receiver

20. Varactor (or varicap) diode

21. Portable radio for medium waves

22. Colt 80m receiver -- Part 2

23. Transistor tester

24. Introduction to transmitters

25. Colt 80m receiver -- Part 3

26. Two-way Morse practice system

27. Colt 80m receiver -- Part 4

28. A simple crystal set

29. A crystal calibrator

30. A simple short-wave receiver -- Part 1

31. Fruit-powered medium-wave radio

32. Capacitance bridge

33. Short-wave receiver -- Part 2

34. Continuity tester

35. Charger for NiCad batteries

36. 80 meter crystal-controlled CW transmitter

37. Solar-powered MW radio

38. Receiver for the 7MHz amateur band

39. Diodes for protection

40. RF signal probe

41. RF changeover circuit

42. Low-light indicator

43. J-pole aerial for 50 MHz

44. Measuring light intensity -- the photometer

45. 70 cm Quad loop aerial

46. UHF field strength meter

47. Christmas tree LEDs

48. Audio signal injector

49. Standing waves

50. Standing-wave indicator for HF

51. Moisture meter

52. Simple aerials

53. Breadboard 80 cm CW transmitter

54. 7-element low-pass filter for transmitters

55. Radio-frequency mixing explained

56. voltage monitor for a 12V power supply

57. 1750Hz toneburst for repeater access

58. Circuit for flashing LEDs

59. Digital logic circuits

60. Resistive SWR indicator

61. Audio filter for CW

62. Electronic die

63. Absorption wavemeter

64. HF absorption wavemeter

65. Vertical aerial for 70 cm

66. UHF corner reflector aerial

67. A switched dummy load

68. Morse oscillator

69. Bipolar transistor tester

70. The 'Yearling' 20m receiver

71. Adding the 80 meter band to the Yearling receiver

72. How the Yearling works

73. A field strength meter

74. Preselector for a short-wave receiver

75. An audible continuity tester

76. Experimental 70 cm rhombic aerial

77. Water level alarm

78. Delta loop for 20 meters

79. Simple desk microphone

80. Morse oscillator

81. A simple 6m beam

82. Integrated circuit amplifier

83. A novice ATU

84. CW QRP transmitter for 80 meters

85. Audio booster for your hand-held

86. Grid dip oscillator

87. CW transmitter for 160 to 20 meters

88. Matching the end-fed random-wire aerial

Although we are surrounded by sophisticated computerized gadgets these days, there is still a fascination in putting together a few resistors, capacitors and the odd transistor to make a simple electronic circuit. It is really surprising how a handful of components can perform a useful function, and the satisfaction of having built it yourself is incalculable.

This guide aims to provide a wide variety of radio and electronic projects, from something that will take a few minutes to a more ambitious weekend's worth. Various construction techniques are described, the simplest requiring no more than a small screwdriver, the most complex involving printed circuit boards.

The projects were all chosen to be useful and straightforward, with the emphasis on practicality. In most cases the workings of the circuit are described, and the projects are backed up by small tutorials on the components and concepts employed. In the 21st century it may seem strange that few of the published circuits use integrated circuits (chips). This is intentional as it is much easier to understand how the circuit works when using discrete components.

Anyone engaging in this guide will find that it will lead to hours of enjoyment, some very useful and entertaining gadgets, and increased knowledge of how and why electronics circuits work, and a great sense of satisfaction. Beware, electronic construction is addictive!

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